Hello - I saw there were some points about this a few years ago, but didn't seem to end up with anything definitive. I think that the cycle lane/path from the library down Rye Lane (ending at the crossroads where Primark is) is crazy. It just doesn't look like a cycle path at all - I can't blame pedestrians for walking all over it. I don't even cycle really fast down it, and I appreciate previous posts explaining that it's designed as a shared space and "just go slowly, ring your bell etc etc" but... 1) nearly everyone now is on a phone or has headphones on - I would say pretty much no-one hears me ringing my little bell! I wonder if mobile phone usage and streaming music via a phone has increased so much since when it was designed, that the council didn't predict that in 2018 cyclists simply wouldn't be able to communicate with the vast majority of pedestrians? 2) sometimes people just walk right into it and you don't have a chance to stop or even shout. This happened to me today and I got knocked off my bike. It hurt. 3) the bike signs are almost invisible, 4) and even some cyclists don't realise that it's one way! I really get it that it's virtually impossible for pedestrians to manage this. Even when I walk up Rye Lane I sometimes find myself wandering into the cycle path... Does anyone else feel that it could do with a bit more visibility? Thank you!