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Annette Curtain

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Everything posted by Annette Curtain

  1. Funnily I HATE flies but LIKE flying ants Not forever like, but i'm quite fascinated by the way they morph
  2. maxxi Does the shop sell a holster to go with that gun ? I developed the "mist of death" method after the "flick" method caused too much collateral damage. One very precious bone china Charles & Diana mug (complete with gilt rim) was propelled from the work surface whilst trying to purge said invaders. It wasn't a pleasant sight seeing the happy couple in pieces on the floor The beauty of the "mist of death" is that you actually encourage the fly to fly itself to near exhaustion, adding another, then another layer of water to its flagging body in each misty fly by The creature usually ends up perched on a window frame, desperately trying to dry off. It's at this stage you can choose your method of execution I prefer a blast of Mr Muscle or even a squirt of Fairy. However, if you like the sound of a fly being crushed, then a crumpled tissue is quite effective In all it's quite empowering to know that each time i'm buzz bombed by one, that I can assassinate it with my foolproof "mist of death" method, if I so wish.
  3. I like the Summer weather But I HATE the Fekkin Flies Of course everything is kept spic and span in the Curtain kitchen, but still they come in and buzz me and the windows. Though i'm not keen on inhaling Fly Spray whilst attempting to ELIMINATE each and every one of the pesky things in my house. However, they are hard to catch and kill. But if you have a plant mister to hand, then a few sprays of water in the air as they pass makes them wet, which in turn slows them down considerably. THEN YOU CAN KILL THEM TO DEATH-DEATH-DEATH AT YOUR LEISURE http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbmlstkUQYeXO_DI3dtlGi7G9oUkrukgsIK7pxYjM7kXcu97HC
  4. There's this corker http://bbbqs.com/Forum/ Really it's greeeeeaaaat ! http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae63/BritishBBQSociety/PitMasters%20July%20Accumulator%202011/IMG_2080_640x427.jpg Pleased to meet ya !
  5. My charcoal consumption has escalated
  6. Cheers David A Indeed that's the place See, EDF at it's best ! Much love
  7. I'm trying to find a yard that reclaims building materials It's somewhere in Nunhead, but can I find it ? No, tho i'm sure someone on here knows Your help would be appreciated
  8. malumbu Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I got the CEO and somebody else high up from > Googling. There is some good stuff on line, > I'll report back. You are internet GOLD
  9. malumbu Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You are not even vaguely funny. Go get a life > will you. 10 Or a Zagat's 30 Lovin life btw Edited to add Zagat's score
  10. *taps nose* Has anyone here actually queued at WR There is a way to shop there and not que
  11. Sadly it will probably die Be brave and get it out of the garden, sooner rather than later
  12. Maybe the guy from lordship lane carpets could help
  13. RC geekery Kinda scary but fun eh ! http://www.openideo.com/open/amnesty/inspiration/parrot-drones-flying-over-prison-walls/gallery/article-1243959-07e3d1ea000005dc-35_634x406.jpg/
  14. LadyDeliah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My raspberry bushes are heaving Ooooh missus, story of my life !
  15. I'll put my hands up to 7 & 9 though suffer no guit over it But I have a disclaimer waiver voucher to cash in here. I am in a business where both dress codes are legitimate, i'm no gun toting lumber jack Not far off tho
  16. North Pole
  17. The Vag, not you rots BTW
  18. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/76/FSM_Logo.svg/220px-FSM_Logo.svg.png
  19. Scam or not, you've made my tits ache with boredom
  20. You look quite a lot like the guy I nearly ran over once Who's the gormless twonk with the t-shirt/fag combo
  21. First thing my youngest boy said this morning (whilst dressed in a bed sheet roman style) "Andy Murray actually won Wimbledon, he's amazing "
  22. HonaloochieB Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > But, AC maybe they was as royally slaughtered on > Stella and gin, when they started up with one > another as Ifti was on Kronenbourg and Jack. > It's an explanation, of sorts I guess. > > But heck, them boys do like to quarrel. That's for > sure. Arhhhh
  23. Can I just say "I knew.... Fekkin beautiful !
  24. National Inquirer, but stapled into The Observer
  25. Is this the after Glasto thread ?
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