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Annette Curtain

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Everything posted by Annette Curtain

  1. Well, he's got a pouch on him. So who's moaning then. ( rubs eyes ) :-$Nette.
  2. I'm VERY offended. ( cheeky buggers ) * swishes off * :-SA.
  3. katie1997 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- Weirdly, I hated > that Simon Hopkinson book that came out a few > years ago that 'everyone' was raving about (Roast > chicken and other stories. Loada pants.) > > I agree that there's a load of cr@p cookery > programmes too but you cannot diss the wonderful > Michel Roux jnr, oh no. > > PS Mick Mac - this is your best thread yet, thanks > ever so much. Oh, so bl**dy true... I hated that book, in fact i'm wearing it right now as a thong. *turns page* "OWCH" Nette::o
  4. Tarot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Paintballing is much more fun. > Too much meat is very bad for your arteries you > know. Archery's don't you mean ? Go on "pull the other one" ( takes a bow ) A.:)
  5. Yes, I can confirm Dion ( Celine ) is playing for Totten-Ham. ( Piano I believe ) (tu)A.
  6. Is this the same Celine Dion who speaks to Clementines/Tangerines ? (?)Nette.
  7. You don't have to book at Harvester. Give that a go. :-SNette.
  8. RosieH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ooh, what's the signed first edition? Nice. Nose to Tail. Fregus Henderson.1999 * flicks hair * :)Nette.
  9. No credits BUT a signed 1st edition. "still-warm blood of a freshly slaughtered pig" WOW I have a recipe for crispy pigs tails. ( not for " burnt water" though ) Nette;-)
  10. TheArtfulDogger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > i wish i had my camera to take a picture of him > then you too would see he wasn't slim Dogger. That's sh!t A.(td) ( obviously a one-off genius )
  11. RosieH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just counted. I have 32 (and I'm namechecked in > one of them, hurrah). But if anyone bought me the > Masterchef cookbook, I'd be cross. Oh heck. I've just counted 68 71 ( plus there are a few I haven't counted upstairs ) and not including Robert Carrier ( 1970's metal ) Cook box. Tamsin Day-Lewis kitchen bible is right up there ( where ever there is ) as is the W.i home skills "Preserves and preserving" c.1978 Is this turning into cookbook poker ? A.:-S ( not a masterchef in sight either :)))
  12. Ooooo actually mic mac, please list all of your cookbooks. We'll give you a "room 101" style, binner or winner vote. I personally hate the Heston Bumenthal "Family Food" book which I have. ( gift ) It takes 6 whole pages to make baked beans, I love beans but jesus.h.christ SIX pages. Oh & lastly, he's got hair on in the jolly o' family cooking together pictures, again plain wrong, wrong, wrong. Harrump...(6)Nette.
  13. We have a Ch' & a M' and a L' rule in this house. Hot spoon on the arm for either. ( No exceptions ) ::oA.
  14. RosieH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mick, three motherf***ing football threads on > here. I'm sure at least as many people enjoy > foodstuffs. > > Stupid football. Marvellous foodstuffs. Except > that grumpy old food programme last night that > kept showing champagne in a martini glass and is > therefore retarded. Also Rosie H , someone said S?millon instead of Sommelier ( freakin' pleb, you know HER ol' lemon face ) Which to some doesn't matter, though if one asked about "the-iff side rule" they'd rightly be met with snorts of derission. ( I too snorted, topped off with a lightly verbalised "huh" ) Anyway mic mac, re-gift that book, its shyte. (6)Nette.
  15. Rehab is so much quicker these days.
  16. Can I pick my nose ? ( no ) I'll have Totten-Ham ( feels the same ) instead then. A.:)-D
  17. Oh Mic Mac, you've outed yourself now ( as a lager/stout swilling oaf ) Back to school, this practice is eons old. 3/10 (td)A.
  18. When you pull down a ceiling in an old house, the dark grey dust contains dead skin cells from all that have lived there before. Ready to be inhaled. ( Mmmmmmm nice ) ::oA.
  19. Yes Dogger, second verse please. Actually, it's near perfect already. (tu)A.
  20. He's been kidnapped, the ransom money is to be collected by a "cleaner" Await instructions.
  21. Ah haaaa That is funny. :))A.
  22. Tarot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- but is it true that Time > team may be in the locality soon . > Or is that a rumour. But it is good old tradition kept alive I give you Tarot, the EDF's very own Yoda. :)A.
  23. This is me in my "Beanie" hat ! http://cache.bordom.net/server/?type=image&size=full&id=aHR0cDovL2Nkbi5ob2x5dGFjby5jb20vd3d3L3NpdGVzL2RlZmF1bHQvZmlsZXMvcGhvdG8vYmYvMTI0MjYvQmVhbi1Qb3JuLUh1Z2UtU291dGhfNTAweDUwMC5qcGc%3D :)A.
  24. http://www.heinz.com/media/ourfoods/products/beans/inset2.jpg Nuff said, now get some of these inside you. :)A.
  25. http://www.heinz.com/media/ourfoods/products/beans/inset2.jpg A vision sheer of beauty. ( god I'm sooooo hungry now ) Mmmmmmmmm (tu)A.
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