Posting this later than planned today, but not been at a computer all day...... While at Peckham Rye park this morning I met a builder on Colyton road who had found a stray dog, ( large brown dog wearing a decent collar and a muzzle) by the time I spoke to him he has contacted the police and RSPCA, who he was expecting to turn up at any moment. He had meantime tied the dog to the railings beside where he was working. A passing motorist stopped to say that she had seen the dog running madly and frightened at 4am as she went to work. She could not catch him and had worried for his safety. It turns out a further man caught the dog and asked the builders to keep him as he had to go to work. Anyway, I expected someone would have posted about this earlier in the day, but as no-one has I just wanted to alert anyone who has lost this dog to the fact he was found. Hope he finds his family again soon...