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Everything posted by twofourseven

  1. We used to live in East Dulwich for a good number years. We moved to a few places after ED and now find ourselves in Crofton Park. We think that it is certainly up and coming. It will take a good number of years to get to ED standards, we do miss it, but we are not far away. There are some good local shops openings, grocers, coffee shops and restaurants. It is not far from Brockley and transport into town is very good, IMO much better than it was for us from ED - Farringdon in 20 mins and Charing Cross from Ladywell in 15 mins. Schools round here are also getting rave reviews. But as I say, Crofton Park is a work in progress.
  2. Hi there, just wanted to share the following map that the Police have and that shows the log of crimes as recorded by them. Visit the site (http://www.police.uk/) and enter your postcode. Useful to get an idea of hotspots. As others have said, I hope that the girl is getting support. As for justice, I would like to see some serious justice for such crimes. It's about time to have punishments that will act as a deterrent!
  3. Try Dulwich Runners. There's a good crowd there on Wednesday's. They also have track days too.
  4. Got to say, well deserved. I had an issue here in East Dulwich in which my local councillor didn't do much, so I took the case to Tessa and the Chief Executive of Southwark Council. She worked hard for the Olympics and when I needed support, did so for me.
  5. James, I would like to know if they have got a contract with Southwark Council what terms are in place and what benchmarks are in the contracts to ensure that council tax payers needs are met.
  6. To be quite honest, they do not care about the customers once they are signed-up. Having said that I would like to know how their contract has been renewed and what targets Southwark Council has in the contract, because by the mood here they are not being met. Gut tells me that the best thing is for people to gather their thoughts together, contact a local paper and let them know the issue. Link it to the fact that the contract has been renewed by the Council and you have a story. Equally, if Fusion have similar issues in other locations then you have a story. It's about time that businesses took care of their paying customers!!
  7. Hi there, just wanted to see if there are trains running from East Dulwich to London Bridge today? I'm getting conflicting messages! Cheers!
  8. The slippery geezer's been acquitted of all charges.
  9. I BIG yes to Waitrose. Personally speaking, while the staff at the Co-op are great their grub is poor. I've lost count of the amount of fruit and veg I've got from there that has gone rotten within a few days. It's just not on. That said, the bonus has been that it's made me get my fruit and veg now from the North Cross Road store (what's it called?), which is itself is brilliant.
  10. Have to agree with 'first mate.' Best thing is to call and get the option 'thinking of leaving Virgin Media.' If you end up with an overseas call centre before this then ask to be passed back to the UK. It tends to be the case that when you tell them you are going to leave that they'll pass you through to UK staff anyhow. Equally, send an email and a written letter. Funnily enough, written correspondence always get an answer. If they split the cable then they are in breach of contract as you are not getting an exclusive service.
  11. I put together a Twitter list some time ago 'ere: https://twitter.com/#!/twofourseven/dulwich-life. And if you can put up with my media, pr, tech and Arsenal ramblings then join in. :) Oh, I'm @twofourseven
  12. Going to throw a curve-ball here, but I wonder if it is wee then it is to scare off any foxes. You know, spread human wee around to keep foxes at bay? Just saying!! I'll get my coat!
  13. A hat-tip to the ArtfulDodger for the insight and everybody else for the points made. Just to clarify, the post as I described is paid and full-time. While I understand the point about 'public finances' I would have seen this as an investment. Somebody that can press the flesh with businesses that might not have considered venturing into Peckham, Camberwell and Dulwich. Personally I see the job as an investment in the community, focusing on business and helping businesses. To a certain extent, the job or investment would pay for itself in the medium to long-term. Anyhow, thanks for the insight from everybody.
  14. Long time forum lurker, first time caller. :) I've been reading with great interest all the calls for shops and services in East Dulwich and I was wondering of this. Having lived in a few places in London that had a dedicated Town Centre Manager I was wondering if Southwark had them in their payroll and if not, if a person responsible for helping specific communities, like ED, would be of benefit the local community here. Years back when I lived in Putney (hold on!!) I knew the TCM - I used to work with said individual at a central London charity. His job was to try to liaise between the community, businesses and new businesses - some call it gentrify. He did well. He put in place a strategy for the High Street and focused on trying and succeeding in brining business retail investment in. In my view it was a win/win strategy. After all, what is Southwark Council's plan for Lordship Lane and East Dulwich? This is a great community and it and its numerous businesses and inhabitants deserve a contact person that can help out. What are your thoughts? James Barber, does Southwark have Town Centre Managers?
