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Everything posted by zeban

  1. zeban


    I don't know about being judged on it, that's a bit extreme! I think a lot people are probably more laxed about it than most and wouldn't really care. I think many people are more forgiving than you think dulwichgirl, unless you're talking about an interview for Oxford! I wouldn't judge someone purely on their grammar, it just drives me mad to hear it!
  2. zeban


    Actually I can't stand it when I hear adults saying 'haitch'- if you're Irish then fine but if you're a native english speaker of this country then it drives me mad. It's not some kind of colloquial slang it's just the wrong pronounciation so there's no excuse. It wouldn't bother me if I heard it from a non-native english speaker but the only people I've ever heard saying it seem to be english.
  3. Maybe try the family room Alan Medic, I'm sure they will be able to help.
  4. Does anyone have any recommendations for a cycling instructor you have used to teach your child to ride a bike? I'm actually asking for myself as I've decided to bite the bullet and finally learn as an adult having never learnt as a child. Unfortunately I'm very small so can't use your average adult bike which many instructors teach you on so ideally looking for someone who teaches children and adults so I can use one of their children's bikes! Just to add, I had a free lesson with southwark about a year ago and unfortunately didn't really find it very useful- despite them knowing I was a complete beginner and had never ridden a bike before I think the instructor wasn't really used to dealing with people like me!and the bike they lent to me was far too big for me which of course rendered the whole lesson pretty useless. Also, I know some people say just get a bike and teach yourself but I'd rather not,so if you have any recommendations for instructors please let me know. Thank you
  5. StraferJack Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Still checking in on South London via the forum > tho, eh dully? > > I knew Islington was exciting, but never in my > wildest dreams... etc :-D Does it therefore say something about your username dully!
  6. suburbia dully? Are you kidding me?!!!! Do you really mean an abundance of green and a bit of space which Islington definitely lacks? And I'm sorry but quiet and Islington don't go together. I grew up around there so I know! Give me south London any day.
  7. I second Clapham, and third Brighton (lived in Brighton for 3 years whilst at Uni- would never go back!!).
  8. I Really need help in deciding where to go. If money wasn't an object I'd go for Moorfields or Centre for sight but am assuming neither will be prepared to negotiate on price and my budget is ?2000. As it is it's between Ultralase Tottenham Court Road and Accuvision Fulham atm. Has anyone had any eperience of either- good and/or bad. I was hoping to have surgery in a couple of weeks as have some time off work but at this rate I'll never make a decision! at the same time though I really want to make the right decision. the worst case scenario for me is that I won't get 20: 20 vision the first time and I'll have to return for more surgery- I don't want that at all. Ultralase told me there's a possibilty this will happen with my prescription- about 5% of patients have to go back. Accuvision said with my prescription 0.2% have to go back. whilst that may seem the obvious choice, I felt a bit more at ease at Ultralase in terms of their customer service and after care sounds better- although maybe it's better because they have get more people back! they didn't rush through either and I felt Accuvision did abit. I've looked at online reviews but they still haven't helped me to come to my decision. Agh, Help!!! (My prescription is - 2 and I have quite a bad astigmatism). Can the wisdom of the forum help? Also, If anyone can recommend any other places or surgeons that I haven't considered that are not one of the high street chains and may be within my budget please do, thanks :-)
  9. oooo great, thanks for this thread- I had no idea about it either! Will definitely check it out.
  10. God I didn't know the other place posted fake reviews! that's awful!!
  11. There was absolutely nothing that I said that was untrue and I'm absolutely not disgruntled- not in the least bit actually! Of course most of these things come down to one person's word against another although I do have a recording I took of the owner calling me 'thick' and telling me the white coats are coming to get me. Funnily enough she also had a bad review from a completely independent customer on the site Urban Spoon (I know this because she went on and on about it in the shop whilst I was there to myself and all other staff) and demanded they remove it too, threatening them. All the review said is the same as the OP in the original thread that I posted on- that the cakes were stodgy and tasteless and the staff who were doing a great job under the circumstances were being let down by the establishment! She is a bully plain and simple.
  12. zeban

