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Proj London Health

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  1. Is it a cocker spaniel or a springer spaniel? Any identifying points like a white patch on chest, short, med or long tail.
  2. Nostalgia - Camberwell Grove: I remember flying down Camberwell Grove at lunchtime from my laboratory, swimming a mile in the leisure ctr, then cursing the cycle ride back up. Criminal Forensic Science is a thing of the past now, but as for the Village challenge, I use either the S' Circular or Sydenham Hill to get to the other side. I too was in the ghastly 'hour and a bit' traffic jam on Court Lane last week. My question is global deployment for the temp 4-way traffic lights: Why don't the suppliers of the lights employ an intelligent light system? That is, each of the 4 pods communication as if they were normal lights - so East / West flow and then stop, followed by North / South flow etc. I understand that Turney road would be a challenge, but the flow of traffic would be much better. McCabe
  3. Sorry to hear Ben, It really sucks when this happens, and you would be right in second guessing that it happened to me too albeit out of ED. A group of 12 - 14 year olds wheeled it out of my front garden at c.7pm on a Sat. My new scooter has a cover over it and a 'U' lock that fits through the holes in the cover and the front wheel so its a real pain in the arse for thieves to look at what they want to steal. And sure enough, 3am in the morning I heard a scooter put up outside on the pavement and in my front garden was a scroat try to pull the cover up without joy, then buggered off when I pulled the blinds up. I was lucky to find mine in a poor way but the insurance were quick to pay up. McCabe
  4. I totally agree, access as close as possible to the caf? for those with limited mobility to enjoy. McCabe
  5. I believe Mayor Johnson made all bus lanes free for m/bikes. Stickers petrol stations etc.... Then, after a couple of m/cycle protests in central London gridlocking various parts, I also believe that on this basis it all returned back to as before. I use to ride through one of the shortest bus lanes near Tulse Hill and one day that unexpected ticket came through. McCabe
  6. ** Firstly, this is just marginally out of E' Dulwich'. Is there any truth that there are hidden average speed cameras on Sydenham Hill? If you drive from the Crystal Palace end you pass the yellow boxed speed camera's, then as you are heading towards the Hornimans you pass the 'Dulwich Wood House pub'. c.400m after the pub there are cameras within the wooded section. A cab driver's Sat Nav was pinging him of speed cameras but no sign of any. After many days he pulled up and found them covertly mounted. They may be generic CCTV, ANPR, or Ave Speed cameras, albeit the cab driver had learnt that speeding tickets have been given out from these cameras. The starting point here is 'hearsay', can anyone put any specifics? This is a main artery entry / exit road for East Dulwich. Best! Freestyle-McCabe
  7. Oh, forgot to say..... One of my personal dogs is an Arctic Fox (Nordic Spitz) called Wing Commander. They are used in Lapland/Finland/Sweden for hunting game including Bears. So if you have a bear under your shed, give me a call and Wing Commander will be there to assist!
  8. Foxes under your shed, me too! One of the cubs went to my neighbours cat-flap and had eye to eye contact with them. In addition to Public Health, I am also a dog groomer and boarder, so I think they have all moved on now once the dogs had the sent - albeit no access to under the shed for the dogs. So I guess in summary, any local rat or mouse population should be reduced, and now no foxes. Freestyle-McCabe
  9. Tried to purchase some yesterday without joy. I spoke with reception and while aware of the garden there is no product or price list. She did try to track down the Operations Manager - even use her CCTV to track down but alas no :-( Will try again. McCabe
  10. Your posting has come at an ideal time. I have a drop in blood test at the Community Hospital and I'm looking to step up my quantity of herbs for cooking & or growing. Perfect! McCabe
  11. Didn't get these for my birthday :-( Alas, my wife, Fitness Julia, confirms that there is a bagpipe player in Brockwell Park when she is with her fitness team. This guy is very good and can be heard around 10am - ish on Saturday mornings. Oh well, back to the saxaphone then! McCabe
  12. Snowy, Do you think I can play the 'Blues' on the Pipes? The Sax is sooooooo easzy For the 'Root' of say 'C', I start with ......say F#. Fitness Julia has headed to the land of sleep - she has a fitness group on Brockwell Park, I can see a challenge there in Brockwell :-) Will check in, but.... FT may deal with me. McCabe xx
  13. You guys are beautiful! My wife is going nuts with this idea. Go into Dulwich Park on Sunday morning for 10am (fitness Julia - with some 20 - women around her), walk by and say 'bagpipes' But, how do you measure the uncertainty of challenge? One of my super grandfathers has a statue in Dublin for his progression of the community between Ireland and the UK - should I not do it for him? McCabe
  14. Does anyone play bagpips in East Dulwich? After 4-years, I received my first complaint about my tenor saxaphone - I did explain that there are 3-others within 10-houses. Yet.... this person lives 1/2 a mile away. So, Mr Irish dark curly hair with a ginger beard is heading to the pipes - I need some support to help me play and where to buy some pipes. I will repay with FREE personal training - it doesn't have to be for you, give it as a gift to anyone you know. 6-weeks, and full of fun! McCabe
  15. Me again! Purchase a large float that the 'full-on' swimmers use. Hands at the front so the elbows are supported on the float too, this keeps the upper extremities (body) prone in the water while the legs do the kicking. I use to teach across London and found two key 'starting points': either find a pool that is warm, Crystal Palace use to have a pool downstairs, and I think Beckenham's smaller pool is warm too; or Imperial College - London had a salt chlorinated pool which helped to make you float too so you are prone in the water. ** Tips ** 1. Again, goggles are great as it encourages children to look into the water without stinging their eyes. This is a long-haul project so making the introduction fun enables you to build upon it. 2. I use to do this trick with children and adults which was fun and educational for them too. a) If you are able to swim a width with the float, then great! b) Now, divide the width with two objects or markers on the side. c) Start! Kick as hard as they can with 'toes' pointed behind them ** this is really important ** d) Between the 1st and 2nd ojects / markers, the 'toes' must now point to the botton of the pool. When the toes are pointed down or towards the body by a few degrees, they are actually hooking the water - this will cause no movement forwards, and can result in the swimmer going backwards. The net result.... how important to have toes pointed baackwards and for the ankles to be flexible. ** Teaching Points ** 1. Hold both your arms out forwards, now pretend they are legs kicking slowly in the water with your wrists gently moving up/down similar to your ankles with your fingers representing your toes. That whipping action of the fingers/toes generates propulsion 2. Once the above is achieved, take a big breath and place your head into the water and slowly breathe out and then raise your head again. 3. Progession: Repeat point '2', but this time take your head from the water to the LHS and breathe in and reinsert into the water and breathe out slowly. Now repeat on the RHS. And then LHS, and then RHS, LHS and right hand side. Men typically are unilateral swimmers (breathing on either the RHS or LHS), women however are typiclly bi-lateral swimmers - they breath on the LHS, take 3-strokes and then on the RHS. Good Luck! McCabe - Project London Health advice and support is FREE!
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