Just to pick up on this thread - I am an East Dulwich mother-of-one and among other things volunteer at Save the Children, who are now working with Beanstalk on this programme and are looking for volunteer reading helpers for Southwark schools. This can have a real and positive impact on children's confidence, self-esteem and life chances; as womanofdulwich said, it's an opportunity to feel good for free! You would be volunteering twice a week for 90 minutes at a time (not including travel time), and would be assigned 3 children whom you'd see twice a week for 30 minutes each, for a year. You would do it within school hours, term-time only, and it's school-based. The school would be in Southwark and the application form asks you to indicate which area would suit you best. Because it?s a literacy programme you do need to have strong literacy yourself and be fluent in English. I fully appreciate that the fact that it's during school hours means it's not possible for many, but if you are interested and would like to find out more without making any commitment, please PM me. You can also read more about it here: http://www.beanstalkcharity.org.uk/reading-helpers Thanks!