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Everything posted by Trish

  1. They do - they're ?10 with a free photo keyring thrown in!
  2. I agree with PollyD - I've liked the presenter's programmes in the past but I was a little disappointed by this one. It made me feel like I should be more uncomfortable about breastfeeding my baby in public than I am. Also, it would have been good to see an example of a more discreet breastfeeding mother rather than a group who pulled out their entire boobs!!! Or maybe go through what clothing, techniques there are to make it easier to keep as covered up as possible when feeding your baby.
  3. I'm from Aylesbury and work in White City so have been doing this journey for years - I second Firth's route. You could do a back route from Vauxhall Bridge but you need a map reader next to you if you don't know the area very well.
  4. I'd second pampers baby dry size 3
  5. What about the room in the garden of the Herne? They do the catering too. I think its ?75 to hire the room and around ?6 per head for hot food.
  6. I'm genuinely shocked by how many women seem to be made redundant when on maternity leave or directly after returning to work. I hope everything works out for you and you turn it into something positive in the long run.
  7. I have no advice I'm afraid....just lots of sympathy. My little man is now feeding pretty much every 1-2 hours day and night - I'm very tired and emotional! I hope you get a bit more sleep tonight. x
  8. I used Derbac M on my daughter's hair - she was crawling with them to my disgust, which I think I hid rather well from her. I was totally freaked out and didn't know how I was going to bring myself to deal with them without alarming her, but she was remarkably cool about it. After using the lotion I followed up with combing.....which became strangely compulsive and satisfying. I was pregnant at the time and quickly realised she'd passed them onto me. I obviously couldn't use the lotion so relied on combing alone. I got rid of mine reasonably quickly but the lotion definitely did it faster and killed the eggs too. When my little girl became bored of the combing and refused to let me continue I explained what the bugs did in her head and she quickly let me do it - so it was kind of a process of drip feeding her information on an as needs basis....but could be too brutal for a 3 year old.
  9. Going back to work is definitely what restored my self confidence - it was hard to do, and I missed my baby girl enormously but it got rid of my baby brain finally! I now have baby brain back and am on maternity leave with second. I don't fear returning to work as much this time round and I recognise the positives that are gained from it. I am, however, treasuring every single moment with both my little ones before I hit the relentlessly fast pace of life again. I'd recommend giving it a little longer and see how you feel.
  10. I'm really not convinced breastfeeding helps with weight loss, for me anyway. Admittedly I was the size of a house when I was pregnant and most of that weight has come off straight away. My baby is 13 weeks but despite exercising more than I ever have in my life, and eating as healthily as I ever have, the last ten pounds doesn't seem to be shifting no matter what I do. When I had my first baby I couldn't fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes until I gave up breastfeeding, but that was with no diet/exercise. So I'm really hoping the same will happen this time round when I stop breastfeeding.
  11. I saw the GP last week as I had very red sticky eyes, as did my 5 year old and also my poor, wee 10 week old. She reiterated what BB100 has said - that this is a viral infection doing the rounds and will clear up on its own. Bathing everyone's eyes has certainly helped and eased the soreness.
  12. How did you get on? I hope the GP has reassured you and little one is feeling better.
  13. The Lanes are simply amazing - had a baby with them 10 weeks ago and it was an entirely different experience from my first in a positive way, and as far as I'm concerned it was all down to the amazing midwife who attended my birth. I had intended to go into hospital for the birth but was so happy at home ended up staying there. Would have had baby at home if it wasn't for a minor complication which meant we needed to go to hospital - but even then, she stayed with me.
  14. I'm glad I"m not the only one that gets emotional as each baby pops out! And Nappy Lady - your post about what your mum said made me tearful too! How beautiful! What a lovely mummy you have!
  15. I'm in the same position and so far I am doing the following: Potentially Powerpramming (what you've described) if the weather is ok Monday - Peckham Rye 12.30 meeting by the cafe Thursday - Dulwich Park 10am meeting at the Court Lane Gate Cost is ?6.50 pay as you go ?30 for 5 sessions ?50 for 10 sessions You can use the blocks of sessions at Dulwich Park and Peckham Rye. Wednesdays - either Zumba Express or Post Natal Yoga at Push Studios at 1045 (behind the butchers on Lordship Lane) - both classes you can take your baby to (just wheel your pushchair in or put them on a mat next to you). ?10 each class Thursdays at Push Studios at 1045 Post Natal Pilates with babies. ?10 I do a session of Power Plate at High Vibe on Lordship Lane. You can put your baby in the pushchair and hope they sleep but the session is only 25mins anyway so possible to juggle disgruntled baby and do the exercise. ?12 if you do between 1-4pm on a weekday. On Fridays I walk to Brixton go to see a film at the Big Scream with baby and then walk back. I think it's just over 7miles there and back so quite good exercise and great to go to the cinema once again! There are some other post natal yoga classes at Brockwell Lido but they aren't great for school pick up times, but if this is your first child than shouldn't be a problem for you. I hope that helps. Trish
  16. I had hoped the pramette I had for my daughter would stand the test of time and hold out til my son no longer needed it. Unfortunately its already beginning to show signs it won't last so I need a new pushchair - but no need for the flat newborn element. I'm thinking of a M&P Sola - does anyone have any opinions on this model? I like it because it has one bar for the handle which allows me to hold my daughter's hand when we;re out walking, it has a good size basket underneath and my son can either face me or face outwards. I'd love to hear opinions on it before I buy though.
  17. If you do a search for a seller called josiko on eBay they sell some great boys tights which are designed to look like boys socks but have extra material above the sock bit to form the full tights - take a look, they're really cute. I think I'll get my baby boy some!
  18. My daughter was literally jumping up and down on the seats at The Ivy when she was 2 (father's day treat for her daddy) and the staff were totally cool with it.
  19. My first was a hospital birth and I was pretty traumatised by it - fear was my biggest enemy. I ended up with an epidural, very long labour and forceps leading to third degree tear. And a week in hospital post birth. Having said that it wasn't horrific and my baby was healthy and that's the main thing. I had my second child 6 weeks ago - I had remained undecided as to whether I wanted him in hospital or at home but was leaning towards a hospital birth again. As it goes, when the time came I felt relaxed and in control at home so opted to remain there knowing I could transfer to hospital if necessary. It was an entirely different experience - far more positive. I actually ended up being transferred to hospital because the cord was wrapped around his neck but I still felt in control. I couldn't recommend it more. I was a little put off by the midwives being SO pro homebirth and really did expect to have this baby in hospital but I'm so glad I didn't in the end. It was a much better experience at home. I don't know if that's because the midwifery care is so much better now than with my first, therefore a hospital birth could well be a much more positive experience but its good to have the comforts of home around you when you're in labour. One example is that the best pain relief imagineable was a very hot cloth applied to my back during a contraction. It made such a difference. Who'd have thought it?!!
  20. When your other half is left with sole responsibility for his own offspring does he ever tell his mates he can't come out because he's 'babysitting'. Always makes me laugh because wouldn't that be something you did for someone else's kids rather than your own?!
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