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Everything posted by zephyr

  1. I don't think it is Honor Oak Road but Honor Oak Park the OP means. The point about 'black' is that why does it need to be said (or written) at all. Just say '4 southwark parking attendants' rather than '4 Black southwark parking attendants' as other may perceive that you are trying to make a specific point (about them being black) Even it it was Honor Oak Park I am pretty sure it is not in Southwark
  2. Have your neighbours received them as well are are they targetting just you?
  3. So... you are complaining to your councillor because you could not get away quick enough after parking illegally. The photo is for evidence that you were parked illegally. Whats it got to do with them being 'black'?? Unless you think that 'white' southwark parking attendants would have let you off?? Isn't Honor Oak Road in the Borough of Lewisham?
  4. Mrs Zephyr and I stayed at Hotel Jardin Le Brea last August when we were on a break without the children. It was great - used it as a base for sightseeing and was certainly central enough for us. It is in the Montparnasse area
  5. HeidiHi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have been told many times it does, my books says > it does, my sister who is a nurse says it does, as > does my midwife and doctor so I am inclined to > believe them. It's supressed so your baby isn't > seen as a foreign object. Babycentre.co.uk even > states that: > Your immune system is lowered slightly during > pregnancy in order to stop your body rejecting > your unborn baby. This means that you are more > vulnerable to viral infections, such as coughs, > colds and flu (Murray 2003:197). > http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/ref/coughsan > dcolds/ > http://coldflu.about.com/od/faqaboutthecold/a/preg > nantcolds.htm > http://pregnancy.more4kids.info/64/treating-common > -illnesses-during-pregnancy/ > > And lots and lots of information about it on the > website. > OK. I would be convinced if all the website you say did not point to the same solitary article. I have found an article which states exactly the opposite: 'Immune adaptation is not required for the mother to cope with the fetus as an allograft. The lack of HLA antigens on the syncytiotrophoblast and the presence of only the non-classic HLA G antigen on the cytototrophoblast cells precludes the fetal trophoblast from playing any part in currently recognised types of allogeneic immune reactions.' That said there is very little reseach evidence that people can get hold of. In most situations it is a case of looking at the the evidence in front of you and make your choice. In a diverse group of people the evidence will be interpreted in different ways. Pregnancy can cause increased susceptability to certain infections (by and large bacterial). Normal bacterial flora on someones body (and in the nether regions) can become pathogens and cause problems. An example of this is Thrush which can become prolific in someone when pregnant when they have never had symptoms before. My professional opinion (as a midwife of 17 years) is do not worry about it and go out and about as you would normally. With most infections in pregnancy it is not the effect that it has on you that is the problem - its the effect that it has on the baby. Even then, the problem is the bacterial infections that are the problem and not the viral. If you have a bacterial infection there is NO good reason for a doctor to deny you antibiotics. In fact it would be neglegent not to give them to you.
  6. A sibling of one of the Alleyn kids is also sick So..... which primary school do they go to (not shutting as the child was symptomless apparently)? Actually whilst there is a high chance of it being an ED primary school it could actually be any primary school in south London judging by the coaches that bring pupils in every day.
  7. themaninblack Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > sillywoman Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > HeidiHi Wrote: > > -- doesn't help having a > > > lowered immunity due to pregnancy > > > > I don't think that just being pregnant lowers > your > > immunity HH? > > Am i right in thinking if you're pregnant you > can't take the antibiotics? that's not good news > for expectant mothers is it! > > > > Pregnant or not, an antibiotic isn't going to do > much good against any form of flu, what with it > being a virus. Pregnancy DOES NOT lower ones immunity to infection. It is SAFE to take most antibiotics in pregnancy (there are one or two more specialised ones which should not be taken) Antibiotics (aka anti-bacterials) have NO effect against flu or a cold (viruses). They are effective against secondary bacterial infections that some people get following a viral infection. Any infection will lower ones resistance to any other infection. Tamiflu helps the body deal with the infection and make it less susceptable to another infection at that time.
  8. Happy Starwars Day. May the fourth be with you!
  9. It was great using the Sun and Doves. My boys were watching so I told them that that was where we hung out during our nurse training 20 odd years ago! Not sure they were very impressed though...
  10. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Looks lovely - and yes this type of independent > site is the type of thing we are looking for - > thanks zephyr. My wife is a bit concerned about > the Brittany weather but as we are going in early > August I would hope it would be good at that time. It is fantastic but I forgot to say that it does not have a pool (it doesn't really need one). There is another more commercial site round the corner which does have a pool though.
  11. Camping Du Letty in Bendodet is also excellent. Mostly camping pitches when we were there 3 years ago our pitch was right by the sea (sheltered). We could step out of the tent, walk across our pitch and step onto the sandy beach through a path in the hedge Camping Du Letty
  12. Cream crackered and very stiff. Way too hot for all that running which took its toll on me. I think my crushed calf in December had an effect too. I walked quite a bit (probably why it took me 7 hours. Well done to everyone who did took part! At least I beat Katie Price (jordan)!
