Emerson Crane
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Sandperson Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You poor deluded fool. Thats rich given your performance, like I said take a look at yourself. Maybe take a trip to Old Stratford and people might take you seriously, until then, run along.
Sandperson Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Emerson Crane Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > "Oh hang on" what a plank you are and always > have > > been, and a plastic fan to boot. Perhaps thats > why > > nobody takes you and you're "yawn" crap > seriously. > > But sit down and I'll explain. Adebayor, an > > Arsenal reject, we didn't want and sold, scores > > against one of our rivals. Got it yet? No? Go > and > > have a lie down, there's s good chap. > > You are funny. Have you not noticed how many > people have disappeared from this thread since you > came back from your second (or was it third?) ban? Run along plastic man, its because they are sick of your "yawn" and Keef told you as much, that and the fuss that Narnia bloke made about Evras scratch. Try looking at yourself before pointing the finger at others.
computedshorty Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Grumpies of the World Unite > > > > Let's put the pensioners in jail and the > criminals in a nursing > home. > > This way the pensioners would have access to > showers, hobbies and > walks. > > They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, > dental and medical > treatment, wheel chairs etc and they'd receive > money instead of paying > it out. > > They would have constant video monitoring, so they > could be helped > instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance. > > Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all > clothing would be ironed > and returned to them. > > A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and > bring their meals and > snacks to their cell. > > They would have family visits in a suite built for > that purpose. > > They would have access to a library, weight room, > spiritual > counselling, pool and education. > > Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal > aid would be free, on > request. > > Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise > outdoor yard, with > gardens. > > Each senior could have a PC a TV radio and daily > phone calls. > > There would be a board of directors to hear > complaints, and the guards > would have a code of conduct that would be > strictly adhered to. > > The criminals would get cold food, be left all > alone and unsupervised. > Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week. Live > in a tiny room and > pay ?600.00 per week and have no hope of ever > getting out. Totally agree, and its very sad. But be careful, you may be accused of posting right wing reactionary propaganda by those of a more left wing persuasion.
"Oh hang on" what a plank you are and always have been, and a plastic fan to boot. Perhaps thats why nobody takes you and you're "yawn" crap seriously. But sit down and I'll explain. Adebayor, an Arsenal reject, we didn't want and sold, scores against one of our rivals. Got it yet? No? Go and have a lie down, there's s good chap.
Come on Chavski, and Adebayor, an Arsenal reject, scoring twice against Spurs made my night!
Sandperson Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > *yawn* Grow up man, you've become exceedingly tiresome.
Annasfield Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > From the website that sells "Without killing > anyone babygrows". Lovely. Yeah I saw that, disgusting. And they wonder why they are despised. Can't think why eh?
DJKillaQueen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Peception by pedestrians also has a lot to do > with it. The noisier a vehicle is the more > respectful of it pedestrians tend to be. They see > a bicycle and assume a) it's not going at a speed > that can harm anything b) if it does collide with > anything it won't harm it. So they walk out in > front of it. > > They don't do that if they see/ hear a motorbike, > because they have a different perception of > motorbikes....that they are fast and dangerous. I > cycle, drive and have motorcycled too and have > seen this difference in the way predestrians > interact with vehicles on the road. No pedestrian > ever stepped out in front of the motorbike ever. > The car, they sometimes do and the cycle, they > often do. Perception? Sorry are you saying that its a pedestrians' fault for having the nerve to walk on the pavement while cyclists are using it at the same time. I'm totally stunned that so many people are putting forward lame excuses for these jack asses. I for one can understand why people can get very angry with these idiots, the fact that these buffoons put bells, whistles, wear flourescent clothing in the hope that this will make them immune to a good slap from an irate pedestrian are saddly mistaken. Get on the road where you belong. That's it, no more needs to be said. Jeeeez
Sandperson Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm not one for conspiracy theories but this has a > nice symmetry. God almighty, Manc paranoia taken to new levels.
DaveR Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Anyway, the point is, a cyclist moves fast > enough to seriously injure and/or kill > pedestrians. They should have the same onus of > the law upon them as any other vehicle on the > road." > > = b*llocks > > > It's a bit like > > because a cricket ball, if thrown hard enough, > could hit and kill someone, it should be licensed > as if it were a firearm > > You think I'm talking rubbish - try looking up the > stats for fatalities caused by cricket balls. > > It's comparative risk, innit. Bollocks is exactly what you're talking. A pedestrian walks on a pavement because thats where we are supposed to be, cycles aren't. How difficult is that. FFS
Cant agree with that, I'm no Sky fan but the Prem took the Murdoch shilling so they can't complain.
1025 BST: AC Milan owner Silvio Berlusconi believes Mario Balotelli's off-the-field "behaviour" will prevent him from putting on the Rossoneri shirt in the future. "There is a Milan style of behaviour that I don't think is very close to that of Balotelli. Every now and then, he has a bit of a distraction," said Berlusconi of the Manchester City striker, who is an AC Milan fan. (Press Association) Pot and kettle!!!!!
binary_star Wrote: > Are you serious? Beijing Olympians versus your > average commuter means little lol. Ok, here's one > for you - in 2000 Eric Barone reached 222km/h > (138 mph) downhill...maybe he was going that > fast!? Or maybe as reports suggested at the time, > he was travelling much slower. If you think that > that your average commuter even reaches a TOP > speed of 30mph you are out of your tree: > > Average cycling speed - indications > > Bearing in mind all the provisos above, you still > want to know 'average cycling speed? Hear are some > general guidelines, all for solo riders on general > 'mixed' terrain (ie rolling hills about 30% of the > time, and pretty flat the rest of the time): > > * Beginner, short distance (say 10-15 miles): > average speed 12 mph. Most cyclists can achieve > 10-12 mph average very quickly with limited > training > * More experienced, short-medium distance (say > 20-30 miles): average speed 15-16 mph > * Reasonable experience, medium (say 40 > miles): average speed 16-19 mph > * Quite competent club rider, some regular > training likely, medium-long distances (say 50-60 > miles): 20-24 mph > > From here: > http://www.road-bike.co.uk/articles/average-speed. > php Cycle where you bloody like as long as its not on the pavement!!
SimonM Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I really don't think Rooney ahould be penalised at > all for this. I think Sky merit criticism for > holding live microphones near players during the > course of a match. But Sky pump millions into the Prem so I think they have every right to have the mics there, players and managers are aware that they are there so whats the excuse?
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