Here is the link to the full piece on C4 news As a parent with two children at Kingdale, I have to say this comes over as shrill C4 tabloid journalism. I watched this piece when it went out last night with my son who is in year 9, doing well academically, happy, feeling safe, and fiercely proud of his school. He was in tears by the end and I don't blame him. I was particularly unimpressed by Tessa Jowell's points scoring criticism of Nick Gibb's comments as to a lack of accountability inherent in the academies system. While Mr Gibb is indeed a Tory, let us not forget that the Blair administration established academies in 2000. The chief architect was Andrew Adonis in his capacity as education advisor to the Prime Minister in the late 1990s. I voted for Tessa Jowell, who is my local MP, and she should be ashamed. The crux of the matter is this .. Kingsdale is an excellent school, whose staff and senior managers are working extremely hard, in good faith, to serve the best interests of its pupils. Nobody, even Ms Jowell, is suggesting otherwise. If it turns out that there have been some irregularities along the way, which is not yet by any means proven, it is equally clear, even from this highly one sided C4 piece, that all parties are working hard to ensure that the exam system is working properly going forward. So for the sake of all its hard working pupils, including my two sons, their parents and teachers, please can all its detractors, whether politically motivated or otherwise, draw a line under this issue and let Kingsdale get back to concentrating on what it does best .. giving its pupils the best possible opportunity to be happy, secure, confident and successful