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  1. Much of London is really blighted by ever present aircraft noise, it has a huge effect on your quality of life without you appreciating it. When you move to a city where the planes don't fly over at all you really notice the peacefullness, birdsong and calm. it was wonderful when the icelandic volcano blew up and all the flights stopped for 10 days. it was like living in a completely different city. And saying " you live in a global capital city, get used to it" is nonsense. Many / most global cities don't have aircraft overflying the city to reach the airports. Heathrow is in the worst place imaginable. it would be far better to shift it all out the estuary and have no overflying of London at all.
  2. i feel very sorry for all the burglaries that happen but it's a sad fact that if your property is vulnerable, you will be targeted. Although there are cheap and effective crime prevention measures homeowners can take, serious ones to deter burglars including secure locked double glazed windows and properly secure, unbreakable doors do not come cheap. However they are available. I know, i fitted them to my own flat and they cost thousands. i am afraid it is the only way to truly keep people out in an urban environment plagued by burglars. People pay an absolute fortune for their properties round ED and have tons of valuable kit in them. A one off, few thousand quid on new security windows and doors throughout a property however is rarely considered. But it's the only thing that truly works. You just need to make your house super secure.
  3. London tap water is totally rank when you've lived in other places. it's not poisonous but heavily treated and bears no relation to fresh spring water or water which has come from other parts of the country where treatment is minimal . Don't forget what you are drinking is merely heavily treated water from the River Thames, not the clearest mountain spring.
  4. Why do people leave their locks anyway? In 12 years of cycling in London i've never left a lock , locked to something without my bike.........as the locks tend to come in handy when you are , you know, cycling around and need to stop somewhere else, as most riders do. Rather baffled - and not surprised a building owner would seek to remove them if permanently left in place. I have seen discarded locks around on my travels - and as a regular cyclist that's what i've always thought they were - discarded. It's never crossed my mind that someone would leave one deliberately. I can't believe someone is so entitled and cheeky to resort to legal arguments and demand compensation , they need to get a serious grip on themselves.
  5. Is this actually true though? My perception is that Crystal Palace has regenerated quite substantially in part due to the ELL extension - many former subdivided properties have been converted back into family homes and the process continues. Agreed improvements seem patchy at best in Forest Hill, not sure why that is - perhaps as the town centre didn't have a lot of character to begin with.
  6. The Jubilee weekend is going to be the party of the century. i am unashamedly going to have it large as are millions of others . Bring it on !
  7. Sheds with beds - common in other, more scummy parts of London. Hope the authorites do not permit this.
  8. Black youths do nearly all the mugging and robbery round here. Sad but true. Not racist to say so.
  9. The world didn't end in crouch end when they got an m and s and a waitrose. There are still stacks of independent shops there. People need to get off their high horse. This will take east Dulwich upmarket.
  10. Honestly there are so many inverted snobs and moaners around these days.
  11. Fantastic idea having an M&S in Lordship Lane. It will help anchor the high street and bolster other businesses. As well as giving us locals more choice. I'm over the moon about these proposals!
  12. in case anyone didnt know there is a tfl bus countdown app for smartphones which tells you when the next bus is coming to the stop nearest you . you can also set favourite stops. v useful.
  13. People that say "can i ask you a question?" Arrrrggggghhhhhh
  14. i saw a single swallow last Thursday too - they are back . about a week early this year - usually around St George's day.
  15. it would be wonderful if that green area could be used properly by the community. there is so much rubbish around the footpaths at the moment, it is a disgrace and whoever is responsible for cleaning the pathways etc (as well as those who drop litter) should hang their heads in shame.
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