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Everything posted by BelowtheBelt
:-$ Been a long time since I looked into these forums ... still fairly informative and interesting. I might just come back again sometime ... when I am sober :))
I thought that I did ? I gave a very watered-down question ?? Hmnn, maybe we are not ready to start asking the kind of questions that truly should be asked ... ???
Yes, Mic Mac, but tonight I am somewhat plastered, as you can probably tell from the constant stream of mispelt/mistyped words I can typing - well, it either this lappy keyboard I am not used to or my fingers which have been affected by copious amounts of Vodka this evening not keeping up with my brain's though processes ?:-$ This all means that I feel little inhibition tonight ... and I hail from a less than privelleged background and grew up within the very community of which I speak - and it hurts me deeply to see how badly it has all deteriorated over the last twenty years !
' looks like you answered your own question just a few moments after you asked it...suggest you carry on chatting with yourself on this one... ' ha, yes I am doing a good job of doing this tonight, eh ?! Oh well ... where did that bottle Vodka hit the ground ???
Yes, Horsebox, intervention programmes do have their place ... and they will help those that are willing and have the mindset to change their outlook and ways. However, for every one that is turned, there are many others whom shun any notion of fair-play and decency ... so, fo thesem what do we do ? Tell me ?? Do we continue with the apporach we currently have that is failing miserably on a national level ??? Please do enlighten me here ????
Why do we have so many young black men turning to mugging ? I am sure there must be many white ones out there too ( even asians ), but they are really commented on. That is the point being made, no more or less ...
' The crime figures for Southwark have gone down in the last five years. ' ... and violent crime and offences against the person ? Listen, you can get stats to say whatever you want .. and reading through many of these threads and you often pick up on the fact that many do not want to report their experiences - apply this to those not even frequenting these forums and how many do you think then go unreported around here in Dulwich ? Truly ??
I won't shed any tears for this nasty piece of human scum ! The only injustice of it is that it wasn't committed by some poor, young afflicted person of colour that suffered at that evil shyt's hands before his death !! Grrrhhhhh !!!!
My wife has advised me that there is a drugged up white couple that she has seen trying to attempt to pick-pockett people as they wait to get on the bus inPeckham on her way back from work, but that's all I know of thus far ? For all of your info, these two are a scraggley couple and very skinny, wearing tatty old clothes and baggy jackets ( sorry, vague, I know, but that's about all she has ).
Amd, yes, I was joking about going out and pounding the streets in number ... It is a nice idea, but unworkable in practise, I feel. You would always get someone that would evetually overstep the mark or reasonable and lawful conduct, especially when it comes to a lawful apprehension ... then the whole thing is buggered from that point on. But like many of of you on here, I do feel that the way our legal system deals with violent youth crime must drastically change in order to affect their ways and attitudes for the better ....
The problem is, our system does not work. Until we get 'more brutal' - yep, I darn well said it - with many of these young thugs, then little will change ! Sorry, but all the 'lilly-livered liberal-lets-try-and-understand-them' approach has failed and will continue to do so. The problem for many of these youth is that they have already degraded themselves to a violent state of mind and trying to re-programme them is nigh on impossible when you are doing it with little more than empty threats and harsh words ( although I don't even think many of them get this ?!! ). Much of the behaviour has little to do with 'utter need' and is bourne out of downright dissrespect and evil motives, nothing more or less.
'Strength in numbers', Horsebox - I wouldn't head out unless we had a 50 strong crew - more than enough to overwhelm a local thief or six, you know ! I hear you ... and , yes, it is difficult to respond within the remit of the law ( but if the Police are failing to keep us safe, then we soon reach a point o critical mass ( I would argue this was reach long ago ) and that people power can seriously intimidate when it is done in number. However, there is always the fear of reprisal thereafter, sadly ...
Really sorry to hear of your dreadful experience, Dean. I am getting rather concerned at the number of certain types of youth that seem to apear on this forum related to some crime or other. I think it might be an idea to get a group together who walk around the streets of Dulwich in the late/early hours of Fri/Sat and Sunday ... not quite vigilantes, but along the lines of a serious community care group who will effect citizens arrest where necessary. Just a thought ... Any volunteers ?
Hmnn, this is all rather sad but has me very curios about something. I recently was looking for a cheap second hand peddle-around on Gumtree ... and there is some guy on there who is listing a rather unusual number of bikes for sale in the Dulwich area ( do a quick search at Gumtree and you'll find him ... goes by the name of 'Ian' according to the list ). I recently called the number that was listed and got a rather odd chap answering who was very evasive about answering any questions about the bikes being sold in terms of their history and sounded somewhat decidedly 'street'. Might be of help to you, or then again noe at all ? Either way, I am very sorry to hear that you boy had his bike taken by such pond-life ! The Estate right next to Fireman's Alley does have some very well know to the police unsavoury hoodlums living in there ... wouldn't surprise me if the shyt concerned actually lived in the place ( 'spitting on their own doorstep' means nothing to these idiots ! ).
Only one thing to say about this : bring back David Tennant !
Haye has very good potential to make a real mark in the division. However, he needs to get a little more belief in himself. He just beat the snot out of an aging - but still tough - John Ruiz ( as I had predicated he would ). Still, this only really will result in a few others taking a bit more note, especially over the pond where it matters most to be 'noted'. There will be greater pressure now of the Klit Brothers to actually accept a bout with Haye. Personally, i strongly feel that Haye must go for the younger brother, Wlad, first ... He has a very weak chin and Davids speed and power will take care of Wlad in double quick time. Then this gives Haye good leverage to setup a real big 'mega-bucks' tussle with the elder - and much tougher - Vitali. I would take haye to beat Vitali, but he will need to work very hard to bring about either a late stoppage or a split-decision win.
When you're penis starts arguing with your rectum about who has the most pressing need to go first >??
Me :))
Ha, ha, haaaa ... Now there's a thought !
Sort yourselves out ... we have no business claiming it regardless. Geographically speaking it is more than just a bit of a liberty for us to be claiming it, isn't it ?!!
Or maybe it's just because the person is a plain nuts ??
Well what is true freedom ? That is the question you must try and ultimately define ?? It does not have a singular answer because it's perception will vary from place to place, people to people. Constraints will always exist where it is deemed necessary to maintain any given status quo ... Just a thought.
Simple answer tho this : turn their power off !
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