Dear Whoever is responsible for this work. What a complete balls up! A little feedback from a pedestrians point of view: 1. The "green man" is on for approx 3 seconds. Nowhere near enough time for a grown adult to cross the road, let alone the elderly or young. Completely idiotic. 2. No audible bleep to indicate that it's safe to cross. A basic requirement of any new system surely??? 3. Green man signal confusing/hard to detect from some vantage points. At most crossings, the Green Man is ahead of, and above one's eyeline, here they are at waist level so nobody notices it. 4. It seems like two sets of North/South traffic is allowed to flow between each pedestrian request. WHY? In short, the situation is miles worse than before they started. Utter RUBBISH. Please ask council to re-configure the timings asap.