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Everything posted by Trish

  1. They sell them in Asda on old Kent road much cheaper than I managed to get one on Internet. You usually have to fill them yourself.
  2. I had a third degree tear with my first child - she wasn't big (6lb) but needed fast forceps delivery. It was a pretty traumatic experience. Second time round was as different as it could possibly be - a really positive experience. I was 9cm when the midwives arrived and so comfortable at home decided to try and stay for the birth. Felt totally in control all the time and relaxed. Ended up being transferred to hospital at the eleventh hour because needed a bit of help getting him out. They used a ventouse but I still only suffered a first degree tear, which felt like a scratch confirmed to first time round!!!! Incidentally, I didn't do perineal massage - a few half hearted attempts but quite frankly I couldn't reach!!!!
  3. I have always had to taste any food I've taken (so if you're taking food for several days put it in a bag that's going in the hold).
  4. I'd second Avon Skin So Soft - recommended to me by natural history cameramen at the BBC who use it when they're filming in the jungle.
  5. I'd second a recommendation for western Sicily - very unspoilt, a amazing food and wine. Just a beautiful place. I can't offer any accommodation recommendations because we tend to stay in the middle of nowhere!
  6. We spend about 20 mins each morning and evening over the big tooth brushing debate - my daughter will do anything to avoid brushing hers!!! I think you should count yourself lucky and embrace her independence, but as Moos advises, have regular check ups with the dentist.
  7. Our daughter is very small for her age but we put her straight into a single bed from her cot (with a bed guard initially) and have never regretted it. I have been very grateful for that decision when she's been sick and I've had to climb in with her and cuddle her to sleep - or indeed if she ends up sleeping in our bed, one of us can always sleep in her bed and get a great night's sleep. Hers is by far the most comfy bed in the house!
  8. Mine is loving aptamil multigrain cereal fir beeline - bit like porridge. He loves scrambled egg with cheese grated in it!
  9. I had one when in early stages of labour - just to get it all moving faster. Just posting to try to offer some reassurance because it didn't hurt in the slightest. Baby arrived a day later!
  10. Both of mine were resistant to taking a bottle. With each of them I found sitting them between my legs facing outward meant they would take the bottle. Holding them in my arms didn't work at all.
  11. We made baby and 5 year old hand and foot print picture yesterday for their daddy - but I think the paint stained hands and feet kind of gave it away! It was a very messy affair. Numerous other father's day cards made by 5 year old!!! We also took him out for lunch which led to him (and me, I must confess) drinking far too much wine. A good day was had by all. Happy Father's Day to to all the other daddies.
  12. I've just remembered a top tip which may help you. The production teams at the BBC who worked on 'Truth About Food' and '10 Things You Didn't Know About Losing Weight' lost a lot of weight using the knowledge they built up from working on the series. Their key advice was to eat soup for lunch, because it makes you feel fuller for longer than solid food does. There was a whole load of science which went along with this but I can't remember it! The other one, which I think most people are aware of, is that protein keeps you fuller for longer. Sadly I'm a slave to carbs, especially when breastfeeding, so I haven't the willpower to use this advice!
  13. I work full time with a cleaner and couldn't function without one....but am currently on maternity leave. We kept the cleaner on until we found out my partner was being made redundant, so now have no cleaner. I'm devastated! And I resent every minute I have to spend on household chores!!!! I echo everyone else when I say my house is a tip because it's far more important that I spend time with my baby....BUT when I do get around to doing jobs here and there I do them a million times better than any cleaner has. Especially my floors! I never get a chance to blitz the flat and do it from top to bottom, which is what I'd like to do. I have to do jobs in between managing my baby - and the 5 year old mucks it all up when she comes home from school anyway. And don't get me started on my other half who insists on shaking wet hands over a newly washed kitchen floor then walking around in outdoor shoes!!! If SAHM can afford a cleaner then I definitely think they should have one and not feel in the slightest bit guilty about it. If the kids are at school then there's probably less of an argument, unless of course you're rolling in cash and don't have to worry about managing finances - in which case good luck to you!
