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Everything posted by zeban

  1. I am so relieved I don't live in the UK right now
  2. I don't think you need a package tour, seems like you'ld be paying a premium for what is actually a pretty safe country for tourists. One of my good friends lives in Tel Aviv so I stayed with her but I did stay in a perfectly fine hostel in Jerusalem for a few days which was cheap. I definitely recommend Jerusalem of course and you need a few days there I'd say if you don't want to rush. Tel Aviv is a vibrant city with good night life, not much culture but a fun city and no need for transport-it's small enough to walk around although try to get a decent map. I also really recommend visiting the dead sea and it's very easy to get there by coach on a day trip from Jerusalem although I know you can also stay overnight in the desert. I also went on a day trip to a site known as Masada, again easily accessible by coach from Jerusalem, which was very interesting and overlooked some stunning desert landscape. I was completely on my own without my friend in Jerusalem and on my day trips and had no problems navigating my way around. I reckon you could take some pretty amazing trips by rented car into the desert but in all honesty without a local present it might not be the best idea. Also, be warned that in entering or exiting the country you could come in for some heavy questioning at the airport. It was a nightmare for me as I have a muslim surname (although am technically Jewish and actually atheist!) but I had planned for the interrogation and got my friend write a letter to show them- they even called her to check and made me wait ages!!! Just try to stay calm if you get interrogated, be patient, and go with the flow because unfortunately it is the way it is there. You'll need an address where you'll be staying to show them so make sure you take down the details of your hostel/hotel, maybe a print out of the booking. Just to add I've heard from my friend that Eilat is pretty tacky so I wouldn't recommend there. The Negev desert looks nice but I didn't get a chance to visit. I think crossing over to Jordan is pretty easy as long as you've applied for your visa- I think you can get the visa in 48 hours from Israel if you decided you wanted to check it out. I wish I'd been more organised and done that as would have loved to have checked out Petra. I guess with a week though that idea is out as you won't really have time.
  3. To be honest having re read my original posts just now I have to apologise. I genuinely now realise how much easier it is learning another language at a young age and what an advantage it puts a person in the unstable and competitive jobs market, and not only this but it builds the confidence to learn more languages in the future, and builds an interest in languages in general which is great and I genuinely wish I'd had such an experience in the younger years-by secondary school ot is simply too late. And yes German why not, any language is better than none and German is very useful of course. I just wish all primary school education would focus on teaching another language, english education really doesn't emphasise it anywhere near enough.
  4. Incognito deet free spray,perfect for use on children http://www.lessmosquito.com/
  5. I used to use one solely. I got a contract with T-Mobile that was unlimited use however they have a fair use policy which once reached you are a little restricted in terms of not being allowed to stream, but you could still browse. It was ?20 a month but after a while as I had a T-mobile phone contract which I'd had for years, i asked for a discount on the broadband and they lowered it to ?5 a month. So whoever you have a mobile contract with, it might be an idea to see what they could offer you.
  6. I'm working in a pre school at the moment with kids as young as 2. I have had a few new children with separation anxiety who have cried for several hours on their first visit but eventually calm down after being given much cuddles and soothed, and being told that their mummies are coming back later-sometimes using a clock to show them when their mum will get back. Sometimes on their second visit they have cried again but for a much much shorter amount of time. Then on their third they are usually absolutely fine so it just takes them a little while to get used to it I think and I've noticed that once they've stopped crying they do actually enjoy themselves. Echo BB in that they often start crying again as soon as they spot their mums at the end of the session so don't think if that's happened that they've been crying the whole time. Two 2 year olds I have who cried a lot when they first started now scream excitedly when they see their mums at the end and I've found getting them to concentrate on playing with play dough as soon as they come in distracts them from remembering they're away from their mums. Maybe just ask the nursery how they deal with separation anxiety but I'm sure they are experts at handling it as it's a big part of my job I've found. I also think the age (of your child)is more on your side now too. goodluck!
  7. Eek, 5 years left before I'm considered old.. better get partying!
  8. more expensive but on offer at the moment... any reviews? http://www.tesco.com/direct/apple-ipad-2-16gb-wi-fi-black-tablet/211-7611.prd?pageLevel=&skuId=211-7611
  9. can you buy keyboards for them? i hate those pen things and touch screen
  10. Can anyone help me with what tablet to buy for myself. I'd like to buy a tablet as an alternative to a laptop-my laptop has broken so thinking to buy a tablet instead, So I need the tablet to do everything that a laptop can do basically. It will be for mainly browsing the web, uploading photos, some light word processing etc. I have a budget of around 250 and I'd like it to be light but robust with as large a screen as possible. I know for my budget I can't afford an ipad and a mini one doesn't appeal to me. Does anyone recommend any other models? Thank you
  11. It's almost all silicone Gidget. So it's just coating your hair really. A small amount of silicone in products is fine (though try to avoid it in shampoos and conditioners, it's just you can get better oils out there with a higher percentage of oil in for half the price of morrocanoil.
