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Everything posted by redjam

  1. I used that QuickPrint place on Oglander Road once - they were good, and I'm sure they'd be able to do a colour A3 print.
  2. I've also just had some refresher lessons with Nick as I don't drive much and I was feeling out of practice and nervous in our new car. After three sessions I feel much more confident and went on my first motorway drive in about 20 years yesterday! Very glad I faced my fears - thank you, Nick.
  3. My friend uses a white noise machine at night, which she swears by - she says it even blocks out the noise of foxes screaming outside her window. Failing that, if it's any consolation, you do get used to noise - I used to live near a fire station and even managed to get used to the sound of sirens going off at all hours. Best of luck, though - it sounds tough.
  4. Brilliant, thanks all - much appreciated. Will look into all of these.
  5. Thank you both, that's really helpful. Will investigate.
  6. I've been going to my lovely East Dulwich hairdresser for years but the prices have gone up so much recently I'm thinking I'm going to have to try elsewhere. I'm fully aware that rent and costs have also gone up so I do sympathise with the price rise, but £200+ for highlights and a cut is more than I feel comfortable paying. Anyone got any recommendations for local hairdressers that are on the cheaper end of the spectrum but still good?
  7. I also feel moved to put in a good word for 148 - I've always found them to be friendly and the food good (with plenty of chicken! 😀). Not to negate the OP's experience but wouldn't want people to think it's always terrible service as I've never found that to be the case in the many years I've eaten there.
  8. Blimey, you lot are a miserable bunch. I agree the price is nuts but the house itself is - clearly - beautiful.
  9. I remember one time when my kids were little, I came across a youngish man hiding in a bush just near the old children's playground in Peckham Rye. He looked very embarrassed and uncomfortable when he realised I'd seen him. I hung around for a while, keeping my eyes on him and wondering whether I should report him ... then a little kid came running up out of nowhere and shouted, 'Found you, Daddy! My turn to hide!'
  10. Just emailed my objection. I'm generally a fan of outdoor music festivals, but this one is just a) in the wrong place, and b) too long, in terms of the length of time it'll close off that side of the park. It's depressing that so many local councils are jumping on this bandwagon of commercialising their local parks. I understand why they do it (£££) but it's a short-sighted policy. The irony is I have a friend who works at a big festival and he says it's becoming increasingly hard to book decent acts as they are spread so thin with all these mini park events springing up everywhere. So I do wonder whether the tide will turn in a few years as promoters realise it's not an easy way to print money.
  11. It's so beautiful, all year round. Hats off to the owner. I always stop and admire it - a little bit of beauty and civic pride to lift the spirits of anyone passing. I'm so glad the owner resisted it being swallowed up by that bland new build behind it.
  12. Keys lost in area round Dulwich Park on evening of Sunday 6 August. Very grateful for their safe return! Please DM if found - thank you.
  13. From beginning of July to end of November is five months!
  14. My older daughter went to Kingsdale and had a great time there, and I thought it was very good too: brilliant for music/extracurricular stuff, generally very good academically and pastorally, and they responded incredibly well during the pandemic. We made the decision not to send our younger daughter there as we thought it would be too big for her - she is also quite shy. However, in retrospect I think she would have been absolutely fine and she would have found her tribe (in fact in some ways I think it's easier to lose yourself in a crowd in a bigger school anyway). I slightly regret not sending her there as overall I preferred Kingsdale to where she ended up. The travel to Kingsdale is a bit of a pain but they get used to it quickly. As the earlier poster says, wherever they go it feels like a huge step up, but they adapt incredibly quickly. Good luck!
  15. Very happy to see Wagamama moving in! As others have said, so much better than the building lying empty.
  16. Can anyone help me understand this para of the council report: 'In the previous financial year (2021-22) commercial events brought in £171,000 in revenue and the projected end of this financial year (2022-23) total revenue is £266,000. It is worth noting that previous year was impacted by the recovery from the pandemic which will account for some of the significant difference. The total budgeted costs of the events team this financial year (2022-23) was £244,000.' So am I right in thinking that the council events team brought in £266k last year but the cost of the team itself was £244k? So we're losing all this use of our parks for the grand sum of ... £22k? Have I interpreted that correctly?
  17. So glad to see this back! Thanks Amanda and Catman. I will take a detour to check it out.
  18. redjam

    Lia Thomas

    Completely agree with you, oimissus. It's so unhelpful that we can't have a debate about these issues without instantly being accused of being transphobic. I fully support the right of trans people to live safely and happily in whatever gender they choose, but when it comes to certain areas, sport being one, we need to acknowledge there are differences and find a constructive way to accommodate them. Women-only (by which I mean people born as women) and open categories seems the obvious the way to go. Surely the trans lobby should listen to women's concerns and meet us halfway, rather then just stubbornly shouting 'trans women are women' and accusing us of bigotry? There's some very weird brainwashing going on, with public institutions trying to be good liberal LGBTQ allies (which we can all agree is a good thing) but as a result denying actual biological facts. That story of the hospital that denied a rape had occurred is a shocking case in point.
  19. Sorry, there hasn't been any news for parents on this recently. Have you tried contacting the school direct?
  20. I love this thread. So happy the owner has been reunited (I'm sure you are too, JeanieB).
  21. 14 year old here. We obviously run a very lax household: 1. No actual rules on bedtime but she tends to take herself off to bed at around 10pm-ish every night. 2. Hours on end! She uses it to watch musicals on YouTube, chat to her very niche circle of musical-mad friends on Discord, play games and make artwork using drawing software (she's not interested in Instagram/TikTok, thank God). We don't limit it and I do trust her as she's pretty sensible. 3. She and her sister take turns to hoover the whole of the downstairs floor once a week and clean their bathroom. They also take turns to make their packed lunches every night, ready for the next morning. That's about it.
  22. Thanks for the explanation, BB. I didn't know they were part of a federation and could refer patients elsewhere within it.
  23. That's interesting, Granadaland. Is DMC affiliated to the Tessa Jowell Centre in some way? I don't really understand how it all fits together.
  24. They seem to have been in a complete state for months - since well before Christmas. A few weeks ago, my very elderly neighbour told me she had to wait outside in the cold for over 30 minutes before someone came out and told the assembled queue that they were closing for lunch. She had to go home without her prescription. Really not great.
  25. Haven't heard anything since then, sorry.
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