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Everything posted by Lynne

  1. I feel they deserve a mention for efficiency, compared, unfortunately, to some other branches of the NHS. Appointments are on time, they e-mail to confirm the next one and send reminders. Compare this to our doctors on Crystal Palace Rd. who kept us in waiting in all afternoon for the promised phone call only to say, when queried, that the person concerned was off sick.Telling us this wasn't, obviously, very high on their list of priorities. It's just so good to find something that works.
  2. Not a single card yet. No post for a couple of weeks. It's truly shameful that we can no longer rely on the postal service. I've just sent off complaints to anyone I can think of, but I realise that this was a waste of time. Still, it seems wrong not to try to do something about it.
  3. Not a single Christmas card yet. We do have some friends and family. What a waste of their money sending us cards.
  4. Can anyone explain why the no. 37 regularly changes driver at Nigel Rd., where there are no facilities, rather than a couple of stops along the way at the terminus where there are facilities? It seems daft to me. I can't help wondering if it's some historical anomaly
  5. No cards or letters for over a week
  6. We did get some post yesterday, but it had been delivered next door (they kindly re-delivered it)
  7. Last year Lidl was the best one I found
  8. Article in yesterday's Sunday Times about the mess the PO is in. Apparently, posties all over the country are saying that they've been told to prioritise parcels and just leave the letters, but the management is denying this, of course.
  9. I have't got the time or strength to list all my complaints about my dealings with the DMC. They have caused me more upset and stress than the actual conditions I'm being treated for. Yet when we first joined it, we were very happy with it compared to FH Rd. Perhaps we were younger and healthier then and didn't actually need any help.
  10. I was stupid enough to hand in a parcel and forgot to put the stamp on it. Yet this was delivered quickly to the right address (thanks, everyone) Yet they haven't been able to get perfectly legal post delivered in to SE22 for nearly two years now. So it's not strikes or Covid.
  11. You are entitled to park anytime, but good luck actually finding a space during the day
  12. More loud banging noises locally from incessant loft conversions. And children make noises., Are children to be banned? Noisy dogs and dog s..t on the roads. They consume resources and aren't suitable for such a built up area, but obviously everyone must follow the wants of dog owners.
  13. Letter today telling me about my hospital appointment yesterday
  14. Had one of those "Hi mom, my phone's broken etc " scams yesterday Would have been more convincing if 1) it hadn't been addressed to me but sent to my husband's phone 2) there had been a name attatched and 3) if all our children weren't grown up and married Still, worrying if you'd got a child out late
  15. I saw a Lime van out this afternoon on E D Rd. collecting them, which was good . Only a few hundred more to go
  16. I don't know about the waiting list, but I'm happy with mine next door to Lloyds on NX rd And yes, it's disgusting you've got to wait when you're in pain and infected teeth can lead to very nasty consequences. As to what we've all been paying for for years, the NHS just isn't working
  17. It's the Food (Promotion and Placement) England Regulations 2021 that came into effect 1/10/22, Ianr
  18. Don't forget to add extras like regular serving costs to your consideration. I'm a bit biased, we had so much trouble with ours that I'd never have them installed again.
  19. I read on Sunday that the product moving is not the supermarket's fault (so a small apology to Sainsburys). New gov. regs. say that "unhealthy" foods must be a minimum distance from the checkout. The regs. are impenetrable, as you might expect and are causing confusion and extra work. For instance, coco-pops are OK but most mueslis are not. The lack of certain products, the shortage of working tills, the difficulties in getting round the store because of all the staff loading up for deliveries, no trolleys sometimes, is not the Govs fault though
  20. Great journey back from Peckham
  21. They seem to be experimenting with how few staff, how random a product availability and how few working terminals are needed to run a store. And why was the car park full this morning but the shop as empty as usual? Hiring out the spaces? What do customers matter, after all
  22. Totally agree with Whoeveritis it is about the receptionists at DMC. Prizewinningly rude on occasion. As for the GPs there, so difficult to see one that I can't offer an opinion
  23. Today's paper said he might be moving to Herne Hill
  24. Had a large delivery on Tuesday (on Worlingham) having had nothing for over a week.
  25. Don;t bother with the one on Crystal palace Rd. Used to be good, but now pretty dreadful
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