  12. Maybe buying DaveR but I challenge you to find ANY reasonable rents ANYWHERE in London!
  13. Completely agree DJKQ
  14. No caz 'like I said' elders, disabled, those pregnant, those less able to stand, and parents with children they need to place on their lap have priority for those seats-perhaps you should have a look at the sign again on the buses! In this instance there was in fact a seat that man could have folded down in that area which I pointed out to him but he didn't want to use that one, although it was in fact right next to his buggy, he wanted mine.He didn't need to stand either, there were plenty of seats so he still could have sat in one opposite his buggy if he wanted to be close to it. He was just an entitled bully plain and simple, without a protruding bottom might I add!
  15. It's not snowboarder if you're on low wages like many people in the UK, myself included. have always wanted to go skiing but it's too expensive in europe, I'm moving to Japan in a few weeks and going to go there as it's so much cheaper.
  16. I thought that was the case expense wise, skiing is a wealthy persons sport in Europe with or without children! but assumed that everyone on this thread could afford that much!
  17. Oh Otta I TOTALLY agree with you! it's our family christmas movie and everyone knows all the words!
  18. 100% wheelchairs should have priority. I don't think you should use a non collapsable buggy if using the bus or if you do then be prepared to get off for a wheelchair. parents need to remember that these area were created for wheelchairs and not for them in mind, and that before this space you just had to fold your buggy no matter what and everyone coped then. It's useful no doubt and must be a god send for double buggies with twins but I don't think the space should really be taken for granted.
  19. The Nappy Lady Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I do recall > years ago a cafe owner (acquaintance) saying that > whilst he welcomes Mums & buggies they would often > take up many seats for a couple of hours whilst > only ordering a coffee & cake - not good for > business...I'd never really considered that before > & it did make me a bit more self aware when I was > lurking around the area on maternity leave! > To be honest, this is very true. Unfortunately Mums and buggies are not very lucrative as really do mostly (not always) go into cafes just for coffee and possibly a cake and may stay for quite a long period of time. So cafes can't really afford for them to take up two tables at a busy time- breakfast or lunchtime, or if it's a really small establishment. However, the Gardens whilst quite small inside has a large outside and if not busy I really don't see the problem with prams or taking two tables. There's absolutely no need for rudeness or attitude from the manager. Do agree with civilservant and LondonMix about thinking about how your choices impact on society. Funnily enough, I had an awful experience with an entitled DAD the other day who brought a buggy with a child in on the bus and then asked me to get up from the seats next to the area for buggies/wheelchairs so he could sit down!!!! I completely refused and although he continued to try to bully me out of the seat I stood firm and eventually all of the other passengers came to my defense and called this guy up about his entitled behaviour. He tried to claim the seats were for people like him, I pointed out that they are for elderly, those less able to stand, pregnant women (which I could have been one), and for parents with young children who they need to seat on their laps. He said 'when you have children you will want to look after them!'- patronising enough as he clearly thought I was 16 when I'm actually almost 30 and could have had 5 kids at home! He was a complete bully who just chose me because I looked like an easy target-there was an older woman next to me and he didn't ask her to move and she was in no way 'old'. I said 'you can look after your child and stand up at the same time! '. You'ld never get a Mum acting in such a way IMO. That's really the only self entitled parent I've come across before, besides a few SW mums in Clapham in their SUVs!
  20. No it doesn't in many peoples opinions! jesus christ!!!! You find it so and that's fine but some others including myself do not. And I'm a v.strong feminist. ETA: I use the word gentleman to describe men too as in 'there's a gentleman over there' when I'm describing my customers. It's polite in my eyes and shows respect to those I'm referring to.
  21. And the word lady does not come into that category!!! therefore she is comparing them
  22. Rosie, I'm sorry but to compare 'coloured' or 'half caste' to using the word 'lady' is absolutely ridiculous.
  23. Isn't it quite obvious though that a breakfast deal would finish at 1? I think you need to get over yourself tbh
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