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Everything posted by ultraburner

  1. Pretty sure Sue, they have frog shaped head. They jump too which I've always thought toads can't do. I was slightly shocked when I first saw them.
  2. My frogs are back! Haven't seen them all year till today, last year we had a good five of six living in our (small-ish) garden. The biggest are pretty huge, about fist sized.
  3. Share my view? Steaming load of old donkey cock; why on earth are you watching such dross?
  4. Apple Mac: Me: Shut down. Computer: Ok. (shuts down instantly) Windows Fu**ing 8: Me: Go to bottom corner of screen to get out of desktop. Get to multi-coloured screen bit. Scroll to other side of screen. Click on user name. Given three choices one of which is sign out. Select that. Wait for screen to change to yet another system. Scroll to other end of screen again. Select user name again, another three choices one of which is......(drum roll) SHUT DOWN. Oh and those little sliding door things on vacuum cleaner handles...wtf? Designed to make hoovering half as efficient and also spread most of what you've just picked up all over the room again. Genius.
  5. Noticed this last night too, Nunhead side of the Rye.
  6. RIP patrick. So very, very sad:(
  7. A skyscraper slightly taller than the shard, please. Would put ED on the map imo.
  8. Cables? I wouldnt worry too much about that as long as you spend 20 quid or so, they wont affect things at this level as it's mostly snake oil rubbish. A big paving slab under the deck will do far more for the sound, as will putting your speakers in the right place for your room. Only if you can be arsed, mind....
  9. I am of course regretting chucking out my 1980's midi system all those years ago. All the players talked about here will be much better sounding than your average midi system, so I guess it comes down to how much that matters to you and how much you want to spend.... If you're just gonna mp3 the records and listen on your ipod/car stereo then maybe its not worth it. (i'd get the tunes from youtube in that case) But if you want to listen at home through a good amp and speakers it probably is.
  10. Just wandered whether anyone else has bought one of these systems with built in speakers and USB. Do they sound really tinny? It'll sound pretty crap compared to a proper deck. Linn Axis's go for about ?200 on ebay. Rega Planer is another good deck, and will be cheaper than a Linn. As to if you need a pre-amp, you will if the amp doesnt have a phono (RIAA) input. A good phono to line level pre-amp shouldn't cost much.
  11. And then have a look at the death rates in road accidents, and count up those killed by cyclists.
  12. Funny how drivers seem to think most cyclist are the worst.
  13. black cabs can be very bold. As to whether they're the worst drivers im not sure; their job depends on NOT being in accidents. Yummy mummys carrying 3 toddlers in big 4 by 4's.... White van man must be on the list.
  14. Was watching the swifts from my friends flat the other night... can't believe how fast they fly when they go into a dive(!)
  15. Have lost my BT broadband several times today already. I get the orange flashing icon on the router (homehub) and a few mins later it returns and will then be fine for a while. Seems to be doing it more and more frequently. I'm on the Nunhead side of the Rye.
  16. ultraburner


    They all have one thing in common: they take an absurd amount of mind-altering drugs. Found the same here. The one person I know that strongly beleives in this stuff has been out of it for his entire adult life...(!)
  17. much quicker here thanks, but having to refresh (often lots) to get pages to show. ie8 on xp.
  18. ultraburner


    Again, what part of cloud seeding do you not understand. from the link you provided: "For release by aircraft, silver iodide flares are ignited and dispersed as an aircraft flies through the inflow of a cloud." Could you explain how this would go un-noticed please, nn? I dont see an awful lot of clouds in the first photo on this thread, and I havent heard any reports of flares being released and ignited from airliners. And then theres the small matter of the airline companies from many different nations all being highly co-ordinated and secretive in the complex execution of this chemical seeding so that the CIA/Illuminati/aliens/Elvis could control our puny brains with their all-powerful chemical mind-rubbers..... like I said, seems fair enough, doesn't it?
  19. ultraburner


    Mind-control chemicals being sprayed upon us from seven miles up? Seems entirely plausable to me(tu) and probably one of the most efficient ways I can think of to administer said chemicals. Got any links about lizards or spaceships nn?
  20. I managed to tell the gardener in the herb garden on the rye what a great job he was doing.. He looked happy that I'd told him so. It made me feel good to tell him so:))
  21. ultraburner


    Shine, Boss and Barry (and co) are top guys. Really miss shopping there now I am not so near:(
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