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Everything posted by EDmummy

  1. Hi Keane, there's some information here http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?29,613687,634709#msg-634709 which you may find useful. If you also look for threads on the forum on dyspraxia and DCD you may also find some useful information. Please PM me if you think it would be useful.
  2. If you're sure they're bumble bees it's a little unusual to have them in a house where there's no window open as they tend to build nests outside in or near the ground. Have you looked around any low entry/nest points?
  3. Gosh, that sounds scary! http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/gaps-diet/ A doctor should supervise any child put on a diet.
  4. The strike was confirmed by the NUT I believe over a month ago and is part of a long running strike plan. You can find out more information on the NUT website. One son's school told us at least 2/3 weeks ago (including which classes affected) and the other only yesterday. I completely understand how working parents are feeling, without this length of notice we would have had serious problems sorting out childcare. I think my younger son's school sent out notification early following complaints by parents. Perhaps others affected can lodge a complaint about notice period so at least the school can respond for subsequent strike days. I'm in full support of the teachers but perhaps may not have been had I not had early notice.
  5. I'm so sorry to hear this. I know he was looking forward to being at the same school as his brother. I would say you most definitely have to report this as I know that it is a reasonably common taunt, whether there is a wider bullying problem can only be identified and responded to by the school if they're aware there is a problem. I'm not sure how realistic it would be for him to change schools because of the current over subscription at most local schools so maybe a way to deal with it is to get in touch with the school counsellor (they've got another name for this post but I can't remember it) who might be able to help him with strategies. My son, when occasionally taunted uses humour and the support of a close network of friends. It's not easy but my personal experience of being bullied as a child is that sticking at the same school and finding a way to deal with it (I can't say without tears as that would be unrealistic) has made me stronger. Of course it's just me personal perspective and I really hope you find a way through this. Very distressing for all of you.
  6. Curtains went up in se flats last week. People have definitely moved in.
  7. Reren, that bought me to tears. I also feel incredibly privileged to have an amazing hospital on our doorstep. Saved both my boys at birth. I've lived in countries where health care is not free and I find the attitude of people in the UK astonishing. Ok, so it's not perfect (what is?), but how many businesses are genuinely interested in improvement like the NHS? We should fight to keep what we've got but also be a critical friend.
  8. We stopped liquids 2 hours before bedtime and a sit on the loo at bedtime (whether they needed a wee or not). First son wet on and off for a couple of months, second son pretty much dry from the off. First son was adamant he was not going back into pull ups so we couldn't regress him however much of a pain it was to do so much washing but it really doesn't last that long in the grand scheme of things. All the very best.
  9. Would love to do a swap with you but as I have school age children your dates don't fit for us unfortunately. As an Aussie with family in Sydney, this is exactly what we'll be looking for around Easter or Xmas.
  10. Very exciting. As well as the classics for the older crowd (of which I'm one) I really hope they show the latest films for my very avid film going teenager. I'm sick of schlepping to Surrey Quays to drop them off - and them 2 hours later to pick them up.
  11. Our trampoline is 10-12ft (can't remember off top off head) and I think we're finally coming to end of use. Youngest is 8 but know from experience with older child that interest in it stops around 10. Ours has been truly wonderful and with highly recommend. Just remember, they only get to use them for 3-4 months of the year (certainly this last year) so buy a good cover.
  12. Great to see some well informed comments here. Refreshing! I would like to say though, ATOS is being used as a scapegoat. They are only carrying out policy and process originally developed under the last govt and strengthened under the current govt. ATOS aren't evil,the policy and process is.
  13. Ritzy Brixton main screen (long time since I've been to the other screens so can't comment) and Odeon Surrey Quays but at 6ft and with back probs they aren't quite as wonderful as Ritzy.
  14. Mine just back from 9 days away but haven't asked him to do a chore yet - the signs aren't looking good Simonbeaver. On the plus side it's lovely to have some slightly more mature conversation (his brother is only 8) and he's genuinely interested in what's going on in Ukraine. Down side - he's used the 'f' word twice and tells me that he's now got used to using it whilst away.
  15. My son has now been there two years. My son was incredibly anxious about attending the school (none of his best mates going) and the school were incredibly supportive in getting him settled. There have been occasional hiccups with staff leaving (happens in all secondary schools) but the school were very approachable and responsive when I raised concerns. When talking to parents of other local schools I realise how lucky we are to have a school that is very interested in developing a strong partnership with parents and understands my child as individual. It's not all a bed of roses - until recently there was still a little disruption in a minority of classes but a new and consistent policy has been implemented to deal with this. I would second the orange lapel comment and I worry about the learn to test culture but that's more the fault of Gove than anything else. Good luck.
