Yesterday my bank card was stolen from the ATM at Sainsbury’s, Dog Kennel Hill. It may be helpful to others to describe what happened and suggest how to avoid it.
I put my bank card into the ATM, entered my PIN and pressed the button to withdraw cash. Then a young man approached me from behind and warned me that the machine swallowed one's card - which it appeared to have done.
What had actually happened was that the man had viewed me entering my PIN and then, as soon as I turned towards him, pressed the "return card" button and removed the card without my seeing.
So I would advise:
(1) Always shield the keypad when entering your PIN at an ATM.
(2) If someone speaks to you, keep looking straight ahead and put your hand over the slot where the card has been inserted.
(3) If all that fails and you lose your card, cancel it at once! (I can do so using my banking app.)
The rogue who stole my card promptly made several cash withdrawals, which the bank has very decently refunded to me in full.