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Everything posted by DulwichFox

  1. Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Abe_froeman Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I don't know if this was true or not either but > > there was a rumour that BH wanted to move to > > where the flying pig was > > > That was/is a very small strange space, wasn't it? Small ? it was enormous.. Formerly Locale Italian Cocktail Bar and Restaurant. Formerly Locale Front Bar Back restaurant area... of Locale Foxy
  2. Spartacus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 21st June for everything, if all goes well > > Then we can really party like its 1999 My Hair will be down to my arse by then.. Foxy
  3. JohnL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > DulwichFox Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > When will we ever sit at the Bar in the EDT with > a > > Beer or glass of Wine without any restrictions. > ? > > > > Foxy > > > My guess is June 2021 pubs open --- maybe able to > go into the beer garden before then (May) but we > won't be able to stand at the bar and it'll be > service only. > > August for back to how it was - if no dodgy > mutations. Will it be 22:00 closing. Will we have to buy a Substantial meal to buy a drink ? Foxy...
  4. Spartacus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > A Friday in 2021 is the correct answer > > See you there then Needs to be after the end of April when I have had my second Vaccine. Foxy.
  5. TheCat Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > DulwichFox Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > When will we ever sit at the Bar in the EDT with > a > > Beer or glass of Wine without any restrictions. > ? > > > > Foxy > > > Pretty soon, I reckon...I saw two chaps rolling > some kegs in there yesterday (Pic attached).... Love it.. :)
  6. When will we ever sit at the Bar in the EDT with a Beer or glass of Wine without any restrictions. ? Foxy
  7. Carbon dioxide?CO2?is an essential part of the cycle of life. Without a source of CO2, plants (Trees) will die off, and without plant life the earth's biological food chain would be terminally broken. Trees store CO2 and when they Die the CO2 is released into the atmosphere. The Answer is MORE trees. But More Trees need More CO2. Foxy
  8. M&S has been a lot busier since Co-op closed.. Long Queue this lunchtime despite being Freezing cold. M&S well stocked. They had Sold out of Wagyu Beef despite the high price. Have yet to try. Foxy
  9. Jules-and-Boo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The staff are all on a well deserved holiday for a > month while the work is being done. I hope they are all still getting paid. Foxy
  10. Sephiroth Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Excel? Foxy is a Supercalc man if every i saw one I did use SuperCalc 5 when I worked for B.T. back in 1993 It was crap compared with Excel. You had to complete the WorkSheet then Press Calculate. Did not update as you went along. Foxy
  11. Would make a great 80 seater restaurant.. 20 Tables 10 metres apart with huge screens.. Foxy
  12. Spartacus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Foxy > You wrote > "Based on 3 pints per night, in 2020 I personally > saved just under ?4,000 at Pub (EDT) prices" > > If you have saved that much, it implies you were > sending it before and a logical conclusion is that > you drink 3 pints a night... > > Maybe it's your style of writing but it's fairly > clear to me that you weren't implying that if you > were an average drinker on 3 pints a night ... > > 🤔 Based on what on Average I was drinking at night when I was working pre 2008 I Very rarely drink Lunchtime.. If I have 1 pint on a Sunday Lunch then I do not go back out at night, People I drink with are there ALL day 8 - 9 pints and Chasers. I have done Dry Jan a few times. Do not miss the booze. Do not have a problem. I have had several week long breaks due to Hospital Medication. I often drink Alc Free beer in the pub but works out more expensive. Foxy
  13. Seabag Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Spread sheets of every drink you?ve ever had? > > Omg. So on the 4th of July 2016, what was your > tipple Foxy? > > Just asking because I can tbf 4 July 2016 No Pub Beer 1 Bottle Peroni at Home .. 0 steps 4 July 2017 Pub 2 Carling 25ml Drambuie at Home .. 2,200 Steps Foxy
  14. Spartacus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Heck foxy 21 pints a week (based on 3 pints a > night) is 42 units of alcohol a week > > Would love to be a fly on the wall when you fill > in medical forms ... > > "So Mr Foxy, you say you are a light to moderate > drinker" says the doctor "hmmmmmmm" > > But it will be interesting to see what the fallout > on pubs restaurants and hospitality will be > following on from this global pandemic as some > will close, some will survive, some will transform > and with the pent up demand some new players may > even emerge. > > Until the dust settles I guess nothing's certain. You have got it completely wrong.. I have spread sheets going back 8 years or so with every drink I have drunk in the Pub and at home. By cutting down i have saved on average ?2,000 a year I do not drink 3 pints every day. I seldom Drink 3 Pints. With pubs closed I do not drink ANY beer at the pub. The savings are based on 3 pints, I do drink other drinks if I go for a Ruby. But restaurants are also closded, Foxy
  15. Statistics from the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) in 2018 found 18 pubs a week closed​ between 1 July and 31 December 2017 ? a total of 468 in those 26 weeks That is Pre- Pandemic. How many pubs will be forced to close permanently after lockdown. ? Even if Pubs DO reopen, many people have got used to drinking at home or have cut down. Based on 3 pints per night, in 2020 I personally saved just under ?4,000 at Pub (EDT) prices A full year would save me ?5,600 ish I have gotten out of the habit of going to the Pub every night. If the 10pm closure is re-introduced and a drink has to be taken with food, then I will go to a Restaurant to eat and drink. Pubs as we once all knew them will soon be a thing of the past. Priced out of existence. Foxy.
