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Everything posted by spadetownboy

  1. beef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 'It's not my fault that the only thing that loves > me is bleeding from its anus!' - if you've missed > anything there's always the BBC i-player, and > pulling does pee from a great height over the over > hyped dross that is gavin and stacey. I find that > bug eyed gavin a little creepy. I think one > episode was filmed in the deceased Tulip cafe on > LL, just to keep it ED specific. Looking forward > to the equally perverse Peep Show on > friday......... yup saw the front of the dulwich tandoori in a recent episode.
  2. i think there is something in the water and you were drinking it before you posted, you want to edit that post and try and make it sound semi sensible.
  3. naw grumbling because i had to drive up to luton, but didnt have to go as they,re going to get the train back woo hoo :))
  4. bon3yard Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Funnily enough I went to a place in East Dulwich > today to sign up for membership to a place just > off LL(the street name eludes me)that has 5 > snooker tables(2 quid an hour). Its a proper old > social club too so cheap beer and cardboard > beermats too. I'll get back to you with the > address sometime tonight. 2 QUID AN HOUR feck me thats a bit of alright, might start playing again myself, used to be a bit of a hot shot top break of 52, many moons ago, when the eyesight was up to it.
  5. i,d love to be at work at least i wouldn,t have to leave home in 30 mins to pick the missus up from luton airport. can,t wait.
  6. im contemplating what to do with the spadetownsprogs, as spadetowngirl is away to vienna for the weekend at a hen do, it did strike me as an unusual venue for a hen do, but if you knew the hen you wouldn,t be too surprised.
  7. get straight onto boris i say. this could be what gets him over the finishing line campaigning for the right to sit on thames side walls.
  8. been there,seen it,done it.
  9. piaf was good when it first opened, did a terific coq au vin rouge, but it did take a turn for the worst 4-5 years ago. i did a nostalgia trip to it on the way back from the park a few months ago, and no improvement, which is a shame because it has a great location and with a bit of tlc has tremendous potential. are you listening gordon?
  10. giggirl Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > spadetownboy Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > me ma,s > > > Really classy. My mother had many talents but > sadly cooking wasn't one of them. ah, you,ve havn,t tasted irish stew until you,ve tasted spadetownmums.
  11. Brendan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I can concur that wearing an Elvis t-shirt somehow > raises peoples? spirits. I was wearing one when I > went to Halfords the other day and the sullen, > sulking cashier suddenly brightened up when she > saw my shirt and we passed the time of day > exchanging cheesy clich?s. for some reason so does wearing one with the fonz on it. i,ve lost count the number of times complete strangers give me the thumbs up with big grin and an "eeeeeeeeeeeeeh"
  12. bignumber5 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > it's generally quicker to take your children to > king's a&e than try to get them seen at mgmp now. > > > Which is a great solution - puts A&E under a > butt-load of additional unnecessary strain, which > reduces the quality of that service for those > trying to use it appropriately. This is why > privately owned GPs are never held to account for > their service failures, because A&E picks up the > slack. > > What if A&E depts could bill GPs for any care > needs that were primary-care? do the gp,s still not come in ,in the evenings to take all the primary care stuff in minors and paeds?
  13. watched it last night,very,very good.
  14. Peckhamgatecrasher Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I flew with a friend to the Scilly Isles in a > Robin. Scared the life out of me, especially as St > Mary's strip is so short the engine has to be cut > (or whatever it is those Biggles types do) well > out over the rocks. Every thermal is felt in a > small plane. you want to try flying to alderney, never a fucking gain, i seriously considered returning via the boat to mainland france and catching a eurostar.
  15. Princess Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I wish I had read this thread before. > > I woke up with a bad case of conjunctivitis in > both eyes this morning (had it before so fairly > certain of the diagnosis). I went into Boots on > the way to work to get something over the counter. > The pharmacist there was really helpful and after > taking a look at me said it was quite severe and > suggested I saw my GP. So, I called at lunchtime > to be told a clinician (is that even a real job) > would call me back to ask me some questions. I > explained I had seen a pharmacist and was acting > on his advice. The receptionist didn't care. I > explained I was in meetings all afternoon and only > really had my lunch hour to make personal calls. > The receptionist stuck to her guns and said they'd > call me back. Of course, they called whilst I was > in an meeting. I called back to be told the same > thing a clinician would call me back. > > I gave up, went back to Boots and bought the over > the counter drug. I'll try and get on my > husband's doctors books tomorrow. and there lies the crux of the whole problem,because the nhs cant sort me out at my own convenience its their fault and that my friends is the common theme running throughout this thread, but unfortunately it doesnt work like that. a little bit more patience from the patients is called for me thinks.
  16. not too sure it was the first time they had it, but it appeared to be a great success,so hopefully it will be on again in the near future.
  17. because its not natural for people,esp young fit people(which i assume ltp is) to suddenly faint for no particular reason and it could be caused by any number of things eg, cardiac,neurological issues,and i would expect that if someone fainted and sought immediate treatment then they would get it. however if as i assume in ltp,s case it has happened previously, then yes while it may be indicitive of something going on, it is not an immediate problem, it needs to be looked in to, to try an establish a cause,but its not an emergency situation at that time, therefore tests would be arranged but they dont need to be immediate,and judging from ltp,s response this appears to be the case. i would also strongly suspect that ltp would have been advised that if a similar episode occurred again prior to attending for the test then they should either contact the surgery or attend a&e immediately.
  18. thats a couple of big boys,btw did anyone see the prize-fighter show on sky last week, 8 blokes fighting on the night for 25k, few porkers among that lot, but terrific idea and a great nights entertainment. it was won by a bloke from belfast who in true rocky style wasnt the best boxer but he just kept coming forward and in the end the boxing purist dolan who was the favourite on the night just couldn,t cope.
  19. spadetownboy

