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Everything posted by EDmummy

  1. Happened to mention this thread to a PC the other day and he said the lady was known to them but that he did not know she was active again. The lady has mental health problems and the PC said he would check out the posts on the Forum and take it from there.
  2. I always tell them I am not the home owner and renting - gets rid of them straight away.
  3. What happened at Barclays Bank this morning? I was queuing at the Post Office when there was commotion at the bank. Staff then locked the doors and the police turned up with sirens. Someone said that they thought a lady's bag was snatched and that the security guard delivering money to the bank ran after him/her but I thought it looked more like another robbery. Either way, it would have been traumatic for lady/bank staff.
  4. My neck gets sore whilst walking because of the constant look out for dog poo!
  5. If it is the one on LL near the Post Office, I am pretty sure they open at 8am.
  6. I remember hearing the air ambulance when it landed in the Darrell Road Community Centre play ground (shooting of old boy who ran the post office that used to be on Crystal Palace Road - he survived but they closed the shop). It was incredibly noisy, far noisier than the police helicopter I think.
  7. I too am absolutely fed up with plane noise early in the morning. The rest of the day I don't seem to notice it. The worse ones for me are the annoying small plans flying in to City Airport. When we first moved in 9 years ago there was little if any small planes heading for City Airport. As someone said previously there is little or no parts of London that are not affected. Saying that, I would rather live here than South West London - terrible in almost all parts.
  8. Ignoring some of things said here, if I personally saw a similar incident I would report the violence witnessed to the police. Last time I looked it was a democracy we lived in...wasn't it?
  9. Ianr, I noticed the difference in the Barclays' machines a few months back. They all used to look like the one on the corner then the card slot on the two LL machines was removed. I have been in to the bank and asked about them. They assured me that the two LL machines have just had the previous card slot removed because "the security is now on the inside". Not quite sure what that means and why the machine on the corner hasn't been treated the same way. My beef with them is that none of the machines now look safe and there are no notices letting customers know that they are safe to use, as there was previously.
  10. What a truly heart rending experience. Whatever any one's opinion on how native animals live their life (and I am completely with the naturalists here) it is always sad. A few weeks ago a large number of crows were chasing a wounded seagull down our street. I couldn't watch as they bought it down further on, it broke my heart, but I also realised there was nothing I could do. You may be feeling guilty because it is your decking but it could have happened anywhere.
  11. I cannot quite fathom why minicabs do not have car seats. In Australia almost all taxis carry them as it is absolutely, positively illegal to have a young child in a vehicle without an un-anchored child seat.
  12. There is another thread about this. I passed it a few hours after it happened. I believe it was a car full of male relatives from a large catholic family. I can't remember details exactly.
  13. Been in ED for 9 years and it has always been as you see it today. When they were painting recently saw the inside. Looked like someone's residential study - loads of book cases full of books and a desk. Always assumed it had been residential for a very long time (like some of the old shops turned in to houses in ED). Any answers on what is happening to Jennie Avent?
  14. OK, link didn't work. Put "Duppytown" into Google and go to the Bebo result.
  15. This could be scary if I could understand it: http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=5021981490&ShowSims=Y
  16. Don't quite understand the obsession with M&S. Food contains way too much salt and is often easier to cook from fresh. Lazy way to heart disease if you ask me.
  17. Anyone else experiencing their house being lit up like Blackpool illuminations because of the new street lights? I am all for safe streets but these new lights shine directly into the front of our house. Is the council going to pay for blackout blinds?
  18. Ditto what anaj says but Village Way is not a tanning salon it is a hairdressers that has tanning in the back. Sunbeds are incredibly damanging and dangerous BUT that should not reflect on their charity event for a worthwhile cause.
  19. This post has disturbed me. If anyone has been seriously threatened by these people then it is a matter for the police. If it is just that this family is simply upsetting people perhaps you should just lift your chin and ignore them. Often people who behave in an antisocial way are doing so for the attention so don't give it to them by responding. Posting about people like this on the forum is unseemly!
  20. Camberwell New Road gets pretty clogged up from about 6.45am. I leave ED on the 185 about 7.15am, get off at Camberwell Green and walk to Vauxhall in about 20 minutes. Keep fit and get to the Oval before the bus does. Otherwise, put aside about 40 mins from ED to Vauxhall and definitely travel before 7.45am.
  21. If you have to ask, perhaps you don't get it!
  22. My bet is a robbery. I wonder what odds they will give me?
  23. My bet is a robbery, but it is only a guess.
  24. Many, many congratulations on your twins. Didn't realise you were expecting two! Might see you on school run sooner or later but what did you have boy/girl, girl/girl, boy/boy? Always had the same experience with Blue Mountain but their scrambled eggs are to die for. In fact, love all their food but only go when I have got the time to wait around!
  25. So Macroban, are you going to tell us where the photos are from? I would be really interested to see if there are any photos of our street, Hindmans Rd. Our house and the one it is attached to date from around 1855, a doctors surgery and residence and the coach house. Servants quarters were added on the other side in 1900. 1855 is quite early for around here.
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