Jeanne, I am really sorry to hear this news and I feel for your daughter, My little brother, his friend and myself were mugged, by what seems to be the same gang of thugs the night after your daughter was mugged. It happened roughly around mid night after I left the Clock house. I bumped into my brother and his friend after having to return to the pub to pick up my ruck sack I'd forgotten, minutes later we were approached by 2 boys (looking around 15 to 17 years of age) demanding us to hand over any money, phones or valuables with the threat of stabbing us. I'm not sure about anyone who is reading this; if someone threatens me with a knife I'm not going to do anything stupid that'd risk the safety of myself, my brother and his friend. They were coming out with all kinds of threats and one of the boys took hold of my brother and wouldn't let him go. A very quick few moments later we saw two much bigger and older lads (looking around their 20's) on bicycles racing towards us. Instinctively I pushed the boy who was holding my brother and reached for my brother and his friend and we ran for the nearest house ringing on the door bells for what could've turned out to be a life or death situation. Fortunately we were in luck and explained our situation to a woman through the intercom by which point the thugs realised that it would be stupid to continue to pursue their foolish actions and they scarpered. A bottle of win, or two, is definitely deserved to the woman who saved our skins which I shall be delivering in the very near future. Sorry for the long detailed description of this event; I think Jaybee82 is right about no matter what area one lives in nowhere is impervious to crime. Pointing the finger at different areas because of their class, culture, costs of bricks or mortar will only result in more crime and worse. Its infrastructure that shapes societies and everyone as a collective is equally responsible it. And by communication and conveying ones concerns and opinion to the rest of our society is probably the best way to strengthen any community.