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  1. Nothing - it's a Euro 6 diesel and has no issues with the actual ULEZ (ie we're not being charged in error by TFL). A neighbour with a brand new petrol car has had the same overcharging problem and is now trying to get a refund (he was unaware of the error until I alerted him to it).
  2. Hi All, Just a quick one: if you have a parking permit, be aware when renewing that Southwark's parking account system is incorrectly identifying some ULEZ-compliant vehicles as non-compliant - the fees now differ between the two. I have a ULEZ compliant car and the online system would only give me the option to pay £300 for an annual permit for a non-compliant car, instead of £225. All sorted by doing the renewal by phone. I'm sure the hike in fees has been well discussed elsewhere. To my mind it goes against the principle that "[Southwark needs] to charge for parking permits to cover the operational costs of the zone", which was as described in the consultation of the zone I live in. The first I knew of the increase was when I went to renew. GM
  3. Thank you - though it's unclear to me if that definitely means a 240 entry size for Sept '22
  4. Hello, Does anyone know when the Charter ED will be expanding to a 240 pupil intake? We're a year away from secondary applications and wondering about the distance criteria. Thank you.
  5. One is currently parked outside our house - as of a few days ago. It was parked by two people who seemed to be working for Zipcar, who photographed the car then left on foot. My guess is they are changing their operating model to an app based approach that shows where the cars are parked, without the need for dedicated bays - at least where there is no CPZ in operation (I'd guess saving Zipcar money).
  6. Catma, as a daily cyclist I find there are few things as stressful as hoping that a car approaching a side road junction (often at speed) is actually going to stop. The Choumert/Bellenden junction you mention is one where my experience is that cars often stick their nose out a foot so it's not ever really clear if they *are* stopping, and meanwhile I'll have an impatient car driver too close behind me hoping to complete a mad overtake before the traffic island outside the bike shop. I'm sure I've scowled on occasion. Incidentally, going the other way cars are even less tolerant, often resorting to a last gasp dash out of the Choumert junction, apparently ignoring the possibility that cyclists turning left off Bellenden may need to use the right lane to turn N (right) onto Lyndhurst Way.
  7. Have I misunderstood - it looks like there is no right turn from Bellenden Road onto Chadwick Road, heading south? Must say I don't fancy the right turn from Holly Grove onto Bellenden heading south, with cars turning left across the cycle lane. Edited to add: I also wonder about having a bike lane between parked cars and the pavement on Lyndhurst Way. On the other hand, the extra zebra crossings are a distinct plus for pedestrians.
  8. Having been in touch with Southwark Council, I thought others might be interested in the following: In relation to the bridge on Camberwell Grove: "With respect to a timescale for strengthening the bridge and re-opening to vehicular traffic, this is currently difficult to provide. We have to complete the design, obtain Network Rail approval for the design, secure the funding for the works from TfL, and then arrange the required rail closure with Network Rail to carry out the works. Being realistic, I can?t see this happening until April 2016 at the earliest which is the information provided to local residents. However, if there is any possibility of advancing this timescale, then the works will be carried out as soon as practicable." And in relation to the current closure outside Denmark Hill station/the Phoenix pub on Windsor Walk: "The closure on Windsor Walk is related although this scheme is further advanced than Camberwell Grove as the required design for the strengthening works is well underway. In an ideal world, we would hope to carry out the strengthening works to both bridges at the same time, and using the same track closure. However, we will not delay the works on one bridge if the other design has not been completed and received the required technical approvals."
  9. Apologies if anyone has already posted about this - I couldn't see anything. The bridge on Camberwell Grove has been closed and will remain closed to all vehicle traffic for at least 6 months. The Council hopes to have it open for 2-way cycle traffic by Friday. The roadworks on Lyndhurst Way have been suspended as the combination of the bridge closure and roadworks have left the area around Lyndhurst Grove and Lyndhurst Way virtually gridlocked at times. Avoid the area if possible. GM99
  10. From 2014 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/10693794/Unexpected-Chinook-helicopter-landing-blows-walkers-over.html
  11. This has 'end of year underspend' written all over it. That said, I live in an area (edge of SE5) where double yellows were painted at all junctions (I think generally 7.5m) following the introduction of a nearby CPZ, and while there was a loss of parking they have also made for a rather safer environment for road users, pedestrians etc.
  12. Consultation appendices here http://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/documents/s59629/Appendices.pdf including all response comments (be warned - lots of shouting in BLOCK CAPITALS) Fwiw the consultation report claims a 19% response rate, either ignoring the fact that respondents like me don't live on one of the roads directly canvassed or discounting eg my response.
  13. Looks like it's going ahead http://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/documents/s59628/Bellenden%20Rd%20Holly%20Gr.%20Lynhurst%20way%20-%20walking%20and%20cycling%20improvements.pdf
  14. Spider, it's advertised on the same Southwark consultation page as ed_pete posted at the top of this thread, which you joined on the 24/12. https://consultations.southwark.gov.uk/environment-leisure/cyclingandwalkingimprovements/consult_view Genuine Q: where/how in your opinion should the consultation have been advertised?
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