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Everything posted by zeban

  1. giggirl Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Marion OHalloran Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Hi, > > > > I put a post on here two days ago to let > everyone > > know the date, place and time of the migraine > > support group. But it has been so rudely > removed. > > It shows these people know nothing about > > migraines. It is a very important group meeting > > for those who suffer migraine so have some > > respect! > > > > > These people! By these people do you mean the > people who pay for the bandwith that allows you to > advertise free of charge Marion? Is that the > "these people" you meant? If so, I suggest that > you have the good grace to look at the forum > rules, start your threads in the correct section, > and get some respect for the people who pay for > this forum and extend services to you free of > charge. Amen to that!
  2. Marie81 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am disgusted by this! Children change their > minds all the time and if your child doesn't want > to take part in the dance show then so what, you > cannot force her to. Dance classes at such a > young age should be about enjoyment, the teacher > sounds like an absolute nightmare! > > I run a dance class for children ageing from 3-8. > Some of the parents cannot afford to spend the ?25 > on a pair of shoes for class until they know that > their child is going to stick to the class so I > allow them to wear pupms, trainers or whatever > they have! I would never demand the parents keep > forking out on new shoes and uniforms! Christ > Miss Zoe you aren't teaching with The Royal Ballet > or at RADA. Sounds to me like she is running this > purely as a money making business and less for the > passion of teaching dance to children. The fee's > are shocking as is the amount of time she is > asking you to volunteer your time! As for > changing fee's and not warning you until she send > an invoice that's out of order aswell! > > Find another school with passionate and caring > teachers. I couldn't agree more!
  3. Hi, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Unfortunately I can't really help but I do remember reading an article in the Guardian by a woman who had had a stillbirth and it was a very honest and extremely moving account of her experience. It might be helpful perhaps? Here it is, I hope it helps: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2012/jan/22/losing-iris-stillborn-sarah-hughes?INTCMP=SRCH
  4. Thanks Lulu, I'll check them out
  5. Thanks for the info and advice. I need a small car because I'm ridiculously tiny- 4 foot 10, together with terrible spatial awareness- a difficult combo when it comes to driving! I used to take lessons in pretty big cars- golfs etc, and I felt lost in them, they feel just too huge for little old me! so I really do think it will help me learning in a small car and I'd rather do everything I can to increase my chances of passing. Obviously I know my spatial awareness will grow with eperience but quite frankly I do not enjoy learning to drive and cannot afford to spend loads more money trying to gain spatial awareness in a car which is too big for me. I have no desire to learn manual. I hated it when I used to take lessons. I spent about ?1000 and didn't get anywhere. I just felt like there were too many things to have to do at the same time (I must have missed that multi tasking gene women are supposed to have!). And I panic when I'm stressed. yes I know people say gears become second nature but really for me I feel like life's too short. I agree if you can do it then go for it but it's definitely not for me, and whilst it may be a bit more epensive I'll actually save because I won't have to take as many lessons and I know I'll be a good, calmer and better driver if I go for automatic. Thanks Binary star, if you could find that out for me I'd be really grateful.
  6. I'd really like to learn how to drive in the smallest car possible. Does anyone know of any schools/instructors that teach in an KA or Mini (automatic only)? Thank you!
  7. Just to add Huguenot, my friend certainly didn't think credit cards were free money! she just didn't realise how high the interest rates were and that if you default on a payment you get charged etc etc. It was managing her credit card that she didn't think about and if you're naive like she was and not switched on when it came to personal finance then it's easy to ignore the small print and get over excited.
  8. Oh Bellenden Belle, I must have the wrong info, I do apologise. I didn't think it has always been a universal benefit, I thought the last govt brought that in to appease middle class voters. I agree about the last Labour government achieving a great deal in supporting disadvantaged families and of course that many of those are being undone. I don't think this is one of those though. what is is the changes to working tax credit thresholds that Curly mentions. It's absolutely awful and will make poor hard working families even poorer.
  9. zeban


