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Everything posted by Saffron

  1. charlottep, helena, et al, there is no value judgement, real or implied. Attachment parenting (different from attachment theory, as you correctly point out) is a flexible style of parent-child interaction that does allow for the incorporation of other parenting styles (eg, bottle feeding, non-cosleeping). It doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing approach. In fact, some of the AP books give good tips on how to incorporate others practices into AP. I would still personally consider AP to be the opposite end of the spectrum from 'baby training' (eg Ford or Ferber) *as a parenting style* b/c abuse and neglect are not parenting styles, IMHO. Smiler, I think everyone would be welcome to an AP group, no? But sometimes it's nice to be supported by other people with similar ideas... and if their approaches are (possibly) different, maybe we learn something new from each other? Anyone been to the group in W London to see what it's like?
  2. Ann Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm with womanofdulwich on this one. I thought > attachment was a psychological process in normal > child development not a style of parenting, will > have to google it myself. > > I'm not against books on parenting at all but > surely instincts are the best guide? Sorry I'm > probably sounding a bit old fashioned, but > attachment parenting group almost implies that > other parents are non-attached? Attachment is a psychological process with three generally recognised outcomes: attached, non-attached, ambivalent. Following on from Jean Liedloff's theory of the continuum concept, attachment parenting as a style seeks the best ways to build a trusting and lasting bond between each parent and child as individuals. In general, AP encourages breastfeeding, babywearing, co-sleeping, and learning to read your baby's cues (belief in baby's cries). For many modern parents, my impression is that insticts get diverted among our hectic lives. AP is an approach to raising children which seeks to help parents tune into this; it is not about 'baby training'. It is not a strict set of rules. Many parents do practice elements of the AP style w/o even knowing it. (Also, Jean Leidloff's book is not a book on parenting. It is a dissertation of her personal observations in sociology.)
  3. Attachment parenting is the opposite end of the spectrum from Gina-Ford type parenting. Jean Liedloff's book 'The Continuum Concept' is the basis for what is now known as attachment parenting. You are welcome to borrow it from me. I don't know of any groups specifically for attachement parenting, but I would also be interested. xx
  4. Waiting for Sainsburys this evening, but it's probably for nothing. Website says adverse weather is affecting some deliveries. This happened last Dec too.
  5. berryberry Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > this is surely all too much information for a > public forum? Gel, cervix, pain? I mean fair > enough we've all been through it but by that stage > it is surely for the domain of partner or actual > birthing site. Has anyone had a baby literally on > the forum before? Hahahahaha-- Tip of the iceberg for this forum. Snow angels and snowmen are waiting to welcome your LO to the wintery world, Fuschia... come on babbbyyyy!!
  6. reren Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've got to take my 6 week old for bcg tomorrow - > he seems so tiny to put a live vaccine into but i > guess its a necessary evil given high rates of tb > locally? Should i expect him to be a bit unwell > afterwards - how long for? Wondered what others > experience has been? The NHS mandate is to vaccinate babies <12 mo for BCG. If your personal feeling is that 6 wks is too early, you are allowed to reschedule for a later date before you LO's 1st birthday-- or not at all -- your decision.
  7. Barring any unforseen bedtime explosions from Little Saff, I'd be up for it. xxx
  8. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!! xxx
  9. Could you have a blocked duct? A warm bath should help. xx
  10. We were told something similar by our HV. Little Saff was born on the 98th then dropped down to around the 20th. The HV was totally freaked out, and she kept saying my baby was 'losing weight'. How stupid do you have to be to confuse percentiles with mass???? My daughter was not losing weight. In fact she was slowly gaining weight. However, b/c her weight gain was slow, she was dropping in the percentiles. This means pretty much nothing. My LO was (and is!) a happy, healthy little girl. Recommendation from a dietitian to add formula milk (we were exclusively breastfeeding), I found preposterous. There is no benefit to a healthy bf infant to add formula milk, IMO. I did however, book an app w a private paediatrician (after we were told it could take weeks to see someone on the NHS), more to reassure Mr Saff than anything. The doc gave Little Saff a good going over, pulse, breathing, joints, weight, etc. He said she was completely normal... for ?200! Eek. Oh well. Unless your baby is sick in some way, I wouldn't bother w a dietitian or a paediatrician. Trust your instinct. If you do decide to go private, you are not then stuck in the private system. In addition, if a private practitioner does pick up something unusual in your LO, s/he can write a letter of recommendation to your regular NHS GP. Hope that helps. xx Saff xx PS: Now 10 months on, the HVs are saying Little Saff is too big, and we should reduce our feeds! Gimme a break already!! I'm totally ignoring the HV this time. As far as I'm concerned, the only useful thing we got out of our HVs so far was a couple of free baby books.
  11. Keef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I suspect it would be a wasted badge, as I'm never > about to go to any groups in dulwich. Perhaps I'll > wear an "I like beer" badge. And if any of you > friendly mums see me in a pub, you can feel free > to come and buy me a drink and have a chat ;-) My husband would deffo wear one of those!
