@ Huguenot, a pedant with a heart! How cool. Thanks for the tip. I'll bear that in mind. Unfortunately, I lack for social skills and find that in front of a computer screen my personality knows no boundaries, with the help of google I sound erudite, sophisticated, even well travelled ( Chamonix ? Really, now!). And then there is the slight issue of my over all appearance. Hideous does not even begin to describe it. So you see with the odds firmly stacked against me, I thought , I would meet some naive( should that be jejune?) kind lady with a sense of humour who would like to have a drink and a chat. I don't do groups. I don't especially like people unless thay are liberal, arty, cosmopolitan and open minded. Irony? I have the same dread of bumping into someone from the forum in the supermarket or in a local pub. I have just mustered up enough courage to post this and the response from the blokes has shown that yes men do like to swing their bits about to prove dominance. What is it that Satre says about other people? I do like this forum and I love reading it and have been reading it for a while now. But to be stuck in a lift with the hang wringing preciousness of it all!! You see, that's why I don't go out. ( wipe's spittle from his reptilian lips) Ps. I love the internet!