    womanofdulwich, quids advice really doesn't apply to you. I'd say that's only good advice for jobs in private business
  10. I absolutely agree with quids on personal finance, and it's funny because me and my friend were saying the same thing the other day. she said the biggest regret in her life so far is getting into debt at a young age. she couldn't wait to get a credit card even though she actually had no idea what she was letting herself in for. And she's still paying back all her debts now, 10 years later. And as for me, I had no idea what a mortage was let alone how it worked until I was about 19/20 when I got to uni and started hearing other people talking about them. I mean, I know it's easier for kids now to find out such info- there was no internet for me growing up- but I do think it would be a really good thing to teach it in school.
  11. That's absolute bull Hal and you clearly know nothing about depression. how dare you imply that 'resolve' will solve an illness. depression is an Illness even if brought on by stress. And it's probably all of that 'resolve' that got the OP here in the first place as depression is often the symptom of people having had to be too strong for too long. seeking help is the strongest thing a person can do and taking medication, together with therapy if the problems are deep rooted, or CBT for a more practical approach to helping you deal ith stressful problems, shows the most amount of strength and resolve IMO. welldone Hal for perpetrating the myth that depression is a weakness that can be solved by having 'resolve' and for scaremongering people about anti depressants. I don't know where you're getting this crap from that anti depressants ruin lives but you only need to go to a doctor to find out the truth. You wouldn't tell a diabetes patient not to take their medicine and this is no different. It doesn't mean you'll be on anti depressants for the rest of your life and they might not even work for you- everyone is different- but don't rule them out because of some idiot selling you lies and scaring you.
  12. Hi urbanpixie, go to the doctor and talk to them about you feeling you are getting ill. They could prescribe you anti depressants if they find you clinically depressed or anti anxieties, which although not really solving the problem of getting out of your job, might make your depression/anxiety easier to cope with and therefore might make you coping with the job easier. Do not be afraid of trying these if the doctor recommends them. they can be life savers for many people. It can also be something that you could sit down and dicuss with your manager. perhap they could help to reduce the stress you're under- if it's either that and you going on sick leave then really they should be willing to give some leeway, especially if your doctor has made such recommendations.
  13. I think it's absolutely right that a higher wage earner loses child benefit. they should never have got it in the first place, what a farce the last labour government were. child benefit was originally introduced as a subsidy for those living in poverty. And please do not use and perpetrate the myth that somehow because you earn more you work harder than those on low wages. that's absolute rubbish and I take huge offense to that as do millions of others on low wages. Of course it's obscene that a couple both earning under that amount don't lose it- it should of course be a combined wage and that part is ridiculous but I think in general it's probably the only good and sensible thing this government has actually done.
  14. zeban


    No photo and no sexual deviation!
  15. ibilly99 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Exhibition Rooms Crystal Palace went last Sunday > top notch grub ! Ummm... not a vegetarian restaurant! Thanks all
  16. Oh for goodness sake. It's London and it's all the same! sorry but this kind of attitude really annoys me. Peckham Rye is an absolute gem, and you're lucky it's having you to stay!
  17. Absolutely bloody well 100% agree DJ! well said.
  18. Echoing the others. You might be lucky to get a studio flat in Dulwich village for ?1500 pcm!
  19. Don't worry e-dealer, I was a strict veggie for 10 years so know that this isn't a veggie restaurant. Foie gras senor Chevalier!!!! think that could actually ruin my Mum's birthday!
  20. Thanks so much to all of you :-). I think if it wasn't for the distance I'd definitely go for The Gate (my Mum lives in Hackney). It's still a massive posibility but there's one I've found on the net called Manna in Primrose Hill. Has anyone ever been here before?
  21. Thanks all. definitely no tasting menu- can't afford those! Has anyone actually been to Vanilla Black?- it looks interesting but I'm not sure if it's a bit gimmicky and you'ld come out feeling starving and a bit miffed!
  22. I'm trying to decide on a vegetarian restaurant to take my Mum to for her 60th Birthday. It can be anywhere in London. Does anyone have any recommendations?
  23. JessieW Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ???? Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > ok. > > Housing. > > > > Where are there ANY houses the size or granduer > of > > the average house in Notting Hill? Most of them > > (SE22) would fit in the halls of Notting Hill > > properties... > > > Majority of Notting hill property is small flats? > honestly. Even the big houses don?t have a garden > that can compare to most here. Believe me. For a > one bed flat there, you get a 3 bed house here > with a garden. Those are the types moving over. > The young couples. Not the peeps with the mansions > in Holland Park. Notting Hill is mainly 1-2 bed > flats, well at least anywhere around Portobello > Road That's very true actually. The flats are absolutely tiny. But then I think you've got to be a bit into your postcode as status if you're mad enough to pay the prices over there for such ridiculously small properties
  24. I can't stand the notting hill types so I hope not!sends shivers down my spine!
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