  14. I too put on loads of weight with my second pregnancy (baby now 7 months old) and felt very depressed about how large I had become - I didn't feel like me at all, felt sorry for myself and thought, what the hell, I may as well have another chocolate bar/cake/biscuit etc. Like you, I reached a point where I felt enough was enough and I needed to tackle the problem but I did fear I wouldn't be able to lose the weight and would never fit back into my old clothes. But I really wanted my identity back again and that was my motivation. I have lost most of the weight now, but am struggling to keep it off. I had begun to get complacent and had not stuck to my original rules but they are currently being reinstated due to forthcoming holiday....meaning the dreaded bikini! My top tips would be similar to supergolden's Plan your meals carefully. Set your menu for your 3 meals each day and stick to it. Don't buy unhealthy food - if it isn't in the house you can't eat it. Buy one bar of your favourite chocolate and allow yourself 3-4 squares when you are desperate for some. Exercise at least 3 times a week doing whatever you enjoy, but something more strenuous than walking (even if a combination of jogging/walking, which is all I can manage). Weigh yourself regularly (I'm sure other people would disagree with this advice but for me, if I tip over a certain level then I know I have to keep myself in check again). Keep busy - the more I cram into the day, the less time I have to think about food! And I'd like to second Liz's power pramming classes It's good for the soul to get outside and do some exercise - and you realise you're not the only one in this position. Most new mums are struggling to wrestle back some control over their bodies and how they look. And Liz is fantastic! If you can commit to doing the healthy eating and exercise for about a month and then take a look at what progress you've made, that will be all the motivation you need. It's only when you start to see results that you can keep going, in my opinion. Sorry I'm rambling on....but it's a subject I feel passionate about at the moment! Best of luck!
  15. My son is the same age as your daughter, KateW, and we have exactly the same problem. I too have tried later bedtimes, different nap times and length of nap during the day and it seems the more I mess around with things, the more difficult it is i.e. he will wake at 3am or similar for a feed, rather than sleeping through until 5.30am. Sorry I can't offer you any advice - but at least we're getting them through the night now!
  16. If the individuals are part of a crowd then it isn't illegal, but if the camera is clearly pointed at a specific person and they are essentially the main subject of the picture, then permission is required, especially when children are involved.
  17. When my daughter first started reception she went to Gumboots After School Club - at the Goodrich School site (there are two sites). She was very happy there although was one of the smaller ones. There weren't many children from reception attending but it didn't seem to bother her too much. The kids were well looked after, plenty of staff, lots to do and she is really looking forward to returning there when my maternity leave ends and I'm back at work. The children can do lots of arts and crafts, play in the playground outside (supervised) or just general play indoors. I think you have to pick up by 6pm. I'd contact them now if you want to get a place - they seem to be very popular. At least if you have your child's name on the waiting list you can decide whether to take up a place if you're offered one further down the line.
  18. Thanks so much for your post buggie - I read it before I went to Paris but didn't have time to respond. We had a fabulous day and as you said, my baby boy didn't really come into close contact with anyone (other than the French waitresses who couldn't resist cuddles with a chubby baby!).
  19. Worryingly, I've just received a letter from the nursery my child will be attending alerting me to the measles outbreak in France which is impacting on the UK and encouraging uptake of the MMR, ensuring the second jab has been administered. I really don't know whether to go on Saturday now. It's supposed to be a late birthday present as I wasn't really up for doing anything when baby was 3 months old!
  20. I'm taking my 6 month old on a day trip to Paris on Saturday - he's had all his jabs but obviously we're not up to MMR yet. Am I putting him at too much risk do you think?
  21. My daughter has had a toy kitchen since she was 3 (now 5) and she still uses it pretty much every day - you end up getting loads of plastic food which tends to get spread around the house though!
  22. How about a camera? We got our one a cheap one and she loves it and actually takes pretty good photos!
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