Posted by: Huguenot Today, 06:42AM danielgriffiths making a sound play for the 'absolute nonsense' award there... "When ever we were shown around the house that we were to buy there were no planes flying overhead... No one mentioned it. We saw the house 6 or 7 times before we moved in and got quite a shock" The planes go every 2 minutes, and the estate agents don't have the schedule. If you didn't hear it, it was because you didn't notice it. Nobody stitched you up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hummmmm.... Well it is so nice to be called a liar by an absolute stranger. Thank you, you are such a good example to the children of today. I stick by my story - Would also like to say that we moved to our new house from a few streets away... Yes that is right!! What idiots we must have been not to have seen the planes in ED for the year we lived here before!!!!! Must have had $hit in our ears to miss them! The level of noise from one part to another is quite different. Unfortunatly for us the planes use our roof to line up on their run for Heathrow. And I think we all know that we have on and off weeks when the flight plans change. If people are happy to just switch off the noise great. We are told that there is nothing we can do about it, so lets just all roll over and let the govt and corporate world $crew us into submission. If people are unhappy or concerned about something they should talk about it, engage in society and change things. I don't have the answer for the plane noise or any other problem in society but by discussing it we might find some solutions. I thought that was the whole idea of the ED Forum. Or is it just for people to share insults?