Another recommendation for Aria. He fitted me a replacement electric shower. He responded quickly, did the job with no problems and was really polite and pleasant to deal with. Reasonable price too
I was with kings. Can't fault them and I had premmie baby so spent a lot of time there. Didn't see the same midwife twice though in run up to the birth but I wasn't too worried by this. The closeness is convenient. I agree it's better not to have to travel too far
Swimming or go to one one the libraries (eg grove vale or Carnegie) and let him crawl and rummage through books. Our daughter was happier sitting up in a child's back pack seat (carried by daddy). Or lunch at Florence or Victoria pubs. They have play rooms so can prove win win for you and little one
I'm having baby no 2 later this year and looking at what to do about buggies. I'm wondering at what sort of age little ones can use a buggy board. And presumably it's only for short trips down the road? Any advice appreciated, thanks
I think definitely a demand. I've spent 18 months going to lessons in Balham with my now 2 year old. The lessons locally are badly promoted so quite hard to fid out about and some at funny times for little ones. Also I've found limited options for toddlers who are at levels 4 and 5. Definitely worth a go but promote it well so people know about it
We have a summer infant video monitor that I'd definitely recommend. Works well even in our garden. Was one of the best baby things I bought. Would second the comment above about the breathing ones. We also had baby in scbu and it's really easy to forget its on and pick up the baby. It would also have shorter life span as once baby starts to move around you can't really use the mats