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Indeed. As soon as there is genuine and/or lively debate the thread gets pulled or bunged in to this 'Lounge'. I think we need to take heed and ensure our views are middle-of-the-road and overtly politically correct. YAWN.
well said madworld.
I think both Clive and Snooze have a point. However, the latter poster is being a tad politically correct, which I find annoying. Having said that said poster is RIGHT in saying that the 'whiteness' of ED, as opposed to the 'blackness' of Peckham is a fact. I hate people pussyfooting around issues when they are facts. I am white and ostensibly middle class, and personally find the Peckham shops far more useful and cheaper than their ED counterparts. However, I would not want to live in Peckham, given a choice between there and ED. I have already explained my reasons for making the latter assertion.
LOL Bob "This is no place to discuss the price of African pots. Please limit your observations strictly to SE22-relevant subject matter: Estate agents, organic produce, yak's hair cushions and Keef's band."
Lawnmowerman, I am sorry you had your scooter stolen. It is interesting how my son's bashed up ?40 one has never been taken. LOL. Also thanks for the kind words (to you too Superberry). There are certain posters on here who are quick to attack all my postings - and make it personal too. Miss D "how do you know lawnmower man isnt talking about a ?10 one from Argos?". He wasn't - and I knew he wasn't. Argos don't sell blue micro scooters. Check your facts. "it certainly is a bit of an assumption to straight away say someone did it on purpose". No, it isn't (an assumption). As Lawnmowerman himself has stated, scooter swiping is quite prolific in the local parks. I have seen loads of the scooters parked neatly in the playgrounds and have spken to several people who have had 'em nicked. So there you have it. Hardly an assumption.
Sorry to hear this, but I expect it was intentional. Said scooters cost ?40 and easily get broken and battered. It happens a lot inadvertent 'swapping' of the blue/pink scooters in the local parks. Better to have got one for a tenner from Argos. My son's got one of the ?40 scooters and it is pretty bashed up at the front. Just console yourself with the fact that at least the swiper left behind his/her scooter. I can imagine you are rather irate though. Understandably so under the circumstances. :(
Sean, somehow you don't sound like someone who hangs out in the hood. Ironically, Anerley or somewhere like Penge sounds like more your 'thang'. Where do I get my facts? Various sources. The BBC has several articles detailing crime in the area. Also Lorraine King in the Guardian wrote:- "..the area has never been salubrious. For more than a generation it has been linked to drugs, gangs and violent murders. It came to the nation's attention in 2000, when 10-year-old Damilola Taylor was stabbed to death on a stairwell of a block of flats on the notorious North Peckham Estate. Just over six years on and the crumbling Sixties housing blocks may have made way for low-level flats and homes through a ?300m regeneration programme, but it appears that no amount of money can rid the area of crime. As I walked around last week, I met a man who gave his name only as Mr X. He revealed a picture of young men boasting and showing off in an ever-spiralling game of 'I'm a bigger man than you are'. Much of it is centred on the drugs trade, offering the only employment in much of the area. In the end, guns settle disputes. 'In Peckham it's standard for someone going down the local shop to be carrying a strap [a gun],' he said. 'In the past five years guns have just been made more and more available; it's like going to order a takeaway now. It's ridiculous.' DEFINITELY doesn't sound 'village-like' nor 'friendly' to me. Oh and thanks for your comments regarding my 'character'on here - LOL - seems that being dubbed 'insipid' really rocked your boat.
SeanMacGabhann - you obviously have issues with anyone who has a strong opinion, perhaps because you tend to express your opinions in such an insipid way. You tend to always leap to the defence of the middle ground. Oh well, it takes all types on forums such as this..... )))))sigh(((( You assert that "it's pretty vibrant" (Peckham). Perhaps you could give some examples. In my opinion (and I am entitled to it) Peckham, in its current state, is utterly revolting and unbecoming. It lacks charm, and has a High Street full of butchers selling, what appears to be, meat I wouldn't give to a dog. Do you buy your meat in said butchers? It is no coincidence that the area has amongst the highest gun crime in the UK. Just saying it like it is. 'Like living in a little village'? PAH!
Louisa, you clearly know the area unlike those who have moved in from yummy mummy lands like Clapham, Barnes and Wandworth.
Of course I did a google search. And so did you.
Asset, shame you had to do a google definition to point it out. Rosie, I do not have more money than sense. I use just two prducts from Dr Hauschka which are not that expensive.
I agree with you wholeheartedly Louisa. You and I are so obviously right on so many things concerning this area. It is probably why some people at a party I attended last weekend thought I might be you on this forum (which obviously I am not). Incidentally to the poster who asserted that I 'obviously' didn't know the Bellenden area. I am afraid I do. It is why I felt able to comment on how ludicrous it is to suggest it is 'bohemian' and 'like a little village'. PURLEASE! Gimme a break. I drive, and walk around there almost daily and have yet to see anyone flouncing around adorned with ribbons, ruffles and embroidery, combined with floaty fabrics or garish, gypsy-like prints. Also known as "hippie-chic". True I have seen many people with dark skin and hair , but they were not speaking Romany and nor were they fortunetelling. The area is thus NOT bohemian.
KristyMac, deeming Bellenden Rd 'bohemian' and 'like a little village' is in my book 'twee chitter chatter'. Do you understand the connotations of 'bohemian'??!! Have you ever been to a little village? if so, you will agree Bellenden is NOT like one. Seanmlow, surely it IS the right time to buy in the current climate. Prices are quite a lot lower than in the past. is this what you mean?
Oh PURLEASE CF. There is no way Bellenden Rd could be described as 'bohemian'!!!!! And it feels nothing like a 'little village'. I find such twee chitter chatter so excrutiatingly awful. Chantelle, you are right, the esate agents etc do try and present Bellenden Rd as some kind of utopia. Hardly. I would not feel comfortable walking on around the station area of Peckham Rye. Also I have had two hair raising incidents whilst coming down from the car park to the cinema there.
East Dulwich Forum
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