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  1. meister Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Please look again at Atticus's entry. He hasn't > even mentioned the sex of the assailants. Black > is the first descriptive word he has used to > describe them. Well Atticus (even myself) wouldn't of started the message with.... It was 3 males black or 3 females black........! At the end of the day 3 BLACK Youths committed this crime and it needs to be mentioned. Its one of the first questions the police would ask. No point looking for a white person if a black person has committed the crime.....
  2. Just to inform the local residents that my housemate was robbed this evening 22/02/ at Approx 10.05pm on Abbotswood Road opp Junction of Shaw Road SE22 by a male you approached her from behind put his arm around her neck and threw her to the ground taking her bag and phone etc. Unfortunately she didn't see the male from the front but all she can describe of him is being male, 6ft plus, wearing a black puff jacket with hood up, jeans, when he was running away. A large beige handbag was taken containing the usual female items including red shoes. I believe the purse has been found on Abbotswood Road by a neighbour. (posted on ED Forum) She had just got of the train at East Dulwich and had walked the length of St Francis road before turning into Abbotswood Road. There were a number of people in front of her at the time but they had all gone into properties or had walked up Burrow Road. Unfortunately she had her iPod on so wasn't able to hear anyone approaching from behind. She is safe and well. A little shaken with cuts and bruises. Not wanting to teach anyone to suck eggs..... but a reminder for us all that maybe before we get off at our train stop we take out our iPods and put them away and pay a bit of attention to our surrounding area when we head home. Thanks for reading and stay safe
  3. shots heard would have been tyres being shot out to stop vehicle moving off etc etc. If police had shot anyone it would of been all over the press within minutes and the same if shots were fired towards police officers. No doubt a gun was taken off the street in this stop and we will probably hear about it in the south London press at some point. I suppose we are lucky to have officers who place themselves in front of armed criminals to protect the public an people of south east London and further a field from the less desirable members of our community........... but no doubt someone will say the police were heavy handed and planted something in the car etc etc.....
  4. tyres shot out maybe?
  5. At the end of the day a bad man on London's street has been taken off them after being found in possession of a gun. 1) why has he got a gun? 2) what's he intending to do with it? Whatever happens, hats off to the police officer that made that decision to fire. If it wasn't for these brave cops people like Gangster Mark Duggan would be walking around the streets causing pain and grief to other families with the gun he carries. Even if he didn't fire first and pointed the gun at the officers they are well within all their rights to pull the trigger and shoot him. "Common Law" - Sect 3 Criminal Law Act You cant expect an armed cop to wait around all day telling an armed and dangerous man to put the gun down while it is pointing at him. At the end of the day the officers have the right to go home to there families etc like the rest of us after doing our job. I feel whatever the police do they are always blamed in one way and never really praised. Incidents were armed criminals are taken of the streets occur daily by our armed police and only in a few cases are shots fired. When was the last one...2008 was it in Chelsea. 3 years with no deaths! Next we will being moaning about our soldiers firing at the Taliban and killing them. It's exactly the same. if they point an Ak47 at you, you will want the soldier to pull the trigger first and kill them before he dies! Also lets not have any more stupid questions about why police didn't shoot him in the leg, arm etc....Grow up. Live by the sword die by sword!
  6. Bee man (joe) popped round tonight to have a look at the nest in the garden. Apparently the nest is massive. He informed me that bee's are Bumble Bee's not honey Bee's that i thought so he couldn't do anything. Was informed me that they are protected and you cant go around killing them. Pointed me in the direction of Bromley Bee Club. Spoke to a member of the club and have been advised to just leave them alone as they wont cause you any problems unless you disturb the nest. As the nest is in the compost bin they should have a happy summer before they die off at the end of the summer months.
  7. Many thanks bonniebird I have PM'd the bee man. bonniebird Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?9 > ,652867,654095#msg-654095 > found him, you have to pm him.
  8. Oh Yes that was my first idea.......Poke it and make them angry!!!!! I will contact the council Tarot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > For goodness sake dont poke it around,phone the > local council they will sort it out.
  9. Pottering around in the garden today and we have noticed that we have a bee's nest at the bottom of the garden in a compost bin. Any ideas or advice on how to get rid of it. many thanks
  10. James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'd be slighlty cautious about what a Police > officer tells you without knowing their > provinence. > If they're a member of the local Safer > Nieghbourhood Team then they will know if this > type of crime is on the rise at that location. > If it is from a member of the rapid response cars > then they're probably generalising for the whole > borough. I would think that it would have been the robbery squad that attended to Jess in this case. Believe they work out of East Dulwich police Station. If they say it is increasing in the area I would believe them. I think even if it was a member of the rapid response cars who informed her they would also be up to date with this type of crime and wouldn't just be making general statements as you suggest. Why would they compare crime in say " Elephant and Castle area to East Dulwich area". As a councillor I would expect your support for the police and what they say and tell us other than your general sweeping above statement about rapid response officers. Jess Sorry for the above rant at the councillor but i assume you were dealt with in a proffessional manner by the police. stay safe.
  11. I totally agree with everyones comments regarding the gym situation. It would be good of Fusion to at least give a discount on peoples membership for the 6 months as a good will gesture. I would assume that nearly everyone uses the gym who signs up for the annual membership. I realise that the pool being put out of action is an inconvience but having the gym shrunk massively is a major inconvience to alot of people and i feel i am now wasting my money as i am not able to use the weights / cardio machines i had access to when i bough my membership. Going to the gym now feels like it is in the lap of the gods if i am going to get to use any machines. Rook Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sorry I know this thread is supposed to be about > the pool, but the temporary gym situation is dire. > Someone has already given an accurate take but > basically everything is gone- certainly in > relation to the weights machines/facilities > > Smithie I was going to enquire about cancelling my > membership - but did you ask them about maybe > putting it on hold?Id be happy to do that until > after the work is done. Unfortunately I cant get > through but Ill let you know when I do. Id be > amazed if they expect you to still pay for what is > a pretty non existent gym > > James B - have you seen it? its not short term > pain its a con!!!
  12. Have live in ED for 3 years. Would recommend it to anyone. Happy hunting for a flat, you wont regret moving in to the area.
  13. Tobester999 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Have just seen the videos online, may not be a > popular viewpoint, but the soldiers who boarded > were violently attacked, and if you attack an > armed man, don't be surprised if he bites back... Totally agree with Tobester999. As a former soldier i would of done the same if i was geting attacked from all angles with iron bars etc. You cant tell me that if you get hit over the head you wont receive any serious injuries..including death. We all have the right to self defence. I didnt see the soldiers attacking people on the boat the moment they landed or shooting there way on to the boat. I am led to believe if the boats followed the Israel instructions offered days before to dock in there port and have the cargo checked they could then transport it in to Gaza by land. Maybe they had something to hide on that ship.... guns, rockets, explosives etc to be used on innocent civilians.
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