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  1. If you want to object to a planning application, write to the Planning Department at Southwark. They will consider all representations, but will only take it into consideration during the determination of the application representations which are based on planning policy grounds. Unfortunately saying "its ugly" probably wont hold much weight. If Members of the Planning Committee refuse the application on grounds which aren't based on statutory planning policy, it is likely to be successful at any appeal, at the cost to Southwark Council.
  2. I agree with Zebedee Tring. What they did is disgusting, but removing financial support is not going to help. It will make crime even more of a problem. How anyone things rioting in this manner is acceptable is beyond me. However, maybe we should be trying to get look at why and how kids are thinking this is ok to ensure there is not a repeat through future generations. That would be a productive way moving forward.
  3. Administrator I am all for only be factual but I do think that "riot events" in surrounding areas (Camberwell, Peckham etc) have a direct bearing on ED residents and should, for this purpose only, be allowed in this section. It affects how people travel home to ED etc so it is relevant. Hope you reconsider.
  4. James It is getting a little bit tiring that everything is "Southwark Council's fault". Ever since its turned to a Labour administration you have been all guns blazing against it. I understand, you are a Lib Dem politician, that's what you do, but I am sure a lot of people of this Forum want to know what is happening, and what is going to be done, and perhaps what you as a Cllr is going to do to try and ensure this doesnt happen again, rather than comments like "For Southwark Council to allow this style of working is beyond me". Its not helpful, and actually getting a little bit frustrating now.
  5. The land is designated as "other open space" in the Southwark Plan (the statutory development plan for the borough). These is afforded protection as open space, although it is not as highly protected as Metropolitan open space or borough open space. It would not appear the applicant has addressed this in the submission (I could be wrong) and this may be something you could object on. It might be that as it's now used as a car park the applicant is contending it is now developed land? A difficult one. I personally dont mind it - but I dont live in the immediate vicinity. However, there is a need for housing in the borough, and a need for affordable housing, both of which this will contribute to. There are not many large scale housing sites available or suitable in this area and so perhaps the redevelopment will not be a bad thing (although, as I said its not on my doorstep!).
  6. I didnt say it was boring. I was clearly just saying that it is starting to become a little bit terrifying for those who read it. Its not just a report on what crime has occured, it is all the commentry that goes with it. When I first moved I got burgled within 2 months of living in ED. Reading things like this make out that it is a scary, awful place to live, when in fact it's the opposite.
  7. This chain is becoming a little bit OTT I feel. It is a terrifying, horrible thing to happen. I understand its awful to be burgled. It happened to me last year. However, we live in London where the crime rate is, unfortunately, higher than a lot of other places. Its awful, but life goes on, and we need to stop living in fear. Take the practical measures and be vigilent. There are people in this world that do horrible things but this thread is not going to stop that, and it doesnt help reading about it every day. Its on forums like this that everyone suddenly thinks that the crime rate is sky high. In other areas people dont hear about break ins happening every day, but no doubt they are. Its good that people want to do things to help, but this chain isnt doing that. It is panicking people.
  8. If you call southwark and report the wall then an enforcement notice could be issued. However, on the basis that a planning application has been submitted Southwark Council will not be required to enforce any action until this has been determined. A lot of people apply for permission retrospectively at their own risk. If planning permission isnt granted then the wall will need to be removed at the applicant's cost (subject to the outcome of any possible appeal which they could submit). Im not sure reporting it will do much good at this stage. Best bet is to keep an eye on whether the application is approved and if not then report it.
  9. I never thought I'd hear people moaning about providing school children with free meals! Whilst in Dulwich there may people who can afford to feed their children healthy meals, this isnt the deal across the board in Southwark, or across the country. Yes, I know it's means tested at the moment but I reckon there are families out there who dont fall into this category but would really benefit from this. I dont think it can equate to a waste of money when reserach has shown it helps improve childrens s concentration at school etc.
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