dont worry about your children eating a little doggy do- they swallow far more poo off their own hands after toiletting as a general rule causing gastrointestinal upsets all over my surgery! however from a non medical point of view, there are many more serious issues we can all discuss.... like vaginal laxity after childbirth...oopps there i go again, sorry. But seriously there is no simple way to tackle un-scooped dog sh*t. CCTV, dog sh*t on the spot penalties, banning all dogs from public places... So may i suggest a few ideas: If you are a dog owner and don't habitually clear up after your mutt, please take heed. If you are a dog, please educate your owner as to the inferred East Dulwich etiquitte noted above. If you see a dog owner openly flouting the above etiquitte, and he/she is not blatantly sociopathic then it might be worth offering up the education... If you habitually walk in sh*t, attend the opticians ASAP. If your entrance(!) is perpetually being fouled consider staking out your gate area armed with a .22 biathlon rifle (can i suggest enfilade from a defilade position to avoid the obvious detection and maximise "the one shot one kill" Tom Beringer rationale- target:owner or offending dog..its your choice). Consider a clean pussy instead...(!) From a dog lover (but not in the beastiality sense).