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Everything posted by EDOldie

  1. It must be true. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7150156.stm
  2. WQhat I meant was everyone we spoke to was in denial. Bit like when John Major won the second time.
  3. Very, but not sure I get your continental drift
  4. It's funny that, we were in the states this year and NONE of them voted for Bush. Make you wonder?
  5. It was probably coined by the press, but we are talking about 'PCness gone mad'. The very interesting point you raise blinder about other peoples perception of what might be politically correct opens all sorts of questions about respecting and protecting other peoples cultures. Are we so right about this we should be, like the missionaries of old, be converting everyone we can to our way of thinking? Can there be a correct political correctness, and somewhere where political correctness has, in fact, gone mad?
  6. Exactly Blinder, Sean can't you it? It's not an opinion it's what happened in this case. The cases you refer to are not because of PCness. This is why I feel that tampering with langauge is so dangerous. It interferes with the rights of individuals without protecting the rights of society as a whole.
  7. But the censorship was because of political correctness. Political correctness is censorship in a subtle and underhand way forceing us into someone elses agenda. Good old BBC eh? seen the ight at last. Or have we all been had? Will it now go to no.1 again?
  8. I agree with a lot of what you and on an individual basis you, and Brendan, may be right. However, as a society should we be encouraging censorship and political correctness, which I think is one and the same.
  9. Well there have been a lot of people in history with the same lack of ethics and logic.
  10. Brendan, you lost the argument there. Thats exactly what I mean. How can we have a tolerent society if we are intolerant? The people that put forward racist, homophobic or sexist views are wrong, but I don't think it's wrong that they should be able to expose their stupidity. Only that way can we defeat these views. What are you afraid of?
  11. EDOldie


    Perhaps you didn't pay for a round last time you were in the pub and this is a sign. Bit like the Mafia and the dead fish. Or maybe it's a gang of bankrobbers who are going to frame you for a heist. Years ago the only people in east duwich who wore tights wore them over faces. Again, only guessing, no personal experience.
  12. But Jah is it? Is not the best way to deal with such ignorant views to confront them. Put the argument forward. I worry that these people will feel they have no voice and the resentment will build up, and explode!! Censorship must be wrong and can be used for wrong. Free speech at any cost I say.
  13. But that is what political correctness is all about. Censorship. It is a way of manipulating language so that people are unable to express themselves without 'offending' someone and being shut up. 1984 Newspeak is what it is. Cynical Oldie.
  14. Kind though it was to give such a job to such a myopic au pair.
  15. I think Ruskin & Dickens were contemporaries, but I'm a bit hazy about all this. Did they drink together at the original Dog? does anyone know? Perhaps we could have a Dickens day in Dulwich. Or is that open to misinterpretation?
  16. John Ruskin lived on Denmark Hill. Hence Ruskin Park.
  17. I've said it before and I'll say it again. We should bring back the old Camberwell Council that administered Dulwich. We could be part of Surrey again. (top hole, what?) Lights in the trees at Goose Green would be good. Do we like the Southwark lampost lights? Or is this more light pollution and a drain on the planet? Should all Christmas lights be banned until we've saved the planet? Surely Dulwich Village was the area Mr Pickwick retired to. I was told that Dickens used to drink at the Greyhound, between Burbage Road & Aysgarth Road, demolished at the turn of the (last) century, and merged with the Crown, which is how he knew Dulwich. The same place is the site of Pickwick Road. I think I'll start a thread in the lounge on Forumites who could be Dickens characters, you know The Administrator - Scrooge, that sort of thing.
  18. Can anyone wake sleepy bagpuss?
  19. I've never understood this Kylie thang. She's boring and not all that. Why can't pop stars gracefully retire instead of going past their sell by?
  20. Kylies old enough to be Leon's mum. Those tights were revolting, poor lad was trying not to laugh.
  21. The Carpenters were talented. Big Difference.
  22. But can't spell in the slightest
  23. The Christmas party is nigh
  24. The loos in the Plough
  25. What about the strange military place (Target Arms?) next to the sort of eco shop, I'm hopeless with names. Odd bedfellows?
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