  16. Fliss Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I know the Co-op is a supermarket and not a bar, > but does anyone know what's happening there? It > looks like it's either having a refurb or closing > altogether.... It's Supposedly a refurb.. for one month. If they retain the same management team then I cannot see the point. The Staff there are really up against it. Let us not hold our breath. Foxy
  17. They are working on Saturday And Sunday to catch up. DulwichFox
  18. Looking at your other Post here on EDF you seem to have a had some rather unfortunate experiences in East Dulwich. ?? Ref. to 12 Lordship Lane DulwichFox
  19. Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Foxy, I only meant that you were not in one of the > priority groups for getting the vaccine, either > because of your age or because of being > categorised as clinically extremely vulnerable. > > > So, far from complaining that you should have had > your jab weeks ago, you should be very grateful > that in fact you have had it earlier than the vast > majority of people in your age group! > > I hope your cataract ops go well! > > 🙂 I was not complaining But I was unsure Why I was contacted by Guys and St Thomas' Local people who I know that have had the Vaccine were contacted by The Tessa Jowell Center. I Have now been offered a Vaccine at Kings or PRUH ?? , The Email appeared to come from DDC or ADZ Dental Pracice They had previously sent me an email saying I had not replied to a Recall Reminder Do not remember such a Recall Reminder. I gave up using them shortly after I retired in 2008 as I no longer had Dental / Medical Insurance. I have not used ADZ Dental Pratice (Private) for over 10 years The latest email said to ignore it if I had made alternative arrangements ? That's worrying as if they checked my NHS number they would know I have been Vaccinated. Foxy
  20. Are Masks effective in Stopping Facial Recognition.. Foxy :)
  21. Sue. I am not Isolating.. I have not been told to isolate.. I have had face to face appointments at Kings (MRI and CT scans) Brain and Orbits St Thomas' hospital Cataracts 2 appointments Tessa Jowell center ... Diabetic Eye Clinic. Tessa Jowell Center Blood Tests HbA1c Glycated Haemoglomin test DMC Face to face Flu Jab DMC Face to face Blood Tests Vit B12 DMC Blood Pressure Test So not too worried about going out for shopping for food. I think St Thomas' wanted me to have my Covid Jabs so they can have me in for my Cataracts. My Diabetic Eye screening results were clear with no Retina damage. Foxy
  22. alice Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I?m not in any current priority group but have > just had a text to offer me a vaccine. Guys or St > Thomas?s. I had the same TEXT a few days ago and had my First Vaccine today at Guys.. My next vaccine booked for 23rd of April. Very organised I arrived an hour early due not knowing where exactly to go. Waited 20 mins to give my details and a further 20-30 mins to get my Jab. was asked to wait 15 min before leaving, Guys Atrium 1 are doing 500 vaccinations a day.. Pfizer Go For it. Foxy
  23. siousxiesue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Penguin68 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Which suggests (come that day) they had Pfizer > > spare which would have had to be junked > otherwise. > > Better to vaccinate out of sequence than to > throw > > the vaccine away. > > Quite agree! Out of Sequence ? I will be 69 in April I have Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Asthma. My peak flow breathing rate is 200-250. It should be above 500 My lungs are not working that good. Should of got my Vaccine weeks ago. Fox
  24. Just come back from the Co-op needed some Bleach All Toiletries Kitchen Towels, Toilet Rolls detergents now cleared out Many Shelving units already removed. Part of store units in darkness.. Police and Fire Brigade out side. They now have a Gas Leak. You cannot make this stuff up. Closed for a Month.? Don't think so. Be Lucky if they ever reopen. Foxy
  25. Got a TEXT this morning inviting me for a Covid Vaccine at Guys or St Thomas' Opted for Guys (Train to London Bridge) Appointment booked for 4th Feb. 2nd appointment 23 April (12 weeks) Foxy
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