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Everything posted by gedwina

  1. I would say the freehold would be worth more than ?15k (three units and sold for ?11k in 2002) - they are fairly nice low level investments. We did a lease extension (to a virtual freehold) fairly recently for around ?15k on a one bed - legal?s were around the ?600 mark. But as with all leasehold properties it is dependent on ground rent/ service charge / lease length / property type / value and the many unknowns only surveyors seem to understand. If you do decide to go down the route ensure you get a couple of surveys and make sure the surveyor and solicitor doing it is local or knows the area.
  2. We had a couple yesterday - forest hill way
  3. opps
  4. There used to be a chinese called Man Ho on Lavender hill in bettersea a few years ago - not sure if its still there
  5. I quite enjoy these calls, let them waffle on for ages (whilst making a cup off tea etc) then tell them I have a Mac or dont use a computer.
  6. 47 pages on the CPZ 4/5 pages in the sales section about a local resident facing homelessness Interesting contrast.
  7. I agree - the level of vitriol directed towards this man has been excessive, especially from a few posters concerned with the cpz. Regardless of party affiliation I for one think James voluntary participation on this forum and his attempts to help should be commended.
  8. can we also keep the CPZ discussion to the appropriate thread?
  9. and a range of scary dolls on the top shelf inherited from the previous owners - very spooky
  10. Thanks James - much appreciated,
  11. Hi James, Thames water are back on the corner of rye lane, any idea how long they are ping to be digging the road up this time? Thanks
  12. I think that with the gradual privatization of the NHS this is a positive sign, A good and well run practice making a modest profit and actually managed and owned by NHS trained staff who have an understanding of the complexities of healthcare, compare this to the southern cross debacle (not NHS, but a good example of how these things can go wrong), I know which one I prefer.
  13. The thread has degenerated into a couple of vocal posters (with what seems a particular agenda) and minimal posting from other parties. For this thread to be taken seriously or used as an example of "concerned residents" as opposed to the rants of a few, more input is needed and / or other posters not scared away.
  14. Absolutely - personal attacks etc do not add any credibility to this campaign and it comes across as a petty personal vendetta verging on the libellous. This debate should involve much more than a couple of respondents particularly as the CPZ covers over a thousand houses
  15. Seems a little defamation is creeping in. A few people need to take a deep breath.
  16. Does anybody known if there is anything happening this weekend at the Camberwell old cemetery memorial?
  17. I think I have seen that cat hanging around Ryedale, very friendly and I think it lives towards the top end away from Forest Hill.
  18. Set up a Null amd Alternative hypothesis, measure certainty,run statistical test, turn into probability and subtract from 1.
  19. Hi All Thanks for the replies. Martin I would be interested in joining / contributing but am away that weekend. Is there an email list I can join? Thanks
  20. Does anybody know anything more about the proposed reuse of the Common grave area? We back onto this I think (Ryedale / Forest Hill) and the proposed addition of more soil to this area seems a bit drastic seeing as our ground floor is already about 6 ft under the level of the graveyard (between us and the graveyard is a small hill - seemingly to level the road.) If they need to add soil to allow more burials then I am presuming this is going to be quite a bit to allow new burials I understand the need for the reuse of the site and would prefer this to removing the communal playground in Honor Oak but I am concerned about the affects this will cause. Any Ideas / inside info?
  21. We have your post
  22. Hi All Interesting reading, I was wondering if anybody had any ideas on a small nature pond? Our back garden is tiny but I would love to have a tiny pond, I think it would have to be raised as the main part of the garden is paved. Thanks
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