  13. We went to St Jean de Monts last year with Keycamp - it was great. Whilst there are ready set up tents and mobile homes, there are also camping pitches. The swimming pools was great and the kids went swimming even on the rainy days ( thats the Brits for you I guess) There are a number of sites around the town be we went to Zagarella
  14. Ladymuck Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Zephyr and JetSetWilly, I am appalled by your lack > of respect. > Excuse me, how dare you... I was just trying to work out who the Op was talking about as if it was the one up near the Magdala then I used them very often and yes it does sadden me. I moved to Nunhead 10 years ago so cannot remember every shop as I do not frequent there very often. If it is not the same one then they still have my condolences
  15. I have never been a Lowe hater. he is a businessman and does have good business sense really. Unfortunately he does not know football and made some crucially poor decisions about managers. When he was ousted the jokers who took over were football people but had no business sense. One of the big point that anti-lowe people like to push is that he ws out to strip the club and walk away with loas of money - he actually lost everything he invested (as did those who took over). T I think they are all to blame. One thing I cannot get over is that on the 'fans' forum many were saying that we got our club back when we went into administration! We may not have a club at the end of the season. I actually think Barclays Bank is now even more hated amongst Saints fans than Lowe is. It was them who called in there overdraft. or ?4m. The stadiumdebt is a bit of a red herring really. Norwich Union have not called it in and it was always going to be a very long term debt. Whatever our problems are you only have to look at the bottom three in the championship to understand how it could so easily go wrong. All been in the premiership in the last 4 or 5 years or so.
  16. Keef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 10 point penalty dished out to poor old > Southampton. I don't get punishing clubs for > having financial problems, talk about kick a man > when he's down! I hope we win the appeal! Right or wrong, the league have broken their own rules. If it stands I hope we can win oue last two games and the others slip up - not looking good really.
  17. I thought it was further up near the Magdala (Magnolia)?
  18. Good luck - hopefully this last course will ensure that you have seen it off. Thanks for your support and thanks to some other forum members for their support also. It is greatly appreciated.
  19. Me thinks 'thebeard' is after a wordy fight. You don't happen to live there do you? Or are connected with it in some other way. You are protesting rather a lot about this particular thread. I still think the owners are trying to cash in on the blue plaque thingy. Oh..... and 'thebeard', I am allowed an opinion aren't I?
  20. Well, one week to go until the big day! Training has been an absolute nightmare as I came off my bike in December. Quarter ton of Thunderbird landed on my calf (as we slid along the road:-S) the muscles of which were crushed No broken bones thankfully but it took a long time to recover as one of the smaller tendons was damaged. Been doing long runs over the last few weekends but taking a whole week to recover - I think I will get round but it will be a struggle. I would very much appreciate it if you could sponsor me - please follow the links below
  21. Back to the original house. Do you think the price reflect (partly) that it now has a blue plaque on it as Percy Lane Oliver used to live and work there. The place is missing on the original picture of the front of the house but is there on a second. I noticed it when I was running past yesterday. Hence why it is called Oliver House.
  22. Just got an email for those interested in the refurb: We are delighted that you have taken an interest and have asked to be kept informed about the Investing in Leisure Programme at Dulwich Leisure Centre. The refurbishment project is gathering momentum and there are a number of exciting developments to report since our last communication in July 2008; 1. Planning approval was granted for the refurbishment scheme on January 27 2009. Due to the building being Grade II listed and a Council scheme, we were required to seek additional approval from the Government Office for London. This final approval was given on February 23 2009, therefore the plans you may have seen on display in the Centre will now become reality! 2. Refurbishment works are due to commence on Tuesday May 5 2009. You may also have noticed the scaffolding in place on East Dulwich Road. This has served a dual purpose. Firstly, it has allowed our contractor to survey all the high level roof areas; helping us to better understand the building and instigate appropriate restoration work. Secondly, the scaffolding will allow craftsmen to undertake detailed repairs to the East Dulwich Road fa?ade and clock tower when the main refurbishment gets under way. 3. The pool will be taken out of service on Tuesday May 5 2009 to allow for upgrade works in this area to progress. Whilst it is unfortunate that swimming facilities will not be available until spring 2010, when the new pool opens in 2010, customers will see significantly improved pool and changing facilities. 4. Gym facilities will be available throughout the refurbishment works. The refurbishment works are being phased, and the new pool and disability-compliant entrance at the southern end of the Centre will be delivered first. Although your gym and changing facilities will be open as usual, there may be small amounts of disruption from the construction works. We apologise for this and will aim to keep disruption to a minimum. 5. New Frequently Asked Questions are now available on the Southwark web site (see link route below) and additional paper copies are at the Centre. If your question is not answered there, please use the online form or the address above and we will respond to you directly. You can also still see previous communications from the refurbishment project last year by visiting our web site www.southwark.gov.uk, on the left hand side click on ?Sports and Leisure?, select the option ?Investing in Leisure? and from there you will see a link to the Dulwich Leisure Centre web page. If you wish to be posted a copy please request this from the address overleaf. If you are currently a member at the Centre, we will be contacting you shortly to explain how the pool closure will affect your membership. In the event that this letter is not received, please contact the Membership Team at the Centre by calling 0208 693 1833 and they will provide assistance. Southwark Council is committed to providing top class swimming and leisure facilities to all residents and users in the borough, and is making this ?5 million investment for the wellbeing of its users now and for years to come. Yours sincerely Councillor Lewis Robinson Executive Member for Culture, Leisure & Sports
  23. DM is great on Twitter (as she is here) It is very good if you like that sort of thing!
  24. The induction sessions on saturday mornings (9AM), or the monday induction sessions (5PM), are great as long as you can ride a bike. I turned up on monday with only one other there to join me. Its no trouble to use one of their bikes and the guys there are really friendly and helpful. maybe see you down there on a monday =)
  25. Been a couple of times with the Saints (might even be going again next season if we go down and Millwall miss out on promotion (this is if we still exist) Never encountered any problems. If you are in the away part you tend to be shut in until the home fans have dispersed anyway. Never had a problem walking to of from the ground even in colours. The club have done a lot to rid themselves of the past problems.
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