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Everything posted by Saffron

  1. Respiratory tissues, and the lungs in particular, are very reactive tissues. The lungs can take a very long time to heal thoroughly. During this time cough may continue. Cough is also, as others suggested, sometimes a sign of asthma. In any event, acupuncture might help. Not all Chinese medicine is quackery. Some herb do have pharmaceutical properties, but you do need to get the diagnosis right. Do be sure to let your GP etc know what herbs your son might take, as some can have interactions with conventional medicines. Good luck.
  2. Yes it does a bit, if you dress that way everyday! (And I have to say I would envy the organisational skills required to do so!! If I get one set of socks in this house to match, I'm generally pretty pleased.) I need matching outfits for an art project photoshoot. I would like to buy locally, but if I can't find anything affordable, then I will have to source elsewhere. :'( xx
  3. kittysailing Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Pur-lease! Hahahahaha! I DID warn you!! :)) Some of them ARE really ghastly, but I like the black and white shift dresses. And I was thinking more of dressing Little Saff like me, than dressing myself in baby-style clothes. ;-) GinaG3 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oh how very American. If I remember rightly my > aunt used to do this with my cousin.. > I'd look uber cool if I dressed like my little > girl I must say. Actually this tradition stems from Medieval Europe, where children were viewed as miniadults as soon as they could walk and were then dressed as such. (Although admittedly some now seem to have it the other way around... mum dressed as baby instead.) > > You could find maybe a trainee seamstress or > someone in college studying that would do 2 > dresses for under ?100.. Surely? That's a good idea. I'll look into it. xx
  4. Sorry in advance if this sort of thing isn't your cuppa (and yes, some of their stuff is a bit OTT!)... but the plain ones are rather nice if you like that sort of matchy-foofy holiday look... (if not, this is deffo not the site for you)... http://dollyandme.com/mother-daughter.asp Dolly&Me is a US site, and with the Dollar trading so low at the moment, even to order overseas will still likely work out less than ?100 for mum and daughter dresses! (Does anyone know a local seamstress who does similar for a competitive price?) xx
  5. Could nitrites in urine also just be due to high protein turnover in pregnancy, and not nec infection? In any even, I second cranberry. I had UTI so bad I was bleeding. I used concentrated cranberry from a tin instead of tablets, and it worked very well.
  6. Buggy Pit Stop should be able to do it. http://www.buggypitstop.co.uk/default.html Only drawback is that I think they are a small company, so sometimes they get busy and don't get back to you immediately. You just have to pester them a bit. They are very nice and don't seem to mind. (I pestered them a lot, but they were the only place that came through with the spares I needed for my Bugaboo!)
  7. Would love a meet-up! (Missed the last one due to sicky baby/husband.)
  8. I have a copy of the No-Cry Sleep Solution (and No-Cry Nap Solution, and Good-Sleep Guide) that I'd be happy to lend.
  9. Ditto what HH said, although Little Saff started solids around 5.5 mo. But even at nearly 10 mo, still bfing 5+ times a day sometimes. Can you find a sling to breastfeed in? I foung this really helpful. I had a ring sling, but I think there are even better ones out there if you look.
  10. Helen GV Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Thankfully she settles and sleeps while > in the baby bjorn (makes me wonder about reflux > too..) What kind of baby bed does your little one sleep in? Little Saff has outgrown her Amby baby hammock. The baby hammock is highly recommended for colic, wind, and reflux b/c of the way it craddles the baby in a gentle curve with the head slightly higher than the feet. You're welcome to give it a try for a few weeks, and if you like it, I'd be happy to sell it very cheaply. If it doesn't help, I'll just chuck it back in storage, nothing lost. xx Saff xx
  11. Well, those pants are no filthier than the banking system.
  12. There are lots of good baby groups in the area. I like Baby Sensory. Check their website for a class near you. http://www.babysensory.com/en/Find_A_Class.aspx Ditto for Water Babies... http://www.waterbabies.co.uk/ Also there are free NCT coffee mornings at Push Studios off Lordship Ln. The next one is Friday 29th Oct. If memory serves, they usu run from about 11:00 to 1:00. xx
  13. Saffron


    ...and if you thought the undergraduates were bad, you should check out the postgrads!
  14. Saffron