  16. The American van and the hog roast were there when I went past plus the cake and vege food stall (they were really struggling with wind). I think most traders took the right decision. I'm sure they're sorry not to have risked their livelihood so Ron70 et al could have their fresh pasta/cheese/salami/olives/pies/trinkets for one w/e
  17. nunheadmum Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Ole. It sounds like you do tons with your son > so don't feel bad. I think our kids can get so > used to having so much input from us, they have to > learn to get bored and move to using their own > imagination. Maybe I'm just a lazy mum but I do > try and stay firm, telling my kids that no, I'm > not going to provide them with something to do, > they have to think of something for themselves. > It's not easy at the start and getting involved > again can seem like an easier option - and some > kids will take to it easier than others - but > gradually they do start to learn. It takes a bit > of resolve on your part. > > I think school does help them to learn this skill > too. And the kids who can come up with the good > ideas of games to play tend to pull the other kids > with them. So helping him to learn this skill > will be a help to him come school. > > So don't feel bad if you say no to joining in - > you'll help him doing that just as much as playing > with him. Absolutely agree Nunheadmum!I learnt my lesson of being v hands on from any no.1. Baby no.2 was left a bit more to find his own thing to do and even now (13 & 8) the younger is much better at occupying himself and an get much more absorbed in his play. It's such a hard age and I'm sure once the weather dries up things will get better.
  18. I'm sorry to say this it but I think your children might be a bit young for a proper safari. Not done safari in SA but in Tanzania. We're v keen on going back but feel only now (just) our kids at 8 & 13 will cope with it. If you're going to SA anyway and just want the kids to see some local animals I would take them to a safari park (similar to Longleat) - 2-3 hours max cooped up in a car/truck.
  19. My son has participated in research before. He made ?50 from one study.
  20. Grew up around horses. Their 'deposits' don't smell bad. It's a great smell. Unlike the very large dog that does a daily dump on the corner of Hindmans and Overhill.
  21. TE44 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > EDmummy Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > hellosailor Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > >> > > > yeah I guess it works out ok for the bright > > kids > > > who don't get expelled for bringing the > overall > > > results down. Tough shit if you're not > academic > > I > > > guess. > > > > That's a serious allegation that the evidence > > provided in this thread does not substantiate. > If That was my question TE44. Where is the evidence that these children have been expelled? I'm happy to be corrected but I cannot see it from the 'evidence' produced by others in this thread. > > you have the evidence that does so I would > suggest > > that you get in touch with the relevant > > authorities. If you do not then I would suggest > > you calm down. > > > Which evidence edmummy?
  22. hellosailor Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >> > yeah I guess it works out ok for the bright kids > who don't get expelled for bringing the overall > results down. Tough shit if you're not academic I > guess. That's a serious allegation that the evidence provided in this thread does not substantiate. If you have the evidence that does so I would suggest that you get in touch with the relevant authorities. If you do not then I would suggest you calm down.
  23. Amy used to live down the road from us in Brixton/Herne Hill border.
  24. DulwichFox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > One has to take in all practicalities... > > Classrooms on a busy road. Traffic Noise. > Solution double glaze and keep windows shut.? > > Pollution:- Solution double glaze and keep > windows shut.? > > Hot weather:- Solution Air conditioning.??? Not > good environment especially for young people. > Dry eyes especially when spending time on > computer screens. Respiratory problems. > > Outside play/exercise area. Not applicable. > > Parents driving children to school. Parking. > ??? > > Our kids deserve better. > > This is not Foxy being grumpy. It is common > sense.. > > Then Foxy does not have to rely on making himself > popular to get votes. ;-) > > DulwichFox There are alternatives to aircon. I worked in an office where we had 'cooling rods' served by a cold water cooling system. It was fantastic in summer.
  25. Do any of the posters so far have experience of sending their child to a Harris school? I'm no apologist but after having my son at Harris Boys East Dulwich I've seen nothing but care and support given to my child. I'm given many opportunities to talk to teachers and senior management team and am listened to. I certainly don't agree with any dishonest practice but I think it's important for people to hear about the positives as well.
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