Don't mean to piss on anyones chicken kiev, but it is so SO comical to watch all the so called "daily mail" types who laughed at the so called "liberal antagonists" who were back-tracking (even though they weren't) now start to soften their stance now they've realised that these 'travellers' (can't say human beings on this forum without setting off a lynch mob) aren't quite the tax dodging, sponging, engine revving types they were thought to be.... "Oooh just go round a take them an organic bulgarwheat cupcake and casually enquire about their tax status" No one suggested that. People (myself included) suggested going round to talk to them direct. Looks like if more common sense and less curtain twitching and moaning on here had been applied, this highly amusing, little Englander farce would have been exposed as the storm in a tea cup it's alsways been. Agree with KK too.