    a joke

    these two irish couples decide to swap partners to spice up the old sex life. the following morning paddy wakes up stretches and turns to the partner,"jesus, that was great last night, wonder how the girls got on?"
  20. personally i dont see what the problem as by ltp,s admission ,they have had some "fainting of late". that suggests to me that its not the first time it has happened and reading between the lines ltp appears to have held off seeking treatment and advice until it has suited them and then when they are unable to be seen and dealt with pronto suddenly its a big problem, and if thats not the case then i certainly apologise. however,im an ex a&e nurse and manys the day i spent on my triage desk dealing with similar scenarios, persons presenting with various ailments and injuries which have been going on for various periods of time and when they eventually get off their backsides to see someone about it and are told or made to wait for assessment/treatment its a big issue for them. imho the telephone consultation is by far the appropriate way to approach these situations its otherwise known as clinical assessment and prioritisation, and more or less sorts the wheat from the chaff. i suspect that if ltp had sought advice/treatment the first time it had happened they would have been dealt with very promptly.
  21. we,ve a hedgehog, which comes into our utility room via the catflap and helps itself to any left over cat food, its now got used to us to the point where we are able to lift it and stroke it. last year it didnt turn up so we thought it was hibernating, it was, under the engine on the old fridge we have for storing beer etc.
  22. have rod and todd got a sister?
  23. mockney piers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > And i stand by that STB. > It had a lot more humour than 2DIP. > > Oh how we laughed in the scene where she saw an > ex-boyfriend in a cafe and screamed at him that he > was a kid fiddler much to everyone's embarrasment > but her. Oh how we wept at party full of > french-shoreditchtwats, where boyfriend finds out > she's taken naked photos of men before. > That's not comedy of manners, that's just a bad > film. each to their own.
  24. maybe he could direct one a la emmerdale, ie engineer a plane crashing on hogwarts, and put an end to the whole thing, which is imho the biggest load of over rated crap.
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