  12. I'm not affluent or healthy. Edited to say, You won't be taking a badge then new mother??? ;) xx Saff xx PS: Still not healthy or affluent... and as of tomorrow, young is up for debate too.
  13. So much snow on Hilly Fields today, I kept getting 'ice-lock' on the buggy wheels :-0
  14. Checking into dates with Fiona... Looking at Tuesdays or Wednesdays... will also ask about evenings. Cheers xx Saff xx
  15. Following on the birth of Little Saff nearly a year ago, my make-up routine went from absolutely beautiful, to absolutely abominable! Five minutes is REALLY all I can spare for make-up, and I'd like to learn how to make the most of it. I asked my friend and very talented make-up artist Fiona Tanner about doing capsule parties for a 5-min face. Here's her reply: 'I can do ?15.00 per person up to 4 people and ?12 for 6 or more. I can bring a small kit. If the ladies bring their make up bags then I can advise on each-if they explain their routine I can offer helpful hints- It takes about 20-30mins per person. -Best Fiona ' A couple of friends have already expressed interest, and I'm happy to host at mine. Get back to me with your thoughts (wk day/wknd?, morning/afternoon?) if you want to join the fun. :-) xx Saff xx
  16. Hahahah :-D How lovely! xx
  17. Yes, totally agree with Fuschia and GG3 :-) If he's asking to nurse, he may be asking for comfort as much as milk. (and bravo on the sign language!) xx
  18. embo71 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > i have written a note on the door saying: > knock loudly as have a baby and sometimes cant > hear knocker BUT not after 7pm when baby is > sleeping..... > > > it seems to work..?!?! i think any door to door > salesman think 'mad mum answering door? no thanks' > and dont knock at all and anyone else we know and > they can ring us first... Hmmm, perhaps I'll get one of those 'Beware of Dog' signs, and cross-out the 'Dog' to read 'Beware of MUM'!
  19. Have you tried hanging a sign over the knocker to say 'Baby Sleeping'? Oddly, Little Saff is usu ok with the door, but it always makes me jump! As for leaflets, don't even get me started. Imagine tryin to get buggy and baby out the door, with out letting naughty cat out the front, while sliding all over a pile of leaflets the size of Mont Blanc. Arrrgh.
  20. pebbles Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > hysterical, i have just chuckled out loud and gone > quite red (hubby looked very baffled) at the > thought of all of us walking around ed wearing > badges. love it, want to do it, but still feeling > a little red about it - if that makes sense!! > > ok, maybe a bit more expensive but how's about a > crocheted flower brooch??? - however seeing as i > live in tracky bums and fleeces i think a badge > would actually suit me a lot better?? > > or what about a badge but something smaller than > that?? > > i'll do a bit of searching now Little sterling silver charm pins??? ...could ask Lisa Moss (the silver smith on Nx Rd) to design something classy and wearable? (Alternatively, I'm up for wearing a badge on my track suit. xx)
  21. There is an excellent private walk-in clinic at Waterloo Station. I think they charge around ?60, though haven't been there recently. I went there a couple of years ago when we had just moved house and weren't registered locally. They were very friendly.
  22. supergolden88 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Feel so bad over this and coupled with lack of > sleep it's a recipe for lots of tears! Oh no, SG88, hang in there! :-) We had a sim problem with Little Saff around the same age. I wonder if it is something developmental like pH change related to growth of the GI tract...? Warm, dry air helped to clear up her rash. If your LO doesn't mind the sound, a hair dryer on low-low setting can get the skin really warm and dry before you apply nappy cream. Also Little Saff found a bath very soothing. Do you have a Tummy Tub? The Tummy Tub made bathing Little Saff safe and easy even by myself. I think you can order them from NCT/Mothercare websites. xx
  23. Does anyone else need a 5-minute face? I'm down to a few knobbly bits in the bottom of my make-up bag, and I haven't bought any make-up from a proper cosmetics counter in ages. I'm not vain, but I'd like to be able to whip something on my face that would help me feel more priceless than worthless. With Little Saff nearly walking, half-hour of careful liquid eyeliner application is not on the cards. My friend Fiona is a brilliant make-up artist. She did the make-up for my wedding (the day before Little Saff was born, as some of you know). She's just recently started doing capsule make-up parties. I've been thinking to get her round to do one for the post-baby ladies (or men? she doesn't discriminate!). I'm not sure how busy she is in the run-up to holidays, or how much she would charge. But if anyone would be interested, I'd be happy to enquire and arrange a time and place. xx
  24. Freudian ear slip!
  25. If you find you don't get much expressing from just one breast at a time, try a double pump. I laughed at these when I first saw them, but I get better let-down when I express simultaneously. Also, if you have a very sucky baby -- like I did/do! -- try a bottle with a slower teat. Otherwise, baby just gulps down all the milk in one quick go. I have two breastflow bottles you're welcome to have if interested. xx
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