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Everything posted by zephyr

  1. I thought that just driving within the zone was enough - there are mobile units that check number plates. If you are stationary throughout the time there is no charge AFAIK From the TFL website Hours of operation Certain vehicles are subject to the Congestion Charge if driven within the charging zone between 07:00 and 18:00, Monday to Friday.
  2. StooVee = the engineer definitely needs to come back. The splitter should not be doing that. You need to check the power levels May I suggest this site Chetnet This unofficial site is run by current and ex virginmedia staff and is excellent. There are cable specialist who can point you in the right direction. The only connection I have with the site is that I am a forum member and have got excellent help from them. Another suggestion which I have mentioned on here before is (if you are on twitter) to tweet @virginmedia. I recently did this about a peak time low speed rate earlier this year. They were very helpful and admitted the problem - as mentioned above - too many customers but that they were working on the infrastructure. Its all resolved now and I got a refund on my bill. Both are worth a try for any VM customer
  3. guinness and black A mate used to drink snakebite and black I like a whisky mac every now and then Heldenbrau Harp 'stay sharp to the bottom of the glass, Harp! stay sharp'
  4. Well I am in my mid 40s and I had my first tat 3 weeks ago. I have wanted one since I was young butmy mum always said I would regret it when I was older. Well I am older now. It is on the inside of my forearm and is 2 inches diameter. My 4 kids names in nice writing in a circle round a fancy cross type symbol in the middle I have to say it f**king hurt but is worth it. I will get one on the other arm at some point but need to decide what it will be. Needless to say the kids love it but my wife doesn't. Bearing in mind my profession (midwife), reaction was a little mixed at work!
  5. Are you on twitter? I tweeted virginmedia and since then they have been monitoring my broadband issue. It is definately worth trying. I will PM you with the email address I am communicating with
  6. Depends which part of the ervice you are referring to. I know there has been an ongoing broadband problem for a few months certainly in Nunhead anyway). This is due to massively increased demand which I have been promised is almost sorted. I am on 20meg broadband but some days haven't even got 1meg. My complaint when in and they have kept in touch and have promised to sort something in my bill. There is no point in me leaving as I would mean getting a whole new phone line, I would lose my V+ service and over the last 10 years have been relatively happy with them and their predecessors.
  7. Fuschia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Someone lets their dog regularly shit at our front > gate. So our toddlers get it all over their feet > as we try and leave the house in the morning. This > is a regular thing. guess the dog has chosen our > gateway as its preferred spot! It probably has become a prefered spot so it needs to be nipped in the bud. Try 'Get off' - it come in the form of gel crystals that you spinkle over the area that you want animals to keep away from. You should be able to get it in most DIY shops (I think I got it from B&Q). You do need to remove traces of previous fouling as much as possible first. It comes as a spray as well but I don't find it works at all.
  8. Can you get TVs with modems in? You can get TVs with freeview boxes intergrated but never heard of one with a modem. Ant particular reason for getting a Sony over any other make?
  9. If your card is registered why not give it a go and then a couple of days later check on the web site. I was pleasantly suprised when I checked my public transport route to work using train and tube as it came out cheaper than it used to be.
  10. I am sure you know the specific meaning now. In my hospital (obviously not MY hospital) we have code blue and code red. Code blue is for Massive obstetric haemorrhage (bleeding after childbirth of 2litres or more). the main trust have code red which is massive haemorrahge (not obstetric). In effect, as already said it just signifies an emergency
  11. Spooks? That has bee filmed a few times round here. I noted signs on Lordship lane pointing to film location (those little flurescent ones on traffic lights and lamp posts).
  12. The highway code gives some indication about loading bays for example I do not think a 'plumbers van' could be construed as a goods vehicle. The council will be inforcing this most likely at a basic level quote ALWAYS CHECK THE TIMES SHOWN ON THE PLATES. Lengths of road reserved for vehicles loading and unloading are indicated by a white ?bay? marking with the words ?Loading Only? and a sign with the white on blue ?trolley? symbol. This sign also shows whether loading and unloading is restricted to goods vehicles and the times at which the bay can be used. If no times or days are shown it may be used at any time. Vehicles may not park here if they are not loading or unloading.
  13. We had a full bag nicked one night. I guessed it was for id theft but I shred anything with name and address on anyway just in case it has other information on it that is useful Recycling. They prefer that loose shredding is not put in the bag as it gos everywhere when they tip it into the lorry. I have been advised to pack it is a paper bag or box and put it in the bag. I never get round to putting mine in the compost as by the time I remember to empty it the cleaner has already binned it (she is very good at cleaning but not good at recycling)
  14. But at least with the waterworks they washed the road - at times the road cleaning machine was working constantly. No such luck with school works - there is dirt everywhere
  15. zephyr

