Children can find the move into big school really challenging... What about getting her to express herself through art? Maybe pin some big paper on a wall and let her go crazy with some paint! Yoga for kids is great too- gets them 'into' their bodies and gives them some tools for coping. Meditation for kids cds can be great too- they're not just relaxing but teaches her calming techniques too. Sounds like school is just maybe a bit much for her, poor thing. I would keep an eye on that and if you get no joy from the teacher, is there a teaching assistant in the class you can ask or go to the headteacher with your concerns. It is not good enough that her teacher isn't giving you help- that's what she is there for and i think it says alot about your child's everyday experience in the classroom if the teacher can't cope with the numbers in her class. Your daughter probably feels a bit lost in it all. There should be regular written communication at the very least between you and the teacher- in her workbooks etc. As far as the friends issue- what about asking her who she played with today at school- keep tabs on who she is friends with and invite them for a play-date: could just be a trip to the park after school or a swim trip if she doesn't want to initially invite them to your home, but may help her immensely in feeling you are supporting her in making friends. I'm sure this time will pass but the first year of school, as I've said, can be daunting; not just for the kids but the parents too, and it requires quite a lot of effort from everyone in the first few years. Just keep praising her...maybe include her in everyday tasks at home (I used to ask my daughter to draw me the shopping list, before she could write, and we took that with us to the shops so she could help by telling me what's next- gives her a feeling of true participation and responsibility and she can see she is good at something- it might take a little bit longer to get round the supermarket - but what's the rush?) I hope you find some of that useful. I wish someone had warned me just how difficult the transition to school was going to be. (btw: bullying can start from a very young age- so please don't be afraid to ask your daughter about her everyday experiences and tell her to ask for help when she needs it- as long as she knows you are there for her she will be just fine!) Best wishes to you and to her.