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Everything posted by mikeb

  1. I have lived here for years and thought I had got used to the planes but Christ they are loud tonight …
  2. Another recommendation for Hamish and his team: they managed the planning consents needed and finished the job exactly as promised, leaving all neat afterwards. Very happy to recommend him.
  3. Has the South Circular reopened?
  4. I've used Balfe's for this - very comprehensive
  5. mikeb

    Football Focus

    Cheers Guy, much appreciated. Looking forward to seeing them live again for the first time since Feb 2020!
  6. mikeb

    Football Focus

    I've got the same question as Rhinestone Cowboy - anyone know the arrangements for the match this weekend?
  7. If the trees in Sydenham Hill Wood had been chopped down / pruned, would the footbridge have been re-opened?
  8. I have run locally for years and I have never seen rats like this year. I now see them most times I go up Cox's Walk and I saw a big one last week on College Road outside DUCKS. Other runners I speak to have also noticed a big increase this spring. There are definitely more rats this year.
  9. is this tunnel still accessible? https://www.derelictlondon.com/hospitals-south-of-the-river.html
  10. https://www.newsshopper.co.uk/news/17743789.filmmaker-made-40-mini-docs-london-districts/
  11. @ RahRahRah - I clicked at random on a couple of the pages in this thread. It's not hard to find propositions such as (paraphrasing to avoid this being a personal attack): "if we don't do something now then the next step will be a total ban in the future" I rarely drive but seeing people propose "this road isn't closed, it's just filtered and open to cycles etc" is provocative sophistry: these roads are closed; yes the footpaths remain open and bikes can get through, but that's entirely unremarkable.
  12. I've only dipped into this every so often because the thread goes round in circles. It seems to be polarised between two groups who just aren't going to agree. 1. those who want a return to pre-closure state, who can't see anything wrong with the traffic as it was before, including when it involves passing and queueing at many many primary and secondary schools 2. those for whom the current changes are only the start of a new paradigm whereby pretty much no-one ever drives Does anyone have any real ideas how to reconcile these two groups, both of which seem to me to be unrealistic?
  13. The lack of enforcement of development gain agreements does not bode well for the next redevelopment of DHFC and the next ?new sustainable? ground
  14. Though I would add that the same 106 agreement required that the land for the football club could only ever be used for sporting and social use. And that has now been set aside so that Meadow Properties can reap a windfall from redeveloping.
  15. @Ruffers - seems to me that if they had not perceived a chance of the council caving then they would have walked away sooner. A chink of light was all they needed ...
  16. It's not hard to find out who's behind One Dulwich; they don't seem the sort of people to be snipping cables in the middle of the night
  17. I came across this yesterday - wasn't aware of this very similar action by the local council and the very similar local response. https://www.oneoval.co.uk/
  18. Shame to see the council fold on this one. If they had held on to their legal right to prevent development on the ground (under the restrictive covenants granted as a sop the last time this all happened) then Meadow would eventually have had to give up and / or let the site for sporting and recreational use, being the only use that should be permitted. It was only the potential development profit if the Council folded that kept Meadow interested in the site. lpool is exactly right: from this point on, the existence and success of the club is contrary to Meadow's interests. I would have felt slightly different if the site had been developed entirely / mainly for affordable housing, rather than for the profit of an off-shore developer.
  19. Thanks Worldwiser. I had read that, plus the SPD guidance which seemed to suggest I needed to submit a full planning application, which seems overkill for a straight replacement I would welcome any practical advice or experience
  20. You really needed to have spoken with John Kennedy, gone but not forgotten. And now probably Tim Charlesworth
  21. We love wild swimming but I've never heard of people entering the Thames at Rotherhithe - how fast flowing it is? (albeit high tide should be better)
  22. Does anyone have any advice about how easy it is to get permission (if necessary) to replace some rotten windows in the Village conservation area? The old windows are nothing special e.g. not sash and not mullioned. Likely to replace them with (painted) wooden double glazed windows in similar style. Fortunately, I'm not in the Dulwich Estate. thanks
  23. It?s a pretty awful situation but perhaps one small silver lining ...
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