    The Shard

    PeckhamRose Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Love it. Can see the beginnings of it from my flat > already I think! (It may be something else!) It has MACE at the top of the current structure I think it will look fantastic and it certainly better than the Guys tower that is next to it
  16. zephyr

    Bucket List

    Getting this back to the list Done the 'see club lift FA cup at Wembley' - Saints in 1976 but would be nice to see it again Done the 'being in the opposition crowd and cheering' - Ipswich v Cologne in Cup Winners Cup some years ago (whilst visiting Cologne) been to Old Trafford - and we didn't lose! Would like to: Get a tattoo (?midlife crisis??) Do a road trip on my bike - never get a chance at the moment Get a newer bike (Triumph Rocket Roadster would do) Get a degree of any sort! See the kids grow up and make successes of themselves Am sure there are others
  17. zephyr

    Pot Holes

    pinocchio Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > if we all put the same effort in our taxes in > going towards council housing, my wheel alignment > tax would be less of an issue, no? I don't understand please could you repeat the question ensuring that it actually makes sense?
  18. TJ Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Goodrich school have been notably quiet on this > subject. > Anyone know who to contact there? As Clare said above, what exactly do you think Goodrich can do. The staff there have no legal authority to move people off the yellow zigzags or away from the dropped kerbs on the corners. I have seen the head teacher out asking people to move along in the past but this is something the council or Police should be dealing with.
  19. I am on 20meg virgin broadband (in nunhead). Over the last 2-3 weeks it has been quite slow for a lot of the time typified by problems with streaming media. i lost all connection last week Tuesday as arranged an engineer. The connection came back so the engineer was cancelled. When I talked to tech support they mumbled something about there being a problem with the 50meg service in the area but not the 20meg. As tech support did not help tweeted virginmedia. After giving them some details I got the following response "Really appreciate you sending us details of your difficulties, not good to hear of your experience. Having investigated this for you I've found that there is a fault in your area, this fault has been picked up by our engineers but isn't easy to fix. This issue is related to a large service use increase in your area, a rise that we just didn't predict. As I say work is underway as we speak, however due to the complexity of the fault we are looking at the end of April before full service will resume. I've looked into different ways of resolving this and downgrading your service is not one of them, the only resolution is once the engineers have completed there work. I appreciate this isn't the answer you were looking for, I just wanted to be honest with you so you could view your options. Please let me know if there are any further queries or questions you have." When we have had problems before there have also been similar problems in ED so thought I would share the info. I will just stick it out until its fixed as I am generally pretty happy with the service.
  20. I have seen several tickets isued for cars parked over the pavement drops but this tends to be in the afternoon rather than the morning. I drive my daughter to and from school as we now live in Nunhead and I tend to park further down Dunstans road. Got caught in a jam this morning because of cars parking irresponsibly. Not only is it a safety issue with the dropped kerbs but it also means that cars have difficulty turning/passing.
  21. Agreed It seemed to be made worse by the resurfacing and when I was there, by a tractor in the road for some time. This has sent traffic onto other roads
  22. I remember about 3 years ago I actually bought some oven gloves (I needed some and kept forgetting to get some). There was a slip of paper in each product that they were selling which gave details of who the 'charity' were. Needless to sayI could find nothing in the interweb about the said 'charity'. I knew it was a bit of a scam but it got me out of a problem. There guys have been going door to door for years and I remember buying a pair of sissors from them at least 12 years ago - bloody good pair that could cut metal - they were they type used in hosptial to cut clothes off. Nowadays I just say no thanks and shut the door.
  23. It is a shame about the clashes as it was a cracking game which we dominated until they scored their 2nd when we just fell apart at the back chasing it. I always laugh at David James but he was superb today and kept Pompey in it. Players on their way out http://twitpic.com/12zqmy
  24. When all said and done, take the banter away and I would not want to see any club fold - even Pompey as we would not have the games such as Saturday. It seems that they want to avoid administration but in reality that maybe their only hope. Not going into administration but not paying the HMRC debt will only result in liquidation.
  25. I did 'Competent Person' training at work. Those bucket steps that have wheels so you can move them around - technically using one of those is working from height. If you interpret the rules in a certain way, you should be using a harness and a hard hat to use them!!
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