Just purchased a duff tree, children (and husband!) all very disappointed as it is vertically and aesthetically challenged. The only redeeming feature is its fragrant smell. As they are so expensive, I wondered if anyone would like to sell me theirs if they are going away before Christmas, preferably 22nd, 23rd or 24th, and all my husband's family are coming to us this year. I'm happy to carefully remove decorations & transport, but I do ask that it is: in good condition, not all dry, crinkly and sprinkling needles in all directions, I do have some pride. no taller than 7 foot as I'm 7 months pregnant (which explains this crazy ad) inexpensive as I've spent my tree budget already either a nice smelly one or the other type would be fine, or even one of each ... Somebody must take recycling even more seriously than I? Thanks for considering this request.