Jules. I have come across the same problems. I care for my disabled sister. Her Southwark council flat is freezing, so much so you can see your breath. Old large windows that are rotten and bang in the wind, not insulated, not secure, so we drilled and screwed them locked. I have tried through her social worker under the Southwark Council Safer Warmer scheme but was adamatly met with blank looks every time, and no action. I even wrote to the head of Southwark Council - nothing. I have found that no one is willing to look at an individual case and recommend improvements. However painting. etc to the exterior of houses along the street has been done. It is more than shocking that vulnerable residents are living like this. My sister spends most of her time in bed under several duvets, it is too risky for her to have an electric blanket or a hot water bottle. The cost of her gas and electricity bills are a constant stressful worry and she cannot meet payments to heat her home and I have to help financially. She is considering moving into shared sheltered housing for this very reason. Totally unacceptable, and very frustrating. If you do get anywhere could you let me know.