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Everything posted by rfoxxi

  1. Ruskin park is half dog free! So if you stay near the duck pond end within the gated part she'll be fine. I found that stabilisers don't help stabilise (and in fact can do the exact opposite) and found it's better to just go for it on flat land. I held the back of the saddle and ran with with my daughter with loads of loud encouragement and kept reassuring I was holding on....when you think they're ready and stable just simply let go but stay close...don't tell her initially that you've let go...I've taught a few kids and that method never seems to fail...a certain amount of speed is required of course and holding onto the saddle you are not controlling the bike- just reassuring. Grass makes pedalling difficult unless it's very short! If your daughter would like to meet a nice dog, my 1 year old lab cross who everyone exclaims is cute...loves kids and she would happily be petted or fed treats!
  2. Have you tried https://www.borrowmydoggy.com/?imt=1&gclid=CPyr3ajwicoCFSsEwwodRcABDg&utm_campaign=Brand&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Brand+&utm_term=borrowmydoggy
  3. Solar lights in Dulwich park allowing evening exercise in winter. A much needed pedestrian crossing (push button or zebra) where lordship lane meets Dulwich common road. A lot more allotments!
  4. Supermarket Morrison's do a weekend rental for ?38.
  5. Have you asked him if there is anything worrying him about school? Is he happy at the beginning and end of the day? Are there any other unusual stressors in the family just now?
  6. If he doesn't eat his lunch at school his blood sugar is probably plummeting by the time you collect him, so I agree with Canela that a healthy snack and drink would do him wonders. A routine might help him too- quiet time when you get back, homework, dinner and maybe a game with him once the others are in bed. If he refuses to go to bed ask him which story he wants to read with you, and that is also great 1 to 1 time too. My daughter always liked a story cd too when she was a bit older. So you can always leave him with a story cd or a kids meditation cd on for sleeping with, but I think that a bed time story together is an important time for you both. I'm sure if he feels he is being 'heard' as he grows older now this challenging time will pass. Good luck.
  7. Children can find the move into big school really challenging... What about getting her to express herself through art? Maybe pin some big paper on a wall and let her go crazy with some paint! Yoga for kids is great too- gets them 'into' their bodies and gives them some tools for coping. Meditation for kids cds can be great too- they're not just relaxing but teaches her calming techniques too. Sounds like school is just maybe a bit much for her, poor thing. I would keep an eye on that and if you get no joy from the teacher, is there a teaching assistant in the class you can ask or go to the headteacher with your concerns. It is not good enough that her teacher isn't giving you help- that's what she is there for and i think it says alot about your child's everyday experience in the classroom if the teacher can't cope with the numbers in her class. Your daughter probably feels a bit lost in it all. There should be regular written communication at the very least between you and the teacher- in her workbooks etc. As far as the friends issue- what about asking her who she played with today at school- keep tabs on who she is friends with and invite them for a play-date: could just be a trip to the park after school or a swim trip if she doesn't want to initially invite them to your home, but may help her immensely in feeling you are supporting her in making friends. I'm sure this time will pass but the first year of school, as I've said, can be daunting; not just for the kids but the parents too, and it requires quite a lot of effort from everyone in the first few years. Just keep praising her...maybe include her in everyday tasks at home (I used to ask my daughter to draw me the shopping list, before she could write, and we took that with us to the shops so she could help by telling me what's next- gives her a feeling of true participation and responsibility and she can see she is good at something- it might take a little bit longer to get round the supermarket - but what's the rush?) I hope you find some of that useful. I wish someone had warned me just how difficult the transition to school was going to be. (btw: bullying can start from a very young age- so please don't be afraid to ask your daughter about her everyday experiences and tell her to ask for help when she needs it- as long as she knows you are there for her she will be just fine!) Best wishes to you and to her.
  8. My aupairs usually study ESOL for free at Lewisham College a few hours a week daytime. (Free for EU citizens)Also there are ESOL classes run by Southwark in Peckham.
  9. We visited both Lyndhurst and Dog Kennel Hill and DKH won hands down with their welcoming attitude. I too was dismayed by Lyndhurst. Daughter has been at DKH now for a couple of years and couldn't be happier! All the staff are fantastic and it is a wonderful community. Go with your gut instinct at all times!
  10. Oh Charlotte, I feel your pain- sleep deprivation really does affect you the whole day through and can have long term consequences on your physical and mental wellbeing. First of all remember it won't go on like this forever. Is she weaned? Is she a hungry baby? does she need to eat more? Breast fed babies should be having a breast feed in the middle of the night as the breasts are ready to supply at 3am (or there abouts!) and @Yak above said she found she had more milk in the morning. I fed my child a bottle before bed as she was very hungry and I had no breastfeeding support and was making it up as I went along! but the reason I have since found out I had loads of milk in the morning was because I wasn't giving a night /early morning feed. You can go without doing it as the milk supply will adjust (breasts are clever) but baby may still be needing that feed. that is why in other more traditional cultures babies co-sleep for a long time so they can feed and sleep straight away and the mother doesn't need to get out of bed to attend. Napping in the day is a difficult one to advise on because we all need different amounts of sleep! Have you tried bathing her at night,... then in a warm place and with warm oil, good organic oil for babies delicate skin you can get at a good health food store (ban- marie the oil don't heat up in microwave!) sit cross-legged on the bed or on the floor and with a towel over your knees put baby on her back and massage deeply with plenty of oil. you could try playing soft music in the background too. turn the lights down. then after a few minutes turn her on her front and slowly massage her back and legs. Babies love the positive relaxing touch and it may help take her into her body and relax a bit (always go clockwise on the tummy to go with her digestion). then give her a feed, offer both breasts if necessary and pre warm her bed with a warm hot water bottle- remove it before putting her in. a relaxed quiet environment throughout all this is important. you may find it helps you too- and maybe they'll be enough oil left over to have someone close massage your feet! If you incorporate this into your routine and it may take her a week or so to get used to it it may eventually help. Seek advice from an professional aromatherapist if you want to burn oils to assist her sleep- it may be very beneficial for both you and her. Most importantly take care of yourself too- if you are fraught and overtired then she will react to this. It would be more helpful for your family to take her for a while in the day for you to have a walk in the fresh air on your own or go for a professional massage or get your hair done...than tell you she needs a bottle! (i understand the pressures of everyone telling you what to do). What type of birth did she have?? - it may be worth looking at Cranio-Sacral Therapy as many parents report this helping in settling their child. Good luck and best wishes, xxx
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