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Everything posted by EDmummy

  1. I was waiting for two parcels via Royal Mail. One posted 2 weeks ago, one 1 week ago. The one posted 1 week ago arrived this morning - placed behind our bin in full view of the street. We were home at the time but may not have heard a knock - if there was one. My assumption is that they are trying so hard to get rid of the backlog that they are not being as careful as usual (this item should have gone back to the sorting office for me to pick up). The item posted 2 weeks ago has still not arrived so my assumption is that this was also left outside the door but at a time when I was not in and could not bring it in - somebody knicked it! Company is going to re-send 1st item by courier now. Saying that, couriers are just as bad at leaving things on the doorstep!
  2. Get over it. ED has been buggy land for a long time. If you don't like it perhaps another suburb would suit you better.
  3. Mine flew in from Australia. I just arranged for them to stay somewhere else the minute I felt any labour twinges. Everyone is different.
  4. I felt quite differently to Womanofdulwich. Was due Christmas Day but decided to have relatives over anyway. The day was great, didn't end up going into labour until 31st. Was also planning a home birth. Would also agree the Upland is decent enough.
  5. I've finally got him to have 5 spoons of soup! He is still drinking lots of fluids but, as you would expect, his energy levels are non-existent. Might start leaving plates of food around to see if that tempts him. Thanks for advice!
  6. Poor you. Sounds so much like my first. In those days they were on solids at 4 months and once he was properly (more food than milk) on solids (about 6 months) things had fallen into place. Some babies are just more hungry. When No. 2 was like this, although advice had changed about when to ween, I was advised to start introducing solids and it made such a difference. Perhaps you should seek advice from the baby clinic - they have seen it all.
  7. Thanks! Will try BRAT although so far he has even refused bananas and milk which are his favourite things. He is definitely drinking enough now and although not tried lucozade he did have lemonade with sugar in it (found on the web that a small amount of sugar in lemonade flattens it). It is amazing how much weight a child can lose in the space of a week. He is unrecognisable. I am hoping that tomorrow he will try something and we'll build on that. Any other tips greatfully received.
  8. My 4 year old who is usually fitter than butcher's dog has recently had a nasty stomach virus. He did not eat for 4 days because of stomach pain (although did drink a little) and then spent 2 days vomiting. The vomiting has now thankfully stopped and he is able to take greater amounts of fluid but he will not eat. Tomorrow will be 7 days without eating more than a small mouthful a day of food. He is obviously very lethargic and temperamental. Of course, his stomach must be incredibly sore after so much illness but how can I get him back on the road to recovery? I have tried chocolate and his favourite foods. Nothing is tempting him. He also has what looks like a few ulcers developing in his mouth. Anyone with any tips? Went to the doctor to rule out appendicitis before he starting the vomiting but not sure when/if I should take him back again.
  9. Does Cllr Barber actually live in ED? It has been pretty obvious to anyone who has lived here for a while that the number of young people moving to the area has increased. Even more obvious are the numbers of those young people with children. Cllr Barber writes "It?s believed that changes in London?s demographics, combined with the impact of the recession, have led to an extraordinary rise in demand for new reception places. Southwark's rapidly improving results are also believed to be having a strong impact. Appears fewer people are moving to the suburbs and more children are living in flats." There should be nothing surprising about this for anyone who understand economics. What we need is stop pointing fingers and attributing blame. Nothing will be gained and it will not comfort the parents who have suffered this time around or who are concerned about getting their child into a school in the next few years. What we need is decisive action to prevent this happening again.
  10. Title made me laugh - I thought it was going to be an ED hunt!
  11. You have asked about getting your children in the schools. As they are both over the age of entrance for Year 7 and too young for six form, it will be a matter of contacting the schools separately to find out their admission criteria. Both schools are likely to respond to emails. It may also help you decided where you will live (if you don't already have a place).
  12. My youngest also had a great deal of interest in the letters that words start with about that age (although not what they ended with). Also not a hot houser! I tended to steer him towards words where the start letter was obvious and if he mentioned one that was not eg., circus, I vaguely mentioned the correction but did not make a point of it. Six months on, he is far more interested in learning how to write his letters and numbers so we haven't had to think about phonics. I am going to leave it to the professionals but if your daughter is truly interested then I am sure there are plenty of jolly phonics products that could support you.
  13. The owners of Nelly's were originally new parents with the same idea and look at them now. I wonder if they would speak to you about the process? They are very nice people.
  14. I hope for your sake,Ruthmct, they weren't casing your place. With regard to people removing things before the council get there, I tend to leave an item out for a few days, if it doesn't go I then call the council - saves resources!
  15. A bit of a rant but here it is.....About 8 years ago I accidently left a shrub in my front garden overgrow and as a result it impinged on the pavement - busy being heavily pregnant at the time. A local council official kindly sent me a letter reminding me that this could be a hazard for disabled people so I quickly lopped the shrub back. I actually appreciated this reminder and very readily took action. My front garden has never been overgrown since but I can't say the same for any number of people nearby. One person's hedge is so thick that you have to walk sideways on the pavement past their house. I am wondering if the current council has cut back on sending residents these letters? Cllr Barber, could the local street sweepers be issued with a load of proforma letters to do this sort of thing again?
  16. Having been the previous owner of Fuschia's chair, used for two children over 5 years, I would definitely recommend a well built solid chair if you intend to have more than one child. Ours was expensive but amazing. Was from John Lewis and as a testament to the quality - has been in happy use now for 4 children (my 2 and Fuschia's twins). Hope it is still treating you well, Fuschia!
  17. Does anyone know when the swimming pool at Dulwich Leisure Centre is due to open again? Any insider knowledge on whether it is running to timescale?
  18. Sainsburys. We got a fab one there earlier this year. Long strap and section for holding water bottle.
  19. Local opinion should definitely be canvassed with the local residents if any roads are to be closed. I personally would love to see the LL end of the road closed and the idea of electric points is great. I am sure the stallholders also have some great ideas on improvement. If the stalls were able to face towards the road on each side it would leave space on the pavement for the double buggies etc., but I wonder whether the local shop owners would like the foot traffic away from their shops?
  20. Apologies, I am a foreigner - what I meant was a 'pavement'.
  21. Went past it today. Definitely new and they are now putting it both sides of the street.
  22. I had heard that there were plans to close the bottom end of North Cross Road on a Saturday for the market. Is this the case and if so, what is the timescale?
  23. Now I am confused. I haven't walked past since Friday but what I saw was a cobbled brick lined footpath. If this is temporary, it certainly looks good. Not sure when I will get a chance to walk past again. Might try and take the kids on a diversion tomorrow.
  24. Well done for the speedy responses on here, Cllr Barber, but excuse me for being cynical when you have been in the council for a number of years and obviously already aware of the Forum and chose only now to take the lead of the Network Rail guy (election nearing?). I too have had emails ignored and ended up sorting out problems myself directly with council officials. The previous incumbents in this ward would door knock and set up a stall in LL about once every few months and speak directly to residents about any issues (in addition to their regular surgeries). Any thoughts of attempting the same?
  25. It was a Heathrow plane.
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