I must remind myself not to post on here so freely. Some of your remarks are just ridiculous. A 50/50 case? Do you actually live in the real world? If you don't know what you are talking about then I suggest you keep those didgets from the keyboard. Traffic lights were red and there is a queue of cars, I've stopped with enough gap for person to cross the road. Then bang, yes I can see how that was half my fault. And as for how the old bill will regard my behaviour for chasing him up a one-way street, well, I don't really care much what they think. And it was the very short one way bit at the start of Friern Road and he was creating a path as he was in front. Yes, next time I will just remember the number plate with my photographic memory and being able to read it backwards in my mirror within the space of 2 seconds. Good idea, thanks for that one. Then what if it is a stolen car? Sorry MisterM, it was a stolen car and you will have to wait 12 years to get fifteen pounds from a special fund. In the meantime if you just pay your own excess and keep quiet like a good little citizen. As you might just be able to tell I am a bit wound up. I'm only in a courtesy car because my own car was written off by a Hungarian artic lorry driver who lost concentration and completely squashed my car. I was not about to be stitched up again by this arsehole, hence the chase. I won't be posting again for any kind of support. This is not directed to everyone who replied on this thread of course.