maxxi Does the shop sell a holster to go with that gun ? I developed the "mist of death" method after the "flick" method caused too much collateral damage. One very precious bone china Charles & Diana mug (complete with gilt rim) was propelled from the work surface whilst trying to purge said invaders. It wasn't a pleasant sight seeing the happy couple in pieces on the floor The beauty of the "mist of death" is that you actually encourage the fly to fly itself to near exhaustion, adding another, then another layer of water to its flagging body in each misty fly by The creature usually ends up perched on a window frame, desperately trying to dry off. It's at this stage you can choose your method of execution I prefer a blast of Mr Muscle or even a squirt of Fairy. However, if you like the sound of a fly being crushed, then a crumpled tissue is quite effective In all it's quite empowering to know that each time i'm buzz bombed by one, that I can assassinate it with my foolproof "mist of death" method, if I so wish.