    Ask Admin

  13. Oh dear god please not another one.
  14. I feel so so much for the victim and hope with all my heart she is able to not let this vile, pathetic piece of s**t ruin her life. I used to work nights but couldn't afford a cab all the way home so researched and found a cab office near my house which was next to or very near one of the bus stops on my bus route home . That way I was able to get a night bus from where I worked in central London- which is always busy, loads of people about every night of the week, and then once off the bus got a cab directly to my flat, paying only the minimum fare which is usually around 5 of 6 quid instead of the ?20 or so I would have had to pay if I'd got a cab all the way. It' a really great way to avoid hiuge cab fares without having to compromise your safety. I also always asked the driver to wait until I was inside before driving off to make sure I got in safe.
  15. zeban

    New cafe

    Frank's isn't new!
  16. what annoyed me so much was that on the news they mentioned tubes and trains would be accepting bus passes for reasonable journeys but when I got to Peckham Rye they said they weren't- it was only tubes which obviously I'd use if there were any around here! I kicked up a fuss and they let me through but really, quite ridiculous in an area where we don't have tubes. ETA: I was going two stops so seemed a reasonable journey and one I usually take on the 37 so no other choices but to walk other than the train which obviously isn't impossible but still the lack of communication was a bit of a nightmare. And what's with the TFL ebsite- it's really hard to navigate!
  17. well I'll always be there for my siblings, even the one I'm not fond of! It's good to be a big sister :-) I also have a friend whom I consider a sister because we grew up together and have remained close to this day, despite going through periods of our lives when we didn't have much in common- although we're back to where we're definitely both on the same page. we realise that what we have is very special and pretty rare- I think those shared memories of when we were young together have acted like the glue in our friendhip, holding us together even through times where we've fallen out, and had it not been for that maybe wouldn't have made such an effort to stay close.
  18. That's true womanofdulwich, I don't get on with one of my sister's at all. In general though, the older I get the closer I've become to my siblings- apart from that one!
  19. Jo'sEnglish Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > zeban Wrote: > Find it an odd 'debate' to have at a > > dinner party. > > > I think I find it odder that mid-debate at a > dinner party they decide to post on the forum! ;) Oh yes, how did I miss that part! Completely agree with the rest of your post.
  20. But everyone has different standards of what is 'affordable'. I'm one of five and definitely don't think I missed out on 'nice things' even though we were very poor financially and I'm sure didn't have those 'nice things' you talk of. You don't 'have to prioritise accordingly' dulwichgirl, you are choosing to prioritise accordingly. It can be hard work having so many siblings but I love them and I'm grateful for them. As you get older, it can be harder to maintain friendships as people go their own way but siblings will always be there for you and the memories and shared epreiences you have with them you'll never have with anyone else. The only thing I wish I had had growing up was a room of my own at some point, rather than having to share with my sister right up until I moved out. But other than that, I think we were absolutely fine. Overall, I'm with Otta and KristyMac, find these threads a little odd and there's no right or wrong answer no matter how many anecdotes you collect from others. Find it an odd 'debate' to have at a dinner party.
  21. Awww I LOVE this thread, these stories are making me cry! so sweet.
  22. black cab drivers definitely the worst due to their 'anything goes' kind of attitude, esp in central London-trying to navigate a bus in central london is ridiculously hard given the way black cab drivers just feel they can stop anywhere to drop people off and they pull out completely out of the blue. After that I'd say (some) cyclists are pretty awful. many are just too slow- it's all very well choosing to cycle but many just aren't up to the job of driving on roads in London and inadvertently hold up full buses of people because they just can't keep up to speed level.
  23. I think I'm starting to develop a bit of a crush on Huguenot :-S!
  24. Yay! good choice hanstands, hope she enjoys it :)-D p.s. sorry your thread went a bit off topic!
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