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ULEZ expansion ruled lawful by High Court
shuntman replied to megalaki84's topic in Roads & Transport
Why is the post bonkers when it quotes from the C40 website eh? Don't you really mean the the C40 plan that The Khan't has signed London up to is bonkers? That's what the tweet quotes, it's informative but I guess you are just another low information online useless idiot that will just go along with the blind Yes the agenda is totally and 100% nuts but so is paying farmers not to produce food, importing more food as the UK's food self sufficiency continues to drop, buying up good farmland for wind turbines which will always need to be backed up with other energy such as gas and the current nonsense about rewilding too. As Voltairs said & I will say this in reference to the NetZero nutters agenda " It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere" and also "It is more difficult to convince people that they have been fooled than it is to fool them in the first place" But that hasn't stopped the Pretty Vacant administration from honoring over £11bn for NetZero when they took power and now allocated a further £22bn to carbon capture ....which is only what trees do naturally anyway via a process that used to be taught in schools: photsynthesis. -
C40 Cities: What the Khan't has really London signed up to.
shuntman replied to shuntman's topic in Roads & Transport
Ah the useless idiot trolls come in packs don't they to give the illusion both they and their sycophantic opinons are more numerous and agreed upon that the reality. All part of the propaganda nonsense. As for David Attenborough he's a wef member too and a eugenist too who believes in the genocidal depopulation agenda too. https://www.weforum.org/people/sir-david-attenborough/ As usual these online iiots cannot actually argue the facts only the propaganda they've been provided with So you reckon climate change is real do you? ....well guess what climate has always been changing. And yes it was all agreed as an agenda at a Club of Rome meeting in 1981 by the worlds wealthiest bankers and individuals. The consipracy theory phrase is such a funny one. It was first used by the CIA in the 1960's as a means to smear those who opposed their more nefarious schemes. Seems some people are still playing by the same old textbook and won't ever learn until it' too late and it affects them those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it online clowns -
C40 Cities: What the Khan't has really London signed up to.
shuntman replied to shuntman's topic in Roads & Transport
Only to stupid propagandists and those who don't know their history Alice Are 3 syllables too many for you? -
C40 Cities: What the Khan't has really London signed up to.
shuntman replied to shuntman's topic in Roads & Transport
And one more thing Carbon is THE building block of ALL life. CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere. Yes that's correct ONLY 0.04% and of that 0.04% total worldwide human activity contributes about 3/4% only of that 0.04% So to put it politely the Net Zero Emperor is wearing no clothes! -
ULEZ expansion ruled lawful by High Court
shuntman replied to megalaki84's topic in Roads & Transport
Why do some useless idiots continue to use such smear terms as C theorists? You can see on the C40 website what their agenda is for yourself Were the electorate consulted? No? If you see any comment saying phrases such as "tin foil hat wearer" or "conspiracy theorist" these are usually deliberate trolls who are paid to promote the main narrative on behalf of the wef/globalists/bankers The previous comment includes such derogatory phrases such as "fabricated" but that's to smear those of us who can see clearly through their narxist bolshevik propaganda. Note the typical narxists propagandists communication. 1. Talk down pretending valid opinions are inferior to their propaganda without any evidence. 2. Attempt to muddy the waters with phrases such as "muitiple factors" again with no supporting evidence 3. Use of modelling rather than actual real life measurements. This can be twisted and distorted to fit their NetZero nutters agenda. And it's usually distorted for worst case scenarios that never occur. 4. Use of one of the generalised propaganda smear labels, denier, far right, conspiracy theorist, And yes I am now, after much reasearch and experience, happily and proudly anti vaxx. Why would I put something into my body that contains aluminium, thiomersal or nano particles into my body? No thanks. Since you brought the subject up where did flu disappear to in 2020/21 according to WHO? You can see the graph on this page for medical professionals. Just scroll down a bit https://www.mednet.ca/en/report/flu-is-back-understanding-and-preventing-influen.html I wonder what the flu was rediagnosed as during that time eh? -
Hello EDF folks. When it comes to roads and transport in London and UK please be aware that wef useless idiot The Khan't has signed London up to be one of the C40 cities. It has nothing to do with emissions, road safety. These are just used as emotional blackmail to put you in a double bind so that the bolsheviks attempting to introduce these regulations can smear you saying you don't care about the environment, kids health etc. when you object. The consultations have been going on for years and have always been over ruled unless an actual council has overruled them as has happened in parts of Cornwall & North East England. They are to give the illusion of public involvement. Here is The Khan't on C40 website so you can see for yourselves https://www.c40.org/steering-committee/mayor-sadiq-khan/
