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Everything posted by danielgriffiths

  1. I have complained for the last 3 years & network rail do not seem to give a $hit! Some trains screech others do not, which makes me think it is a problem with some trains. The only thing I can think is if more people complain something might be done...call Network Rail (08457 114141) and log a complaint and something might be done...
  2. Hi Barry, Some months ago I posted a thread asking about the screeching trains on the stretch of line behind Copleston Road, you said there was to be some engineering works to replace track. I have not seen any works since the post and wandered if you had an update? Thanks
  3. Brilliant! Made my day... thank you so much!
  4. Posted by: Huguenot Today, 06:42AM danielgriffiths making a sound play for the 'absolute nonsense' award there... "When ever we were shown around the house that we were to buy there were no planes flying overhead... No one mentioned it. We saw the house 6 or 7 times before we moved in and got quite a shock" The planes go every 2 minutes, and the estate agents don't have the schedule. If you didn't hear it, it was because you didn't notice it. Nobody stitched you up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hummmmm.... Well it is so nice to be called a liar by an absolute stranger. Thank you, you are such a good example to the children of today. I stick by my story - Would also like to say that we moved to our new house from a few streets away... Yes that is right!! What idiots we must have been not to have seen the planes in ED for the year we lived here before!!!!! Must have had $hit in our ears to miss them! The level of noise from one part to another is quite different. Unfortunatly for us the planes use our roof to line up on their run for Heathrow. And I think we all know that we have on and off weeks when the flight plans change. If people are happy to just switch off the noise great. We are told that there is nothing we can do about it, so lets just all roll over and let the govt and corporate world $crew us into submission. If people are unhappy or concerned about something they should talk about it, engage in society and change things. I don't have the answer for the plane noise or any other problem in society but by discussing it we might find some solutions. I thought that was the whole idea of the ED Forum. Or is it just for people to share insults?
  5. To all those who think the noise has got too loud from the screeching trains call Network Rail (08457 114141) and log a complaint. It won't hurt if we at least make a noise about it!!!!! The noise has got louder, it is a fact - maybe if you have lived here for years and can just turn off you don't notice it. The only way the people in charge know there is a problem is if we all tell them. I know SM BJones is telling his bosses but if we all call Network Rail as well I am sure we will get a better and sooner result. If not then we go to our local councilor.
  6. To all those who think the noise has got too loud from the screeching trains call Network Rail (08457 114141) and log a complaint. It won't hurt if we at least make a noise about it!!!!! The noise has got louder, it is a fact - maybe if you have lived here for years and can just turn off you don't notice it. The only way the people in charge know there is a problem is if we all tell them. I know SM BJones is telling his bosses but if we all call Network Rail as well I am sure we will get a better and sooner result. If not then we go to our local councilor.
  7. PandG HI and welcome to the area! I have to say some of the comments I have seen posted in response to your ligit question are rude and I am quite shocked! I would like to think that when someone moves into a new area they are welcomed with open arms and not childish comments! You have a very good point - When I moved into the area I too was shocked at the level of noise from the aeroplanes. When ever we were shown around the house that we were to buy there were no planes flying overhead... No one mentioned it. We saw the house 6 or 7 times before we moved in and got quite a shock when one morning a 5.30am planes started flying over the house. We have been here 6 years and you do get used to it, it is not all the time and if it bothers you so much do what we did and put in acoustic glass which helps a bit in the morning. Cheers Dan
  8. Grease pots lubricate the side of the wheels or tracks to a certain extent to reduce track friction. This in turn should reduce the Screeching noise. I think some trains have grease pots on them or some are situated beside the tracks... (Sorry Yawn..!!) Have you noticed that some of the trains Screech and others do not...? It must be that some have greased wheels and others don't. I know we all live by the side of a railway line and were probably aware of this fact when we moved in but there must be something the train operators can do to reduce the discomfort of the Screeching trains. Especially if some are noisy and others are not. I don't think it will harm if all those who think the noise is too much call Network Rail (08457 114141) and log a complaint.
  9. Considering you are closer to East Dulwich station than most of East Dulwich, it is odd that you do not actually live in East Dulwich! SE15 is Peckham but apparently quite a few years ago Copleston Road and some of the surrounding streets used to be SE22 and then they changed it! It is also interesting to note that the difference in a house price between SE15 & SE22 is quite substantial. We got a lot more for our money moving to "Peckham" I guess all of the post code snobs are ultimately losing out on the larger and cheaper houses with the nice gardens!!
  10. Hi Barry, We called the national help line on this number. 08457 114141 We have had several phone calls with them and got reference numbers etc but they are pretty poor at responding and we just seem to get fobbed off! They said we are on a shallow bend so there is no reason for the screeching and they said they carried out a track inspection last year and could find nothing wrong with it but would fill the grease pots. I have stood on the road bridge and looked down the tracks and I am no expert but they do look slightly buckled to me which I am sure causes the noise? Anything you could do would be a great help as the screeching was not like this when we first moved in so something has deff changed in the last 5 years. Thanks again Dan
  11. I think they have grease pots that help, or they can lay new track that isn't buckled..
  12. Does anyone who lives on Copleston Road or the roads surrounding think the screeching the trains make is too much? We have complained to network rail and they do not seem to care... If more people complain maybe they will do something about it?
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