    >miserable looking, and probably > mistreated, animals dressed up for childish > entertainment. OMG, that was my graduation ceremony 4 yrs ago!
  15. Speaking purely hypothetically, it would seem that vaccine overload must at some point be a possibility. Paracelsus, the father of modern toxicology, said that all things are toxins; there is nothing that is not a toxin; dose alone determines toxicity. So -- hypothetically -- there must come a point after X number of simultaneous immunizations where the induced effect of the vaccine becomes toxic on some level. And -- hypothetically -- pharmacogenomics would suggest that different individuals, by the nature of their different genomes, will express differential risk. How these hypotheses come into play in the general public at the current level of vaccine administration is an unknown quantity. As it stands, the MMR appears to be a safe and effective immunization for most people. More should be done to understand what constitutes a risk and to identify at risk individuals, so that they could be offered the choice of single vaccines. It's not wrong to express concern and to bring pressure for more and better research. Although, in the current economic climate, there's unlikely to be much support for this financially... ah but that's probably another thread.
  16. Yep, HH is correct... sometimes no one is right. Wakefield is not the evil genius he was made out to be (he is neither evil, nor a genius). It is a simple case of hubris. Had he been more willing to temper his findings, report his conflicts of interest, and collect and present his data properly in the first place (and shame on the other authors of the paper who didn't pick up on some of this sooner!), then he would not have been crucified in the media. As it stands, it's a shame that the media frenzy this controversy created has led to a general distrust of vaccines both in the Western World and the Third World. I'm not sure how I feel about vaccine overload. I don't know of any data to say definitely it exists. I also don't know of any data to say definitely it doesn't exist. The jury is still out on this one. If you think you or someone you know has suffered side-effects from any vaccine, medication, or medical device, you can report this in the UK through the Yellow Card Scheme. http://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/faqs/
  17. Single vaccines are less cost effective to pharmaceutical companies b/c they have a high production value, but low return. That is b/c they have to be individually produced and packed, which costs more than combined production and packaging. However, very few are sold, as the combined MMR is the current product of choice. So the cost-analysis doesn't work out in favour of single vaccine production in this case. As for efficacy of single v combined, both single and combined preparations would have been legally required to be tested as such in animal models before entering the market for human use. If safety and efficacy cannot be demonstrated in animals to an acceptable level, the products cannot enter the commercial market. And finally, Saila, I totally agree... the real idiot here is Andrew Wakefield, making the whole scientific community look bad. What a jerk.
  18. taper Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Single vaccines would be less > effective than MMR and there is no evidence > that they would be safer. It's the wording that's misleading. When one speaks of effect pharmacologically, it is important to distinguish between efficacy and patient compliance. Just because patient compliance is low does not mean single immunizations are less effective pharmacologically. Also, just because it is true that compliance could very well be low, and multiple injections are more invasive than single injections, does not negate the fact that single injections are not cost effective to pharmaceutical companies. I have no problem with the MMR, but I do think it's worth debating openly. As for the compliance argument, just for the sake of argument, this principle can be turned on its head. For example, if single injections were avaialble, parents who now opt out of the combined MMR, could have to opportunity to opt in to any single injection; thus increasing uptake in this group.
  19. taper Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What choice? Single jabs? Not as effective From where is this derived? Just curious. I'm not aware of any immunological data presenting single v multiple injections as any different. When I looked into it (a few years ago, I admit), the reason I found single jabs not widely available was that they are not cost effective.
  20. Halloween is the 31st. That is a Sunday. Any one knocking my door for trick-or-treat on the Saturday will only get the trick end of the deal! ;-) saff
  21. A lactation consultant told me that dummies can be helpful for little babies, because they stimulate saliva production. The extra saliva helps to soothe the digestive system. More's the pity that Little Saff never took much to a dummy, and when we did use one, we always popped it out just before she fell to sleep. Then at 6 mo, she gave up the dummy on her own. Now at 9 mo, I wish she still took a dummy, as only boob get her off to sleep! She went through a period where she was sleeping very poorly, and I was up sometimes 5+ times a night to nurse her. Oh how I longed to be able to just plug in a dummy. Good luck whatever decision you make, and try not to stress about it. x Saff x
  22. Try to avoid times when you know there will be lots of school kids on the bus!
  23. Saffron


    womanofdulwich Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I see where you are coming from - but you can > drive,walk in a straight line or work safely after > sex or gambling- regardless of how much you have > consumed ( to a point anyway!). However with drugs > and alcohol you cannot. So let's ban cars... ;-)
  24. Saffron


    Also, medical marijuana has been used to treat many different conditions, and research on endocanabinoid receptors is currently illucidating novel analgesic pathways.
  25. Saffron


    Tarot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What is the purpose of [sUB: ALCOHOL]? It makes people > mentally impotent,paronoid. broke,slaves,and > basicly. and selfish. I heard once there was to be > a trial once for M.S patients.Dont know how far > they got with that. Also had an horendous ride > once in a minicab with someone who was out of his > head. Till I made him stop. What a bain on life it > is. That is before the crime it causes. What an > awful habit. OR IF YOU PREFER... > What is the purpose of [sUB: NICOTINE]? It makes people > mentally impotent,paronoid. broke,slaves,and > basicly. and selfish. I heard once there was to be > a trial once for M.S patients.Dont know how far > they got with that. Also had an horendous ride > once in a minicab with someone who was out of his > head. Till I made him stop. What a bain on life it > is. That is before the crime it causes. What an > awful habit. ...ALSO WORKS WITH 'GAMBLING', 'SEX', AND 'TELEVISION'. NOT MAKING A JUDGEMENT... JUST NOTING IT'S INTERESTING.
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