I'd say much like the HIGNFY episode where a tub of lard or margerine replaced Roy Hattersley anything such as a tree or a cheese sandwich would be better than The Khan't He is merely a WEF advocate parachuting NetZero policies into the city without any accountability to attack motorists & personal freedom of movement. He has signed up to this group ...or rather he has signed London up to this group but of course with the MSM also controlled by the same corporate & political interests it doesn't get mentioned. https://www.c40.org/about-c40/ I'm all for some cycling but like many others I want to be able to drive a car inside and outside the city when it's convenient to me. 20mph speed limits do not reduce emissions and there is far worse air on the underground than on the roads. And also bus travel is not always that much fun either. In rush hour they are crammed but in the middle of the day they seem on perpetual go slow "to even out the service" as you get told when asking. God alone know where London is headed under his tinpot dictatorial leadership. Apologies for any offence caused by comparing The Khan't to a cheese sandwich or tub or margerine, I wouldn't want to offend a cheese sandwich or margerine with the comparison
Self-Employed / Freelancers group in East Dulwich
shuntman replied to Marie Magnien's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
There is a monthly networking group that meets up in ED called Cooking With Scissors. I'll DM you one of the contacts so you can get in touch with them. -
Hi all you wonderful folks of ED. I'm a photographer who mainly takes portraits and headshots and also covers events. Here is my site https://martinleaphotography.com (subtle hint folks ....I'm only just warming up here) I know it's been a tough year so I've got an Orange Friday deal.......Orange Friday what's that I hear you ask It's like Black Friday ....but yep you've guessed it ...it's Orange ....and it's lasting a whole month on here....so actually neither black nor just a Friday ....but there is a DEAL! That's right a DEAL ....so hands in the air and dance around the room time! I usually offer 20% Extra free on headshots and portrait photoshoots. They last either an hour or 2 but now as well as offering 20% Extra free... I'm offering 20% off the price too. I'm also offering 10% off all event photography bookings that take place before New Year too.......oh no you'll only whinge and complain that others are getting 20% off won't you ...so go on ...20% off event photography bookings that I shoot before New Year too. This means that in total you get a value that works out at .......well.....slightly better than my maths ability ;) Food, parties drinks all wear off in a few hours but photos last forever (unless you lose the prints or the hard drive but you wouldn't do that would ya?) I've even written some blogs to help you out. Here's one on choosing a portrait photographer https://martinleaphotography.com/10-tips-to-help-you-choose-a-portrait-photographer/ Here's one on getting the best headshots https://martinleaphotography.com/professional-headshots-10-tips-for-clients-on-how-to-get-the-best-results/ Here's another one on getting the best family photos https://martinleaphotography.com/family-portrait-photos-5-tips-on-how-to-get-the-best-results/ Plus I've added some images too. What's not to like? :) IMG_9801-Edit.jpg[/attachment] Since it's the final week of this post on here I'm going to save you all time by posting prices. 1-hour studio headshot booking is £140 which includes 6 edited images for online use. 2-hour family portrait shoot is £259 or £289 if it's in the studio which includes 15 edited images for online use. Prints are extra and start at £50 per print up to 10" x 8" Deposits need to be paid via Bank Transfer on booking to secure your spot. What are those T&Cs.... well the shoots have to be booked before Christmas & a deposit is paid to secure the deal.
That option is only available on Desktop. I can't access it on my Iphone. Also I don't see many posts on a thread on my phone either. There are now 53 on this topic but I still only see 41 on my Iphone. It's there, you have to click on the icon next to contact: Capture23.PNG
What has happened to the reply to post via PM option? I used to use that all the time as my email would notify of a message but I never got a notification if someone responded on a thread. Am I missing something and is it still an option? & if not then can it be re-introduced? Thanks Sman :)
I've lost all of the messages I sent. I have lots of duplications in my inbox and I cannot access the latest messsages I've been sent. I got the email notifications but when I clicked on the link it just said 404 or bad gateway. I was looking for a flat in ED so maybe this is God's way of telling me to move somewhere else?
I can’t access messages that have been sent to me. I just go through to a 404 page or bad gateway page It’s also even more difficult to read message threads on the new version on my IPhone than it was before. Any solutions?
North Cross Road Film - Now Live!
shuntman replied to cam2hall's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
This is fantastic. Just shared it on my Twitter feed. -
Well EDF folks. Glad I could be of service. I guess it's up to each person to decide how to approach a cashpoint in the future and what to do if they find something a bit wonky :)
East Dulwich Forum
Established in 2006, we are an online community discussion forum for people who live, work in and visit SE22.