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Everything posted by Saffron

  1. Thanks, that's interesting to read. I went to school overseas, and DH is just generally clueless about these things (bless 'im). Sometimes I wonder if I'm having an 'AIBU' moment, because I don't always know what to expect from local schools. We were definitely not allowed to handout invitations during school hours at my childhood schools. My daughter's school doesn't seem to have a policy on this. Different teachers appear to handle it differently. This means that some teachers are letting children handout party invitations in class at the end of the school day. I think this is a bad idea for a lot of reasons, but I wondered how other schools were handling it. xx
  2. Parker1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The guy who was jailed unzipped a body bag took 5 > photos of the deceased and uploaded them onto > Facebook. > He was jailed for his own safety as a backlash was > feared. He was arrested and held in custodgy purportedly for his own safety. He's been given a custodial sent for misuse of communications media. It appears he's a local resident, who was reportedly making cups of tea for firefighters. It's been suggested that he may have thought he was "helping", after the body was left outside his flat for ~2hrs. A custodial sentence is totally out of proportion for his crime, paricularly in light of the tragedy he witnessed, and the scale of the potential corporate manslaughter now unfolding.
  3. ...does your child's primary school allow party invitations to be handed out in class? What kind of issues do you see because of your school's policy, or lack thereof?
  4. yeknomyeknom Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I wonder if these would work I. This weather. > Maybe stuck to a pillow of teddy rather than them? > Anyone tried? > > https://www.tesco.com/groceries/product/details/?i > d=254470779&sc_cmp=ppc*GHS+-+Grocery+-+New*PX+%7C+ > Shopping+GSC+%7C+Top+Offers*PRODUCT+GROUP254470779 > *&gclid=CJOdzIzTytQCFd2p7QodkC4HMQ&gclsrc=aw.ds Tried these a while back... they only really stick to skin, not fabric. They definitely didn't last 8 hours, but they are soothing for a while.
  5. Townleygreen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Saffron said: Forest Hill > > No, Saffron, it's in Sydenham The infant school has a postal address in FH, the junior school in Sydenham. They're about 5 min apart bc Sydenham borders FH. I understood the described incident involved the infant school. In any event, I hope it was reported and resolved. xx
  6. Ros Parker from the Bedlam Bunch is a dance and theatre professional with many years of experience. The Bedlam Bunch are excellent for interactive parties. https://thebedlambunch.co.uk/
  7. Fishing for a comeback...? I guess, trolling? Maybe Seabag was referring to the fact that you joined to post a rant. But tbh, this forum was practically built on gold star rants, and I'd give yours pretty fair marks. :-) If you weren't fishing, then perhaps suggest to Seabag to, um, get back in the sea? :-D My daughter is only 7, but she drives me %?#@!$~ nuts. She's nothing like me... oh dear, now I know how my mother felt. >>hangs head>groan<<
  8. Cats cradle has just made a comeback at my daughter's school.
  9. No good deed goes unpunished, eh? Some people are just sh1ts. You did the right thing. I hope your week gets better. xx
  10. Saffron

    8 June

    Just came across this... https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/jun/10/campaign-a-poem-by-carol-ann-duffy-exclusively-for-the-guardian
  11. Alan Medic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This is a large shop in Lewisham. I only drive > there so you would need to check out transport > links. > > http://supremeanimalfoods.co.uk/ The P4, 122 and 484 stop in Lewisham near the petshop. xx
  12. You're not obliged to let them in your property to read a meter if they turn up unannounced. You can send them away and request an appointment on a specific day instead. xx
  13. Sainsbury's caf? New Cross Gate has a swap planned for this Saturday 10th, 3-4pm. xx
  14. A few months old but still relevant: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-meyerson-trump-state-conflict-20170201-story.html Trump could punish liberal states like California by withholding federal payments. But California could counter by withholding federal taxes, or adding state tax to imports, such as vehicles that do not comply to CA's strict emissions laws.
  15. It's 10am on a Friday, and I'm out of popcorn already.
  16. Mayor of Pittsburgh Bill Peduto hits back at Trump over Paris: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/pittsburgh-mayor-pledges-to-adhere-to-paris-agreement/article/2624732
  17. http://www.yourtravelclinic.co.uk/PriceList.php# Patmos Road, SW9. CP jab is ?70, you need 2x doses. xx
  18. Ladies and gentlemen: covfefe* *Sadly not coffee flavoured toffee, but could score you bigly on Scrabble.
  19. Bit of a trek, but if you fancy a change of scenery one Saturday morning, Brockley Market on Lewisham Way has decent veg stalls. xx
  20. malumbu Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just reminds me of the odd time I travel on the > tube (or at a gig) when occasionally someone > shoves their way through and even at my advanced > age I give them a little shove, elbow, kick. Was > gobsmacked - we know the bloke is no statesman but > this is just bullying (and makes the nation a > laughing stock). Shame the chap from Montenegro > didn't deck him one! Wonder what the excuse will > be this time. I'd likeep to think that Mentenegro chap has plotted some super passive agressive revenge. Maybe he's going to swap Trump?s well done steak for rare, or some chocolate cake from poundland.
  21. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Saffron Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Can you see a pattern?? > > Erm... no not really! Erm thanks, Jeremy...though to clarify, it was not a question I myself was asking! It was a quote making social media rounds. It was just somethig I found interesting/weird, i.e. that someone had found this pattern at all. As robbin notes, there are sadly many other bombings not included. I could have looked at all these dates for years and never come up with this. People are strange. Conspiracies abound, no doubt.
  22. Also making social media rounds: Are these ALL right? I spot checked a couple. Weird. Make of it what you will.
  23. I can't speak for the reliability of it, but screenshots of the account are circulating on social media. Search "twitter suspended terrorist account Manchester". The Express has also picked up the story...https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/uk/808077/Manchester-terror-bombing-explosion-attack-Ariana-Grande-manchester-arena-ISIS-twitter/amp
  24. Social media sites are saying that someone tweeted a warning about it 4 hours before the attack. The account has purportedly been disabled while police investigate.
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