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Everything posted by EDmummy

  1. I can understand your concern but have never felt comfortable with the thought of monitoring my babies heart at will. This early in your pregnancy there is always the possibility of not placing the monitor in the optimal position and then worrying yourself silly as a result. Just my opinion.
  2. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm struggling with the idea that private school > pupils are somehow less entitled to publicly > funded safety measures then state school pupils. > All this stuff about "opting out of society" just > stems from a personal disdain for private > education... at the end of the day, private > schools do not diminish the public purse. > > IMO the state/private thing has nothing to do with > the original post. But I still think that if the > parents are so concerned, we could surely find 100 > or so volunteers who can give up an hour a week. I hope your post wasn't in response to mine about kids at Alleyns and Jags not only coming from Southwark. I just wanted to point out that contributions should come from all representative communities. Charter parents from Southwark (not those from Lambeth) already contribute to the cost. How can we make this equitable so all user communities contribute to the cost of these very worthwhile lollipop people? By the way, why has the title of the original post been deleted?
  3. Gosh, that has hit home! My thoughts go out to the families. I heard that the parents of one of the children is going to have to pay a very large sum to have their son repatriated (no travel insurance). Is there anything we can do as a community to help them?
  4. Although of course, as we are reminded by the stonking big buses that sit outside Alleyns, a lot of the kids at the school don't actually live nearby and therefore, their parents don't pay council tax in Southwark!
  5. Lollipop lady on sick leave at corner of CP Road and Heber, child in collision with car yesterday. Just prior to this incident a car was backing from Heber Rd to CP Road at exactly the spot where the lollipop lady should have been and where many children cross. Missed me and my boys by half a metre. Is it true that the council proposal is to only remove lollipop people from controlled crossings or is it all of them? Can someone confirm? With regard to the lollipop people working outside Jags and Alleyns, I would have thought the schools could provide a contribution towards the cost.
  6. I'm looking for suggestions for a party for a 6 year old. We didn't do the whole class thing last year but am thinking about doing it this year so having it at home is not an option. There have been lots of parties already this year at DKH adventure playground so we want to look for a different venue. Would definitely have to be something active, good for boys and girls and local, preferably outdoors. So far have thought about a pool party (I know they do them in Beckenham but not sure if they do them at Peckham) and a treasure hunt in Dulwich Woods. Any more suggestions?
  7. On a bus going past Hisar around 5.30pm yesterday, did anyone see a bee catcher removing a swarm/nest?
  8. Shalia Shah, I am pretty sure we are not talking about the same neighbour. Penguin68, we have a resident fox but she is now being hand fed by a neighbour (she is very elderly) so is unlikely to chase the rats. I am under no illusions that there are rats metres from my house but it does put the wind up you when it runs inches from your toes across the patio! Will be checking air bricks tonight!!
  9. Thought as much. Think the attraction is my next door neighbour's very run down garden. They are housing assoc tenants but haven't been living there for about 3 months.
  10. Had the same with first born but he was breast fed. I drank lots of fennel tea and he had cranial osteopathy (although that was to help with very difficult birth issues). Bit of a while ago, can't remember if you can give sips of fennel tea to little ones.
  11. Just saw a rat in my garden, near the house. What can I do?! Will the Council help?!
  12. From my experience of working in libraries in Australia, inter-library loans were never a 'back-office staff' function and could be done very easily online by any staff member. I would be very surprised if it is not as simple in this country. Volunteers can of course manage the help desk and register books in and out but they certainly do not have the necessary skills to buy books that cater to the demographic(again, am very surprised that each library doesn't buy its own books with its own book buying budget). Cafes are a great idea for revenue. So is room hire and video membership (monthly membership based on the Love Film model? Without the online delivery, obviously). Libraries in Southwark desperately need homework mentors and people to offer internet training (for young and old). Who else would be able to offer this kind of support? A lot of work has been done by CILIP and ASLIB to promote the modern library. Have either of these organisations been involved to date?
  13. I sincerely hope it is "fab news". So, if it all goes wrong will there be a similar petition against the return of a child to a reported "violent" situation. Sadly very few stories can sensibly give us both sides to these types of situations.
  14. I read this article too and felt the heart break of the loving father although I was left wondering if there was an underlining Aspergers or perhaps mental health problem. I also felt uneasy about the boy being sent away so often to have his problems sorted out (Brat Camp in US, drug rehab in South Africa). Regardless, very traumatic for all.
  15. I seem to remember reading about brick works in ED. Am I mistaken?
  16. They are only babies/toddlers for a very small percentage of their lives. If you like the house, the amenities and schools, go for it. You and the kids will adapt for the short time that you need to.
  17. How terribly sad for them. They are the only ones I know who sell a full range of envelopes. One of my corner shops has been owned by the same guy for a very long time (20+ yrs). They have had to move above the shop and sell their home and the business is costing them much more than it is earning them.
  18. Couldn't watch the programme after tears from reading pre-televised article in Guardian magazine on Saturday. Gosh, these kids need so many things! Yes, uniforms and probably more importantly when it comes to fitting in, coolish clothes to wear on the weekend and holidays a definite. They could also do with second hand televisions. Probably the bane of most of our lives but when you are living in an area where it is not always safe to be out at night, a night in watching tele is a good alternative. Paying pound coins to watch an HP television costs a hell of a lot more than we could imagine when you are on such a low income. So many TVs are given away or sold cheaply on EDF, maybe they could go to families in Southwark who could do without the burden of HP arrangements. This could also be the case for washing machines, dryers and fridges. Just a thought.
  19. Enjoy it while you can....I'm sure funds will be cut soon!
  20. Had one with physiological and one with blood group type jaundice. No. 1, jaundice set in about day 3, stayed at home breastfeeding. The other was jaundiced within 6-12 hours after birth. He was saved from brain damage by the quick thinking staff at Kings and was put on lights and a bottle (with my colostrum and any milk I could produce within the first 48 hrs of childbirth). I am extremely grateful for all the treatment and have no regrets of him being fed with a bottle for 4-5 days (mix of formula and whatever I could produce). Day 6 he came home and got back on to the breast as though he had never left. I would question anyone who gets so single minded about breast feeding that they may risk their child's health.
  21. Poor you. I know exactly what you must have felt like! Someone recently told me the trick of writing your mobile number on their arm or back of hand.
  22. Not a shame Sillywoman. I'd give my eye teeth to get a place there and know (through personal family experience) how good the school is. My child has offered to be adopted by a friend to be sure of getting a place there. I just happen to think that there are one or two minor things I like better about Kingsdale and they are mostly social rather than academic concerns. So, if we do get a place we will be very appreciative and grateful to get one of my top two schools!
  23. We are just over 800m away from Charter and are pretty sure we won't get in. Would prefer Kingsdale but that is a bit of a lottery.
  24. Pizza Express where the Three Monkeys used to be in Herne Hill. 2 mins from park. In fact, lots of lovely places to eat around there.
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