  15. If you are interested the following website shows monthly records of crimes by postcode. The data is then mashed-up on a map and allows you the types of crime by street in said postcode. Well worth having a look at and keeping notes before meetings with the Police Community Officers and local councillors. http://www.police.uk - Main Website http://www.police.uk/overview/?q=Camberwell,%20Greater%20London%20SE22%208,%20UK - Stats for SE22 8
  16. Hi thebond, fellow Gooner here. I'm up at The Emirates on Tuesday and can ask the people at the Arsenal Football Supporters Club (AFSC) and see if they can figure out who's autographs they are. I'll send you a DM if I have any info.
  17. Hello buntysammy, Welcome to the 'hood. There's some great places not just on East Dulwich, but Dulwich Village as well. The Mag and Franklins on Lordship Lane are great pub/bar, as is The Actress on the corner of North Cross Road and Crystal Palace Road. Thai Corner Cafe is brilliant - though take your own beer or wine. Jacks on Pellat Road and Luca's on Lordship Lane are brilliant for coffee. Head's up to Jacks for breakfasts! I've a Dulwich Life List on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/twofourseven/dulwich-life.
  18. Brilliant words. They ring so true. The cutbacks that we are experiencing at the moment are not the sole reason for what has happened, but the straw that's, well, you know. These issues have been brewing for years and it's sad that in politics there has been a focus on the now and the short-term. School field sell-off just highlight how little interest there is in kids. We live, IMO, in a culture where we delegate responsibility from one person or institution to another. Standing up for basic beliefs is a rarity. sfhyouthforum makes some great points that we think about, but a majority rarely stand-up for. A community supports it's own - it is more than a group of individuals.
  19. Damian, I agree with the large majority of what you saying. You just have to look at how the Turkish community in Dalton stood their ground. There is a difference in how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. I read in one of the other threads about somebody that gone done over on Forest Hill Road and somebody responded that you shouldn't flash a nice mobile around. Found that odd that the advice is that a law-abiding citizen should hide away so that they do not tempt the thugs to indulge in a rob. I guess that's why they get away with it, because we shriek away whenever they push and threaten us. Confidence and respect it's what it's all about. They have the confidence push us. Do we have the confidence to stand up to them?
  20. Totally fake, they can't even spell in, er, let's call it pho-netic English. I love the tweet from somebody else (fake or not) "smashing your own city to pieces cos you've the IQ of a baguette."
  21. In response to BB100, I agree with your points. It really is as simple as this, when we as kids wanted something we either a) harassed our parent/s for it (I was brought up by my late single-mum) or b) went out to work and get the money for it. If it was not the trainers that everyone else had I felt sh*t. Then I discovered that if I worked harder I got more money and got the the flash Adidas. There is a problem with this though, jobs. There are not any jobs for kids to do. And there are no summer activities for kids - or workshops, or anything, which is why, and as you say, if society doesn't care then why should they. That though does not excuse what has happened. The basic principle of right and wrong is no longer in place and this is the said issue. I stand by what I said, if kinds bring home goods looted goods then parents should be able to discipline them accordingly and in private. Problem here is that they themselves might get done by Social Services. You need both the stick and the carrot. And I am with you on the need for activities for kids. And if the council can't fund 'em them perhaps the community should rally round and sort something out. Or is it too much about me, rather than we? Just sayin!
  22. My political views are this, I believe in the politics of common sense and respect. The kids that have gone round looting do not know the difference between right and wrong. They have been failed by their parents, who themselves been failed by the state. While they are a minority, others follow the herd mentality. Yes, there has to be support services, but equally there need to be a line in the sand drawn whereby the police enforce the rule of right and wrong. If you cross that line on your head be it. Simple as that. It is a fact that if any kids brings home stolen goods then the parents are accessory to the crime committed. So, where are the parents of these people. Yes, there needs to be support services and community work and training for work. But equally need to be allowed to protect the community, without living in fear that they will be sued.
  23. Great debate this. My experience is: there are some good estate agents in ED - you have to find them though; many of the national chains are overpricing the properties they represent (I wonder if this is because they need to hit their targets by keeping the price high as fewer people are buying at the bottom of the market); as other people have said, there is plenty of data highlighting that the price of flats is dropping - fewer people able to get mortgages. What I'd do if I was in your position: view as many properties as possible; barter hard and be patient - unrealistic prices will drop if there are few offers near the asking price; consider flats that need work - think of it as a project. Sure you'll get a place in ED. Good luck!
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